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elationship between Government and business. T he two sessi ons, General Secretary of Pro, clear the word succinctly summarized the ne w relationship between Government and business, as pure politi cs, reshaping the politi cal relationship specified in the direction. District leaders i n handl ing political and business relations, engage in trading power for money, and finally stumbled, we a lesson, always keep in mind that Pro, clean practicing Pro, clear. Pro is to open a sincere engagement with private enterprise to help solve practical difficulties; Clear is to clarify the Division of power, exercised in accordance with, private entrepreneurs with innocent purity, not abusing power for personal gain, not to engage in trading power for money. Third, in order to maintain fairness and justice. Fairness and justice is the lifeline of the rule of law , is the best development environment. Currently, lax law enforcement and the judicial sector in our region also exist to varying degrees, law enforcement departments and individual window units power for personal gains and bribe s, thick frie nds, relations, human cases, money ca ses in whi ch seriously infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises a nd people. Especially some law enforcement and inspection for profit purposes, deli berately looking for corporate loopholes, found directly under the ticket does not give business improvement opportunities. We recr uit a company doesnt easily, cultivating a business more difficult, never for personal gain, systematic harassme nt, card, last checked to check to get the enterprise collapsed. To g uarantee the legitimate rights and interests. Always procee d from the overall situation of reform and development of services, fully consider the characteristics of production and management in non-publi c enterprises a nd social benefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, protect the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and practitioners i n innovation and entrepreneurship, enhanci ng expectations and confidence. To promote strict enforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures, improve law enforcement performance evaluation, strengthening the supervisi on of law enforcement, exploration and practice of risk control mechanism of law enforcement to further standardize the social security, urban management, road traffic administrative law enforcement, effectively free, extensive law-enforcement and lax enforcement of law enforcement and other issues. To uphold justice. Justice is the last line of Defense to safeguard fairness and justice, to une quivocally support the courts and procuratorates independently exercise level . Judici al activities were rampant, must not be allowed to run, favors, money, must not be allowed to knowi ngly violate the miscarriage, violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the masses must not be allowed to abuse of power, to make forest mass can be felt in every judicial cases in equity and justice. Four to deepen grass-roots governance a ccording to law rass-roots governance according to law is an important foundation for promoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic developme nt environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abi ding consciousness, social order is not sta ndard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to la w, pr omote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture , carry out law publicity a nd education on honesty and trustwort hiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, faili ng to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone unspoken rules, formed all law law , abide by the good atmosphere. o strengthen the comprehensive management of public se curity. Deepening peace xingan constructi on, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth cha nnels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well as dispute resolution mechanisms, implement fully the petitioners cases third-party hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit int o the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improving cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Se cretary stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high qualit
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