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Longman Welcome to English Gold Assessment Bank 1ALISTENINGFilenameText typeQuestion typeLanguage item(s) coveredMid-termLWTE-1A-L1ConversationsMCIntroduce people: This is / He is / She is (Ch 2)People at school: friend / classmate / teacher(Ch 2)Numbers 110 (Ch 3)LWTE-1A-L2ConversationsCompleting student cardsMCGreet other people (Ch 1 & 2)Introduce myself: My name is / I am . (Ch 1)Introduce people: This is / He is (Ch 2)People at home and at school: brother / classmate / friend (Ch 2)Numbers 110 (Ch 3)LWTE-1A-L5ConversationsMCGreet other people (Ch 1 & 2)What is your name? (Ch 1)Introduce myself: My name is (Ch 1)Introduce people: This is / He is (Ch 2)People at home and at school: brother / friend / classmate (Ch 2)Numbers 110 (Ch 3)LWTE-1A-L6RhymesMCIntroduce myself: My name is . (Ch 1)Introduce people: This is / She is (Ch 2)People at school: classmate / class teacher / English teacher / friend (Ch 2)She has (Ch 3)Numbers 110 (Ch 3)Things I bring to school: pens (Ch 4)Colours: blue / green (Ch 4)LWTE-1A-L9ConversationsMCIntroduce myself: My name is (Ch 1)What is your name? (Ch 1)Greet other people (Ch 1 & 2)Introduce other people: This is (Ch 2)People: teacher / brother (Ch 1 & 2)LWTE-1A-L10ConversationsMCPeople: sister (Ch 2)Toys: doll / teddy bear (Ch 3)Connectives: and (Ch 3)I have / She has (Ch 3)Numbers 1-10 (Ch 3)Colours: yellow / green / pink (Ch 4)Things I bring to school: eraser / pen / pencil / pencil case (Ch 4)LWTE-1A-L13 New ConversationsMCGreet other people (Ch 1)Introduce people: This is / She is (Ch 2)People at school: classmate / friend (Ch 2)LWTE-1A-L14 New ConversationsMCI have / She has (Ch 3)Numbers 1-10 (Ch 3)Toys: doll (Ch 3)Connectives: and (Ch 3)Things I bring to school: eraser / pencil / pencil case (Ch 4)End of termLWTE-1A-L3ConversationsLabellingPeople at school: classmate / friend (Ch 2)I have / He / She has (Ch 3)Things I bring to school: school bag / books(Ch 4)Adjectives: tall / long / big / short / small (Ch 6)Body parts: hair / eyes / mouth (Ch 6)LWTE-1A-L4ConversationsMCGreet other people (Ch 1 & 2)Introduce people: This is / She is (Ch 2)I have / You have (Ch 3)Numbers 110 (Ch 3)Things I bring to school: pencil case / erasers / pens / rulers (Ch 4)Talk about abilities: can (Ch 5)Adjectives: long / short (Ch 6)Tell the ages (Storytime)LWTE-1A-L7ConversationsMCPeople at school: classmate / friend (Ch 2)Introduce people: He is / She is (Ch 2)He has / She has (Ch 3)Things I bring to school: school bag (Ch 4)Talk about abilities: can / cant (Ch 5)Actions: run / climb / swim / jump (Ch 5)Adjectives: short / tall / thin / big (Ch 6)Body parts: hair (Ch 6)Tell the ages (Storytime)LWTE-1A-L8ConversationsCompleting formsMCGreet other people (Ch 1 & 2)What is your name? (Ch 1)Introduce myself: My name is (Ch 1)Numbers 110 (Ch 3)Talk about abilities: can / cant (Ch 5)Actions: run / jump / swim (Ch 5)Tell the ages (Storytime)LWTE-1A-L11RhymesMCIntroduce myself: My name is (Ch 1)People: father / mother /sister (Ch 2)I have / He / She has (Ch 3)Toys: ball / teddy bear (Ch 3)Colours: red (Ch 4)Actions: run (Ch 5)Talk about abilities: can (Ch 5)Body parts: eyes / hair / hands / legs (Ch 6)Adjectives: big / long / strong / tall (Ch 6 & Storytime)LWTE-1A-L12ConversationsMCIntroduce myself: I am / My name is (Ch 1)What is your name? (Ch 1)Greet other people (Ch 1 & 2)People: classmate (Ch 2)She has (Ch 3)Actions: climb / skip (Ch 5)Talk about abilities: can / cant (Ch 5)Adjectives: big / short (Ch 6)Body parts: eyes / hair (Ch 6)Ask about and tell the ages (Storytime)LWTE-1A-L15 New ConversationsLabellingI have / He has / She has (Ch 3)Toys: doll (Ch 3)Adjectives: long / short / big / tall (Ch 6)Body parts: ears / hair (Ch 6)Who ? (Ch 6)LWTE-1A-L16 New ConversationsMCGreet other people (Ch 1 & 2)Introduce myself: My name is / I am (Ch 1)Ask about and tell the ages (Storytime)Longman Welcome to English Gold 1A4/4 Pearson Education Asia Limited 2017
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