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20 春学期大学英语(三)平时作业 1 试卷总分:100得分:100 一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分) 1.Bees do a kind of dance to tell other bees about the of flowers. A.space B.room C.location D.locate 答案:C 2.- Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? - . sorry, he is busy at the moment Sorry, you cant mention it 答案:A Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines? . Yes, youre right Yes, what do you want? Yes, right number Yes, can I help you? 答案:D 6. a wonderful place! A.What a B.What,1,C.How a D.How 答案:B 7. That man alone over there-who is he? . A.Hes drunk He is a student He is Doctor Brown D.A driver, I suppose 答案:C 8.The old lady is often seen out of the house and sit in the garden. A.to come have come come D.came 答案:A 9.The price of the shoes is during the Spring Festival. A.small B.low C.expensive D.cheap 答案:B 10.Hard-working students are to make progress in their studies. A.probably B.possibly C.perhaps D.likely 答案:D 11.- Would you mind changing seats with me? - . Yes, you can Of course, I like to No, I dont agree completely. A.since B.While,2,3,C.If D.As 答案:B 13.There is a bear in the room. A.woolen big brown brown big big woolen brown big brown woolen 答案:D 14.Your new job provides you a lot of chances to travel around the world. A.with B.to C.over D.for 答案:A 15.Is this house the one you once lived in your childhood? A.which B.where C.when D.what 答案:B 16.I didns right. B.Take your time. Please go ahead. Not at all. 答案:B 18.- Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John? - . A.Thank you very much,4,Thank you. He is fine No, no, John is not bad Dont it? Yeah, really. My friends are great. Have we met before? Glad to meet you again. 答案:A 3.In , we all hoped that more activities like this could be organized. A.total B.time C.return D.addition 答案:D,5,the investment,4.The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to plan within a week. work out set out put out make out 答案:A,5. Well, its getting late. I must be going. Thank you again for inviting me to the party. . A.Thank you for coming Oh, so soon? Oh, its so late D.I really had a happy time 答案:A 6.It out that finding a job is as easy as making a CV. A.works B.turns C.points D.makes 答案:B 7.20. The bed has been in the family. It was my great grandmothers originally. A.handed round handed over handed out handed down 答案:D 8.2. The Car Club couldnt to meet the demands of all its members. A.guarantee B.ensure C.confirm D.assume 答案:A 9. Can I help you with the bag? . A.Thank you Sorry, you cant No, no. I can take it myself No, Im all right 答案:A,6,10.Apples are in summer and cost a lot. A.unusual scarce rare D.common 答案:B 11. Mr. Chairman, could I raise a point about the plan? . Yes, I hope not Yes, Dr. Smith No, I have no idea D.I think so, either 答案:B 12.She stood by the window, . A.thought B.thinks C.thinking D.think 答案:C 13.The more learned (有学问的) a man is, modest (谦虚的) he is. A.the much B.the more C.much D.more 答案:B 14.The amount of money was not known though they knew that it was large. A.real B.factual C.facial D.actual 答案:D 15.She is the only one among the women editors who films for children. A.makes B.make C.made D.have made 答案:A,7,16. this way, the situation doesns your family? Thanks for calling. Thanks all the same. Not too bad.,8,D.Dons outing. A.wasted B.spoiled C.discouraged D.damaged 答案:B How was your trip to London, Maggie? The guide showed me the way. Oh, wonderful indeed. C.I went there alone. D.By plane.,9,答案:B 8.I hope you are not getting listening to me. A.boring B.boredom C.bored D.bore 答案:C 9.The monitor said to Tom that two other students would be on duty him. A.except B.beyond C.besides D.along 答案:C 10.It was four years ago his brother went to the U.S.A for further study. A.when B.that C.since then D.since 答案:B 11.He wants to tell him that the camera him. A.was belonged to is belonged to belongs to belonged to 答案:C 12.- Hurry up please, or Is all right, sir Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now Oh, we are going the right way How can you say that, sir? 答案:B 13.I remember the whole thing it happened yesterday. A.now that even if as soon as as if 答案:D,10,14.Wed like two cokes, please. You must pay first. You are welcome. Thank you. Small, medium or large? 答案:D 15.He gives the impression of being happy, but in he is very sad. A.truth B.true C.reality D.real答 案:C 16.I really appreciate to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself. A.you to offer your offering that you offer that you are offering 答案:B 17.They are planning to have the machine . A.to be repaired B.repairing C.repaired D.being repaired 答案:C 18. their differences in character, Jim and John are good roommates. A.instead of in favor of In spite of In addition to 答案:C 19.He borrowed my laptop computer I told him not to. A.when B.since C.if D.even though 答案:D,11,20.What do you think of the novel? Is well-written. D.I bought it yesterday. 答案:C,
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