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浙江省2007年10月高等教育自学考试专业英语试题课程代码:00196一、Choose the best answer for each question (15 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各答题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,填在其答题的空格内。(每小题1分,共15分)1. The contemporary approaches to management include the following EXCEPT_.A. quality managementB. system theoryC. organizational behaviorD. contingency perspective2. High-end as in “high-end office products” means_.A. complicated and sophisticated B. high-tech and state of artC. highly priced and chargedD. appealing to sophisticated and discerning customers 3. Problem can be identified in organizational performance by comparing current performance against _.A. desired state B. past performanceC. others performance D. expected performance4. “The corporate strategy of an organization is sometimes called its business portfolio.” The word portfolio here is closest in meaning to _.A. collection B. groupC. caseD. profile 5. Which of the following statements is NOT true? _A. all leaders have a vision B. leaders lead people, not the other way roundC. the word vision is only recently used D. for some, no vision, no business6. A well-designed job according to Hackman and Oldham in Lesson Six should have the following dimensions EXCEPT _. A. skills B. identityC. significance D. automation7. The following are the main components of communication process EXCEPT _.A. sender and receiver B. messageC. channel D. noise8. The major difference between restaurants and catering business in their ways of operation is _.A. the kind of food B. the premise of businessC. the type of service D. the location of service9. Large hotels and small hotels may differ in the following areas EXCEPT _.A. the number of units offered B. the basic functions servedC. the size of executive staff D. the number of department heads10. Which of the following statements about travel agents is NOT true?_A. travel agents bring together suppliers and tourists.B. travel agents are paid by tourists for their professional assistance.C. suppliers pay travel agents for selling their products.D. the payment by suppliers to travel agents is in the form of commission.11. “ Political risk ranges from unexpected changes in tax rules to outright expropriation of assets held by foreigners,” the word expropriation in this sentence is closest in meaning to _.A. deprivation B. transferenceC. appropriation D. suitability 12. Managers must deal with the following EXCEPT _.A. the companys culture B. the companys policiesC. the companys politics D. bureaucracy13. The factors of production include the following EXCEPT _.A. labor B. capitalC. natural resources D. financial resources14. Product strategy has the following components EXCEPT _.A. successful products B. new productsC. problem products D. failed products15. Which of the following is NOT one of the researchers obligations?_A. to specify the problems B. to develop a creative research designC. to provide the data analyzed in terms of the problemsD. to spell out the implications of the research results二、Cloze test (20 points, 2 points for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项,根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并填写在题后括号内。(每小题2分,共20分)In practice, there are many 16 between a full house and very low occupancy that need decisions about 17 . In addition, there is the decision to overbook, that is, to take more 18 than there are rooms available based on a “no-show” 19 that can be built into the yield management system on a seasonal and daily basis. While the staff at some properties 20 its own yield management system, 21 companies use computer programs 22 designed to take account of a propertys 23 of demand for rooms and of forecast demand and 24 rates as demand shifts from period to 25 .16. A. situations B. indications C. costs D. concepts ()17. A. rates B. assessments C. profits D. supports ()18. A. appearances B. reservations C. applauses D. attires ()19. A. taste B. making C. section D. factor ()20. A. promises B. operates C. popularizes D. orders ()21. A. successfully B. totally C. increasingly D. cheerfully ()22. A. specially B. tastefully C. elegantly D. greatly ()23. A. history B. reliability C. working D. validity ()24. A. scoop B. adjust C. chance D. rear ()25. A. activity B. clearance C. strike D. period ()三、Reading comprehension (15 points, 3 points for each item) 阅读下列短文,根据短文,在每个答题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,填写在其答题后的空格内。(每小题3分,共15分)Passage OneThe “law” of supply and demand suggests that the relationships between supply and demand are inexorable, a change in one results in a change in the other. In some cases this is no doubt true, but other forces, such as advertising, marketing skills and human motivationwith all of its intricacies and conv
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