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整理于网络 可修改专题限时检测(十三)完形填空之夹叙夹议文体(二)(共2篇,每篇限时18分钟)A(2020-2021扬州一模)I was holding her hand when the man in the white coat came in._1_ both sets of Xrays high, he said seriously: Her lungs were filling up with fluid(液体)This meant that _2_ I would need to consult with specialists, and stop whatever was _3_ into my mothers lungs._4_, this doctor seemed to have another plan.He began speaking to me about “the quality of life”He gave me a list of my mothers _5_ and then concluded that they added up to the _6_ of her life.I had heard their phrase “We can make her _7_” too many times.Now I calmed down, and I was more _8_ than hurt when doctors wanted to kill my mother.My mother couldnt walk, talk or swallow after her stroke, but nursing her was not _9_.Whenever I asked her if her diseases were too hard on her, she just _10_ her head.She was conveying to me her love and understanding beyond _11_.And not just to me.A young nurse stopped me just before the doctor appeared: “You know, I _12_ my new job to your mother: Her optimism _13_ me to learn to drive, so I would be not _14_ buses and I could come to the hospital to work.” So, I couldnt help questioning the doctors _15_ of quality of life.How did he arrive at the _16_ that my mother should die? Was he making a(n) _17_ calculation, that to keep a bedridden(卧床不起的) person alive was costly? He certainly did not “calculate” her endless love, the way it _18_ everyone who came in contact with her.If human life is _19_ to costbenefit analyses, all forms of caring for any reason other than selfinterest will be _20_.Can we do better?语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。母亲年老了,失去了多种基本的生活能力,现在又患上了严重的肺病,医生认为可以让母亲舒适地离开人世,但是作者不这样认为。作者认为生存的质量和成本都可以衡量,但是母爱的力量是不可以用任何东西去度量的。1A.Looking upBHolding upCSetting up DDrawing up解析:选B医生将两组Xray举高,是为了看得更清楚。hold up “举高,托起”,符合语境。2A.immediately BoccasionallyCeventually Dsurprisingly解析:选A由上句可知妈妈肺里充满了积液,情况危急,所以应当立刻咨询医生,故选择immediately。3A.stealing BmarchingCrushing Dstorming解析:选A我询问专家,然后阻止任何想偷偷进入我妈妈肺的东西。4A.Therefore BMoreoverCHowever DOtherwise解析:选C因为医生have another plan,他的计划与我不一样,前后内容转折,所以选however。5A.vices BstrengthsCprivileges Ddisabilities解析:选D由第三段开头可知,妈妈生病后失去了行走、说话、吞咽多种能力,故此处选择disability。6A.whole BpeakCfuture Dend解析:选D由上文可知妈妈失去多种能力最终added up to the end of her life“导致她走向生命的尽头”。7A.unbearable BmoveableCunconscious Dcomfortable解析:选D有上文医生强调生命的质量,可知他是想让我的妈妈在生命的最后更加舒服。8A.relieved BexcitedCdisappointed Dashamed解析:选C根据后一句可知,作者认为医生想要kill her mother,所以她的心里状态是disappointed。9A.tiring BeasyCcasual Dpleasant解析:选A结合第三段我和妈妈的谈话和第四段护士的描述,可知作者妈妈虽然生病了,但是积极配合治疗,所以即使我妈妈中风以后失去了多种能力,但是照顾她并不累。10A.nodded BhungCshook Dlifted解析:选C由下文说我的妈妈是optimistic,所以当作者问妈妈治疗过程是否太艰辛的时候,妈妈应该是shook her head(摇头)。11A.reach BwordsCbelief Dhope解析:选B她在向我传达她无法言传的爱和理解。beyond words“无法用语言来表达”。12A.relate BoweClose Dsubmit解析:选B护士对我说:因为你的妈妈我才开始我的新工作。owe to意思是“归功于,由于”。13A.forced BencouragedCintended Dordered解析:选B她的乐观积极鼓励我去学习驾驶。encourage sb.to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”。14A.at the mercy of Bat a loss forCin favor of Din charge of解析:选A所以我能不受公交车支配,可以来医院上班。at the mercy of“受支配”。15A.framework BinstructionCwarning Dmeasure解析:选D由上文可知我想要继续救治我的妈妈,而医生强调生命的质量,我与医生意见相悖,所以询问医生衡量生命价值的尺度是什么,所以选择measure。16A.precise BroughCarithmetic Deconomic 解析:选A医生如何得出这个精确的结论即我妈妈应该死亡? precise“精确的;明确的”。17A.conclusion BagreementCconsensus Danswer解析:选D他是在做一个计算题的答案吗?让一个卧床不起的人活着是昂贵的吗?18A.transmitted BtransferredCtransformed Dtransported解析:选C医生没有衡量过我妈妈无尽的爱,她的爱在transform(改变)她周围的人,上文的护士就是受母亲影响而改变的一个例子。19A.admitted BreducedCsentenced Dcommitted解析:选B如果人类的生命沦为成本收益分析,那么除了个人利益,以任何理由的各种形式的关心都将被排除(即我们不会去照顾他人)。be reduced to“沦落为”。20A.included BrobbedCexcluded Dconfirmed解析:选C根据上一题,可知exclude“排除”,符合语境。B(2020-2021苏、锡、常、镇二模)Like many perfectionists, I truly believed that selfsufficiency was a virtue.And _1_ my brain was so good at finding what it was looking for, I noticed every single time that idea got proved _2_, and so I always had lots of _3_ for why it really was better if I just handled everything myself.This kind of thinking, friends, was the _4_ in disguise (伪装)My selfreliance came in handy when I was a kid in the seventies and in adulthood when I was an independent _5_.Then, in the first years of _6_ the Organized Artist Company, I found myself _7_ everything I could about websites, copywriting, graphic design, etc.Later whenever one of my business friends _8_ about how her website was being held hostage (人质) by her designer, I _9_ felt too satisfied._10_ if mistakes were made in my business, they were all mine.Now this was where my false _11_ showed up in not wanting others to know I made mistakes.If I had other people _12_ me, they would see my errors and _13_.Working alone, I could keep up a pretty good
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