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Organising ideas (4):,Using a diagram to write an article,Imagine youre a dolphin. Write an article asking people to be more dolphin-friendly.,What problems are dolphins facing? What should people do to save dolphins?,You can use a diagram to help you organise your ideas.,First, list three main problems dolphins are facing.,Problems dolphins are facing,reclamation,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,fishing,water pollution,Now brainstorm more ideas for each problem.,What is reclamation? What do people do?,turn sea into land,What happens when people turn sea into land?,fewer places where,dolphins can live,What action should people take to save dolphins?,stop turning sea,into land,Now, do the same for the second problem.,Problems dolphins are facing,reclamation,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,fishing,water pollution,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,Why is there water pollution? What do people do?,turn sea into land,What happens when people dump toxic waste into the sea?,fewer places where,dolphins can live,What action should people take to save dolphins?,stop turning sea,into land,dump toxic waste,dolphins become ill,and die,stop dumping toxic,waste into the sea,into the sea,Do the same thing for the third problem.,Problems dolphins are facing,reclamation,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,fishing,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,water pollution,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,Why is fishing a problem? What do people do?,turn sea into land,What happens when people do this?,fewer places where,dolphins can live,What action should people take to save dolphins?,stop turning sea,into land,dump toxic waste,dolphins become ill,and die,stop dumping toxic,waste into the sea,into the sea,fish in areas where,fewer fish for,dolphins to eat,stop fishing in areas,where dolphins live,dolphins live,Now, change the ideas in the diagram into sentences.,Problems dolphins are facing,reclamation,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,turn sea into land,fewer places where,dolphins can live,stop turning sea,into land,The first problem we are facing is reclamation.,You are a dolphin. Use we to talk about you and your dolphin friends.,You keep turning sea into land.,You are writing to people, so use you to refer to people.,Therefore there are fewer places where we can live.,Link your ideas using words like therefore and unless.,We will have nowhere to live unless you stop turning sea into land.,Problems dolphins are facing,The second problem we are facing is water pollution.,You keep dumping toxic waste into the sea.,Therefore we become ill and die.,We will become extinct unless you stop dumping toxic waste into the sea.,water pollution,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,dump toxic waste,dolphins become ill,and die,stop dumping toxic,waste into the sea,into the sea,Problems dolphins are facing,The third problem we are facing is fishing.,You keep fishing in areas where we live.,Therefore there are fewer fish for us to eat.,We will have no fish to eat unless you stop fishing in areas where we live.,fishing,What people do: _ _ Result: _ _ Action: _ _,fish in areas where,fewer fish for,dolphins to eat,stop fishing in areas,where dolphins live,dolphins live,Well done! Now you can write the article.,Save the dolphins,Tell the reader why you are writing the article in Paragraph 1.,I am a friendly dolphin and I am writing because we are facing many problems. We need you to help save our lives.,Put the sentences about the first problem in Paragraph 2.,The first problem we are facing is reclamation. You keep turning sea into land. Therefore there are fewer places where we can live. We will have nowhere to live unless you stop turning sea into land.,Put the sentences about the second problem in Paragraph 3.,The second problem we are facing is water pollution. You keep dumping toxic waste into the sea. Therefore we become ill and die. We will become extinct unless you stop dumping toxic waste into the sea.,Put the sentences about the third problem in Paragraph 4.,The third problem we are facing is fishing. You keep fishing in areas where we live. Therefore there are fewer fish for us to eat. We will have no fish to eat unless you stop fishing in areas where w
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