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LWTE-1A-L9The children are in the school playground. Listen to the conversation. Choose the best answer by blackening the circle.1What does Mary say next?A.Good morning, Peter.B.I am fine, thank you.C.Welcome, Peter.2 Peters class teacher is _ . A.Miss HanB.Miss WanC.Miss Pan3Mr Wong is the teacher of Class _ .A.1AB.1BC.1C4Marys brother is _ .A.PerryB.HarryC.Henry5Marys brother is in Class _ .A.1AB.1BC.1CAudio ScriptThe children are in the school playground. Listen to the conversation. The conversation will be played two times. When you hear a beep (beep), answer the question. You now have 30 seconds to read the questions. (30-second music) The conversation will begin now.Mary:Hi, Peter.Peter:Hi, Mary. How are you?Narrator:Question 1: What does Mary say next? (beep) (8-second pause)Peter:I am in Class 2B. My teacher is Miss Pan.Mary:Miss Han?Peter:No. Miss Pan. She is nice. I like her.Narrator:Question 2: Peters class teacher is _ . (beep) (8-second pause)Peter:Which class are you in, Mary?Mary:I am in Class 1A. My teacher is Mr Wong.Narrator:Question 3: Mr Wong is the teacher of Class _ . (beep) (8-second pause)Mary:This is my brother.Peter:Hello. What is your name?Henry:My name is Henry. H-E-N-R-Y. Henry.Narrator:Question 4: Marys brother is _ . (beep) (8-second pause)Peter:Nice to meet you, Henry. Are you in Class 1A too?Henry:No, I am in Class 1B. My class teacher is Mrs Lo.Narrator:Question 5: Marys brother is in Class _ . (beep) (8-second pause)Listen to the conversation again and check your answers. The conversation will begin now.(Repeat without pauses.)Answer Key1B2C3A4C5BLongman Welcome to English Gold 1A2/2 Pearson Education Asia Limited 2017
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