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,Day of the Dead,The day of the dead is a grand festival, full of joy. According to Mexican folk custom, November 1st is baby spirit day, and the 2nd day is spiritual day. Because Halloween is on October 31st, western countries, so many mexicans, and especially the children from that day on a The day of the dead , for three days, with a beaming.,“亡灵节”是个隆重的节日盛会,到处充满快乐。按墨西哥民间风俗,11月1日是“幼灵节”,2日则是“成灵节”。由于10月31日是西方国家万圣节之夜,因此许多墨西哥人、特别是小孩子便从那天开始就过“亡灵节”了,一连三天,到处一派喜气洋洋。,Mexicans believe that the day of the dead is an annual gathering with loved ones, a wonderful time to spend with them. During the day of the dead, yellow marigold flowers are scattered on the road from the cemetery to the home, and the undead can follow the chrysanthemum fragrance.,墨西哥人认为亡灵节是和逝去的亲人一年一度相聚的一刻,是和他们共度的美好时光。亡灵节期间,从墓地到自家的路上撒满黄色万寿菊,亡灵便可以循著菊花香回归故里。,On this day people also dress up like a skeleton. This can make the dead feel just like home.,这一天人们会穿得像骨架一样,这会让亡灵们感觉自己在家,这一天人们会穿得像骨架一样,这会让亡灵们感觉自己在家。,When the night comes, light the lanterns on your doorstep, guide you to the door of the undead, and light a candle at the cemetery. The locals who come to offer sacrifices and eat the quilt and food sit by the grave for the whole night.,当夜晚来临,在家门口点亮灯笼,为亡灵上门引路,在墓地点上烛火,来祭奠的本地人拿来被子和食物在坟墓旁坐着,准备守整整一夜,As the symbol of Halloween in the western world is pumpkin, the symbol of the Mexican day of the dead is a skeleton. On the day of the dead, people will dress themselves up as skeletons to show the return of the dead.,如同万圣节的代表物是南瓜,墨西哥亡灵节的代表物就是骷髅。在亡灵节这天,人们会把自己打扮成骷髅的样子,表示亡灵归来。,The real death is that no one in the world remembers you. 真正的死亡是世界 上再没有一个人记得你。,
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