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Unit 3 The world of science第一课时Starting out & Understanding ideas- 1 -第二课时Using language- 7 -第三课时Developing ideas & Presenting ideas- 17 -第四课时Writing实验报告- 24 -第一课时Starting out & Understanding ideas1press v. 按;压;逼迫 n. 按;压;印刷;新闻pressure n. 压力2shoot vt. 射出;放射shot过去式/过去分词shooting n. 枪击;枪杀3virtual adj. 虚拟的4flexible adj. 灵活的;可弯曲的;柔顺的flexibly adv. 灵活地5capable adj. 有能力的capability n. 能力,才能6desire n. 渴望;欲望;渴求 vt. 希望得到;想要desirable adj. 值得做的;满足需要的;可取的7stuff n. 东西;物品.短语互译1除此之外;另外 in_addition2多亏;由于 thanks_to3就而言 in_terms_of4而且 whats_more5work as 充当6start with 以开始7lead to 导致8by oneself 独自.经典句式1And now, we find_ourselves_in the great new age of technology.(P26)现在,我们发现自己身处伟大的科技新时代。2It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places, with computing technology controlling its “legs”(P27)它能够利用GPS技术到不同的地方旅行,计算机技术控制它的“腿”。3So what is_it_that inspires us to invent things?(P27)那么,是什么激励我们发明东西呢?4But what remains important is that we have an incredible desire to think and create, and thats the real spirit of invention.(P27)但仍然重要的是,我们有一种难以置信的思考和创造的欲望,这才是真正的发明精神。重点词汇1 教材原句Presently I am going to press the lever, and off the machine will go.(P25)现在我要按一下操纵杆,机器就开动了。Jack pressed a button and the door closed.杰克按了一个按钮,门就关上了。归纳拓展(1)press.against 使贴着press down 把按下去press sth. on sb. 把(想法等)强加于press sb. for sth./to do sth. 催促某人(做)某事(2)pressure n. 压力;压迫put pressure on 给施压under pressure/stress 面临压力;受到压力名师点津(1)press表示“新闻界、报界”时,其前通常要用定冠词;用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数或复数。(2)表示按开关或按电钮时,press与push用法相同,常可互换。但是注意,两者习惯上均不能用于按铃,此时要用动词ring。2 教材原句A faint blue light shot across it,darkening to purple, and presently she could see the image of her son, who lived on the other side of the earth,and he could see her.(P25)一道微弱的蓝光射过它,暗到紫色,不一会儿她就看见了她儿子的影像,他住在地球的另一边,而且他也看见了她。He shot at a bear, but he didnt shoot it.他向一只熊射击,但没有射中。归纳拓展shoot at 朝射击(只表动作,不表结果)名师点津shoot的过去式、过去分词都是shot。shoot侧重用枪把某人打死或打伤,强调结果shoot at指用枪朝某人或某物射击,强调动作过程(未必击中)3 教材原句For example,advances in virtual reality and wearable tech, as well as the flexible battery,mean we should soon be seeing further developments.(P26)例如,虚拟现实、穿戴式技术以及弹性电池的进步都意味着不久后我们就能看到更进一步的发展。Our new computer software is extremely flexible.我们新的电脑软件很灵活。归纳拓展inflexible adj. 不灵活的flexibility n. 灵活性4 教材原句It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places, with computing technology controlling its “legs”(P27)它能够利用GPS技术到不同的地方旅行,计算机技术控制它的“腿”。You are capable of better work than this.你有能力做得比这更好。归纳拓展(1)be capable of. 有能力incapable adj.无能力的;不能干的(2)capacity n. 容量;能力5 教材原句So what is it that inspires us to invent things?(P27)那么,是什么激励我们发明东西呢?He tried to inspire them to greater efforts.他力图鼓励他们做出更大的努力。归纳拓展(1)inspire sb. to (do) sth. 激励某人(做)某事inspire sb. with sth. 用某物鼓舞某人(2)inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;激励的(3)inspired adj. 受到鼓舞/启发的(4)inspiration n. 灵感6 教材原句But what remains important is that we have an incredible desire to think and create, and thats the real spirit of invention.(P27)但仍然重要的是,我们有一种难以置信的思考和创造的欲望,这才是真正的发明精神。I am inspired by her courage and strong desire to succeed.她的勇气和对成功强烈的渴望激励着我。归纳拓展 (1)have a strong desirehave no desire to do sth.不想做某事(2)desire to do sth.渴望做某事desire sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事desire that.(should) do sth. 渴望做某事重点短语1 教材原句In addition, important advances have been made in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer power.(P27)此外,由于计算机能力的提高,医学和环境科学也取得了重大进展。I like apples. In addition, I also like bananas.我喜欢苹果。另外,我也喜欢香蕉。归纳拓展(1)in addition 是副词短语,常放在句首,也可放在句中、句尾,常用逗号隔开。as wellbesidesin addition 除此之外(用作副词)(2)in addition to. 除之外,复合介词,后接名词或动名词in addition to.besidesas well asapart from 除之外2 教材原句In addition, important advances have been made in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer power.(P27)此外,由于计算机能力的提高,医学和环境科学也取得了重大进展。Thanks to the governments help,the problem was finally solved.在政府的帮助下,这个问题终于解决了。归纳拓展表示“因为;由于”的短语还有:because of, owing to, due to, on account of, result from, as a result of, for ones sake, for the sake of sb.等3 教材原句In terms of the environment,it is now possible to create an intelligent walking house.(P27)在环境方面,现在有可能创造一个智能步行屋。In terms of health, keeping a balanced diet is necessary.就健康而言,保持平衡饮食是必要的。归纳拓展in the long/short term 就长远/短期而言be on good/bad terms with sb. 与某人交情好/不好come to terms (with sb.) (与某人)达成协议;和好4 教材原句Now, reduced energy supplies and environmental pollution have led to more advances in the technology of new energy vehicles.(P27)现在,能源供应的减少和环境污染已经导致新能源汽车技术的进一步发展。As we all know, all roads lead to Rome.众所周知,条条大路通罗马。归纳拓展lead sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事lead a.life 过着的生活lead the way 带路lead sb. by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子走in the lead 领先;处于首位take the lead 带头;领先5
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