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,PEP PRIMARY ENGLISH BOOK 8 Snow White and Seven Little Men ( Unit One: adjective and comparative ),单位:中堂镇第四小学 执教者:江伙梅,Little Man: Jack,Snow White,Whats she like ?,Whats he like?,Snow White is taller than Jack.,Jack is shorter than Snow White.,=,Jack,Have a match? ( 比一比?),Task 1 Who is faster? You / Little Men?,小矮人说原词( adjective ) , 同学们说比较级( comparative ) 。 记住,小矮人最喜欢比一比哟!,tall,taller,strong,stronger,old,older,young,younger,short,heavier,shorter,heavy,long,longer,big,bigger,small,smaller,thin,thinner,Little Men VS Class,Round One (第一场),tall,strong,taller,young,older,stronger,old,short,younger,heavier,shorter,long,heavy,longer,bigger,big,small,smaller,thinner,thin,Little Men VS Class,Round Two (第二场),Task 2 Lets find out (找规律),请同学们认真观察这些-er形容词,并分组讨论:我们是怎么样给这些单词加上er的?有什么规律(rules)?,How to add -er? Any rules?,shorter,long,young,old,short,heavy,tall,strong,big,small,thin,younger,older,heavier,taller,stronger,bigger,longer,smaller,thinner,tall,er,1.一般情况下在词尾直接加_。,er,big,g,er,2.重读闭音节词只有一个辅音字母结尾时, 应先_再加_。,er,双写结尾字母,heavy,3. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,先改 _为_,再加_。,y,i,er,i,er,long- hot- fat- thin- happy- pretty- funny- nice- white- fine-,hotter,longer,fatter,thinner,happier,prettier,funnier,Little Men VS Class,nicer,whiter,finer,Round Three (第三场),( adjective ),( comparative ),想一想,给下列形容词加上-er。,nice,r,4.以字母e 结尾的词,在词尾直接加_。,r,七个小矮人都很想把自己的年龄(age)、 身高(height)、体重(weight)告诉同学们。 我们也来比一比吧!,Task 3 Do you know us?,Group A VS Group B,I can listen. ( 听听看,完成表格。),How old ?,How tall ?,How heavy ?,44,42,60,92 cm,95 cm,85 cm,21 kg,23 kg,Round One (第一场),22 kg,I can say.( 两两对比,说说小矮人们的情况。),例: Peter is older than Ben.,Round Two (第二场),Ben is younger than Peter.,=,Task 4 Ask and answer (你问我答) 1. A组根据小矮人们想要知道的信息,为他们写好问题, 准备向B组提问。 2. B组认真阅读一篇介绍“Snow White“的短文,填好表格, 准备回答A组的问题。,Group A VS Group B,Snow White,Round Three (第三场),Task 4 Ask and answer (你问我答) 1. A组根据小矮人们想要知道的信息,为他们写好问题, 准备向B组提问。,Snow White,4.A: ? B: Shes 45 kg. 5.A: ? B: Her hair is about 20 cm. 6.A: ? B: She wears size 35. 7.A: ? B: She likes singing and dancing.,Task 4 Ask and answer (你问我答) 2. B组认真阅读一篇介绍“Snow White“的短文,填好表格, 准备回答A组的问题。,Snow White,B组的表格:,Snow White is a pretty girl.Shes eighteen years old.She has big eyes and long hair. Her hair is about 20 cm. Shes tall and thin. Shes 162 cm tall. Shes only 45 kg. Her legs are long. Theyre 82 cm long.Her feet are small. She wears size 35. She likes singing and dancing.Shes a kind and happy girl.,Task 4 Ask and answer (你问我答) 1. A组根据小矮人们想要知道的信息,为他们写好问题, 准备向B组提问。 2. B组认真阅读一篇介绍“Snow White“的短文,填好表格, 准备回答A组的问题。,Group A VS Group B,Snow White,Round Three (第三场),sing dancing,size 35,20 cm,45 kg,162 cm,18,Snow White,hobby,feet,hair,weight,height,age,name,Task 4 Ask and answer (你问我答),2. B组的表格:,4.A: ? B: Shes kg. 5.A: ? B: Her hair is about cm. 6.A: ? B: She wears size . 7.A: ? B: She likes and .,1. A组的问题:,1.A: ? B: Her name is Snow White . 2.A: ? B: She is years old. 3.A: ? B: Shes cm tall.,Whats her name,How old is she,How tall is she,How heavy is she,How long is her hair,How big are her feet,Whats her hobby,Task 5 Read and choose.,Group A VS Group B,Round Four (第四场),We have a new 1 now. She is Snow White .Shes very 2 . She has 3 hair. Her hair is about 20 cm.Shes eighteen years old.She is 4 than us. Shes 162 cm tall. Shes only 45 kg.Shes 5 and 6 than us. Her eyes are much 7 than our eyes. Her legs are 8 than ours,too.Theyre 82 cm long. But her feet are small. She wears size 35. She likes 9 and dancing .We all 10 her.,heavy, young, heavier, like, bigger, beautiful, friend, long, singing, longer, taller, younger,friend,long,beautiful,younger,taller,heavier,bigger,singing,longer,like,Task 6 Read and write.,Round Five (第五场),Bob: Snow White, Snow White, Im younger than Nick. I can be your friend. Nick: Snow White, Snow White, Im taller than Peter. I can be your friend. Peter: Snow White, Snow White, Im stronger than Tommy. I can be your friend.,Group A VS Group B,What about you ?,Task 6 Read and write.,Round Five (第五场),Bob: Snow White, Snow White, Im younger than Nick. I can be your friend. Nick: Snow White, Snow White, Im taller than Peter. I can be your friend. Peter: Snow White, Snow White, Im stronger than Tommy. I can be your friend.,Group A VS Group B,Snow White,Oh,my dear , you all can be my friends.,Everyone has his strengths and weakness! (尺有所短,寸有所长。),Draw the strengths to offset the weakness.(取长补短。),Homework,用几句话说一说你和你好朋友的年龄、身高、体重、爱好等。,Thank you!,风,没有衣裳;时间,没有居所;它们是拥有全世界的两个穷人生活不只眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方的田野。你赤手空拳来到人世间,为了心中的那片海不顾一切。 运动太多和太少,同样的损伤体力;饮食过多与过少,同样的损伤健康;唯有适度可以产生、增进、保持体力和健康。 秋水无痕聆听落叶的情愫红尘往事呢喃起涟漪无数心口无语奢望灿烂的孤独明月黄昏遍遍不再少年路岁月极美,在于它必然的流逝。 春花、秋月、夏日、冬雪。 你必汗流满面才得糊口,直到你归了土;因为你是从土而出的。你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土。 我始终相信,开始在内心生活得更严肃的人,也会在外表上开始生活得更朴素。在一个奢华浪费的年代,我希望能向世
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