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Ontological Metaphors实体隐喻 I,Entity and substance metaphors 实体和物质隐喻,人类和外部的物质世界永远都处于相互依存的关系中,人类不仅需要借助于自己对自身器官的认识和方位的体验去认识世界,而且,人类也需要用熟知的物质世界知识来帮助自己认识自身的思维和情感特征。人类的思维和情感复杂程度远远超出了人类的理解能力,人类对自身的认识总是处于滞后的状态,而语言作为思维的物质外壳更是捉襟见肘,无法满足人类对于自身的认知探索和表达,这时,人类往往借助于对物质世界的体验来认识和表达。,即使事物并不具备明显的分离或粘着的界限,我们依然习惯于把它们进行归类,如,山、川、街角,树篱等。这种看待物理现象的方式可以达到我们认识世界和改造世界的目的,或描述我们的行为方式:给山川定位、街角的邂逅、树篱的修剪等。,正如人体空间方位的认知经验可以产生方位隐喻,我们对物体(特别是我们的身体)的体验提供了及其广泛的实体隐喻基础,即我们可以把对事件、活动、情绪、思想等等看作是实体或物质(Lakoff & Johnson, 1980:25)。,实体隐喻要满足的目的各不相同,比如rising prices通过inflation一词被隐喻为各种实体,由此给我们提供了描述不同经验的方式。,Inflation is an entity.,Inflation is lowering our standard of living. If theres much more inflation, well never survive. We need to combat inflation. Inflation is backing us into a corner. Inflation is taking its toll(抽税) at the checkout counter and the gas pump. Buying land is the best way of dealing with inflation. Inflation makes me sick.,当我们把某中抽象的现象、特征、概念等隐喻化为实体时,就像上面的inflation一样,我们就可以对其进行描述、量化、剖析、找出因果关系、确定目标等。,Referring: 指称,My fear of insects is driving my crazy. That was a beautiful catch. We are working toward peace. The middle class is a powerful silent force in American politics. The honor of our country is at stake in this war.,Quantifying: 量化,It will take a lot of patience to finish this book. There is so much hatred in the world. DuPond has a lot of political power in Delaware. Youve got too much hostility in you. I love him so much.,Gone with the wind: pp110,Within two weeks Scarlett had become a wife, and within two months more she was a widow. She was soon released from the bonds she had assumed with so much haste and so little thought, but she was never again to know the careless freedom of her unmarried days. Widowhood had crowded closely on the heels of marriage but, to her dismay, motherhood soon followed.,Identifying Aspects,The ugly side of his personality comes out under pressure. The brutality of war dehumanizes us all. I cant keep up with the pace of modern life. His emotional health has deteriorated recently. We never got to feel the thrill of victory in Vietnam.,Identifying Causes,The pressure of his responsibilities caused his breakdown. He did it out of anger. Our influence in the world has declined because of our lack of moral fiber. Internal dissension cost them the pennant优胜锦旗. (to win the pennant夺得锦标),Setting goals and motivating actions,He went to New York to seek fame and fortune. Heres what you have to do to insure financial security. Im changing my way of life so that I can find true happiness. The FBI will act quickly in the face of a threat to national security. She saw getting married as the solution to her problems.,The Mind is a machine,Were still trying to grind out the solution to this equation. My mind just isnt operating today. Boy, the wheels are turning now! Im a little rusty today. Weve been working on this problem all day and now were running out of steam.,The mind is a britlle object.,Her ego is very fragile. You have to handle her with care since her husbands death. He broke under cross-examination反复讯问. She is crushed by her husbands sudden death. The experience shattered him. Im going to pieces. His mind snapped.,Cathleen was as white as Cade had been the day Scarlett called, white and hard and brittle, as if her face would shatter if she spoke (pp414). The thought of this strange boy whom she hadnt really wanted to marry getting into bed with her, when her heart was breaking with an agony of regret at her hasty action and the anguish of losing Ashley forever, was too much to be borne.(pp111),She had wrecked his life, broken his pride and self-respect, shattered that inner peace, that calm based on integrity.(pp.793),“Only this. I have a deep and impersonal admiration for your endurance, Scarlett, and I do not like to see your spirit crushed beneath too many millstones.,机器隐喻让我们产生了关于思维的概念:人的思维像机器一样有on-off状态(启动-关闭),效能水平、生产力、整体的机构、能量的源头、运行状态等等; 而脆弱物体的隐喻能让我们谈论或描述我们心理状态的强弱程度。有时两种隐喻可以交叉使用,描述同一种状态:如,My car had broken down on my way home. He broke down. (他崩溃了。) Brians had a couple of major crackups on his car.(布莱恩的车发生了好几次严重的碰撞事故。) He cracked up.(他崩溃了),Container metaphors,Land areas 人具有社会属性和生理属性,从生理角度来说,我们以人的肌肤的表层为界,去体验我们人体以外的世界。我们每个人都是个容器,以肌肤为外表,分里外两种方位。我们把这种方位认识投射到其他具有类似结构的物体上,我们就可以用里外方位去认识、描述这些物体。房间和房屋当然是个“容器”了。从一间房到另一间,就像从一个容器进入到另一个容器,因此,we move out of one house and into another.,我们也可以赋予固体物质solid objects以里外方位,比如 We break a rock open to see whats inside it. 我们也可以赋予自然环境里外方位,如 A clearing in the woods is seen as having a bounding surface, and we can view ourselves as being in the clearing or out of the clearing, in the woods or out of the woods.,在外部世界中,只要有某种类似我们人的肌肤一样具有边界(boundary)功能的,比如a wall, a fence,甚至是一个抽象的一条线或边(plane),我们都可以认为其具有里外之分。这种领域的确定或划定界限实际上是一种量化行为。一旦物质世界有了界限,无论是人、石头、还是土地就都有了大小之分,我们可以通过其容量来量化其大小,比如Kansas是个被行政区划的一个州,它有着自己的边界,因而被看做是一个容器,所以人们会说:“Theres a lot of land in Kansas.”,物质可以被看成是容器。比如a tub of water。When you get into the tub,you get into the water. Tub 和water都被看成是容器,tub是container object,而water则是con
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