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七年级英语上册任务型阅读复习巩固专讲专练( 章末复习 +综合测评 +答案 )( word)一、七年级英语上册任务型阅读专项目练习(含答案解析)1根据短文内容完成表格My name is Zhang Tian. There is a computer in my bedroom. I often use it to do many things. I can do my homework on it. Sometimes I go online and download some information for my lessons. It helps me a lot. Now I am good at all the subjects at school. When I have time, sometimes I watch movies on the Internet. I can also download music from the Internet. I have some good friends from different cities, so we often talk with each other at the weekend. My mother always tells me not to play computer games, because its not good for my eyes. I dont have a printer now. My father is going to buy one for next month.Information CardThe place that Zhang Tians computer is in_What to download for Zhang Tians lessons_The subjects that Zhang Tian is good at_The person(人) who asks ZhangTian not to play computer games _The things that Zhang Tians father will buy for him_【答案】His bedroom. ; Some information. ; All the subjects. ; His mother ;A printer.【解析】 【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是张天使用电脑做些什么事情。( 1)细节理解题。根据My name is Zhang Tian. There is a computer in my bedroom.我教张天。在我的卧室里有一台电脑。可知电脑在他卧室里。故答案为:His bedroom 。( 2)细节理解题。根据 Sometimes I go online and download some information for mylessons.有时我上网下载一些我功课的信息。可知张天下载功课的信息,故答案为:Someinformation。( 3)细节理解题。根据Now I am good at all the subjects at school.在学校现在我擅长所有的科目。故答案为:All the subjects 。( 4 )细节理解题。根据My mother always tells me not to play computer games,because its not good for my eyes.我母亲经常告诉我不要玩电脑游戏,因为它对我的眼睛有害。可知母亲告诉他不要玩电脑游戏。故答案为:His mother 。( 5)细节理解题。根据 I dont have a printer now. My father is going to buy one for next month. 现在我没有打印机。我父亲下个月要为我买一台。可知父亲要为他买打印机。故答案为: A printer 。【点评】此题考查任务型阅读理解。我们先约定吐蕃,看图表中要填写的内容,然后仔细阅读短文,从短文的细节中找到问题答案。2任务型阅读Dear Lisa,Im going to have a party on September 27. Its my 12th birthday. I would like to enjoy this daywith my family members and friends together.I will be very happy if you can come to join us. You are always my best friend. Your sister Jennyis welcome too. She is a nice girl. I like her. Because its a princesstheme (公主主题的)party,please wear your beautiful clothes and shoes.There is a lot of fun at the party. My mum wants to cook a lot of Chinese food for us. Because September 27, 2015 is also the Mid-Autumn Festival, my grandma says she can make some moon cakes. You never eat them, right? They are delicious. There are also film DVDs and fun games for us. Im sure all of us can have great fun on that day.The party is in my house, and it starts at 3:00 p.m. Can you come? Tell me please.Yours,Emma( 1) Who is Lisa?( 2) What does Emma ask Lisa to wear?( 3) What does Emmas mum want to cook for them?( 4) Why does Emmas grandma make moon cakes?( 5)将文中划线句子译成汉语【答案】 ( 1) She is Emmas best friend.( 2) She asks Lisa to wear beautiful clothes and shoes.( 3) A lot of Chinese food.( 4) Because September 27, 2015 is the Mid Autumn Festival in China.( 5)我相信在那天我们大家都会玩得很开心。【解析】 【分析】文章大意:艾玛写信给丽萨,邀请丽萨参加她十二岁的生日聚会,并告诉她在生日聚会上可以做些什么。( 1)细节理解题,根据You are always my best friend.可知,丽萨是艾玛最好的朋友,故答案是 She is Emmas best friend。( 2)细节理解题,根据please wear your beautiful clothes and shoes.可知,艾玛让丽萨穿上漂亮的衣服和鞋,故答案是She asks Lisa to wear beautiful clothes and shoes.。( 3)细节理解题,根据My mum wants to cook a lot of Chinese food for us.可知艾玛的妈妈想给他们做很多中式饭菜,故答案是A lot of Chinese food。( 4 )细节理解题,根据September27, 2015is alsothe Mid-AutumnFestival,mygrandma says she can make some moon cakes.可知, 2015 年 9 月 27 日是中秋节,所以奶奶做月饼,故答案是BecauseSeptember27, 2015 is the Mid AutumnFestivalinChina 。( 5)句子翻译题, I msure 我确信, all ot us 我们所有人,我们大家;很开心; that day ,那天,故答案是 我相信在那天我们大家都会玩得很开心【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先要理解问题所问,带着问题从原文找到答案。have great fun 玩得。3任务型阅读Hi! Im Tom, the cat. The dog is Huck. We live with our master Miss Brown in New York. Miss Brown gives us the names after the book Tom Sawyer and HuckleberryFinn. In the book, Tom and Huckleberry are friends. Miss Brown hopes (希望) we can be friends too.Im two years old. I like playing ball games with Huck. Huck is good at them too. Sleeping is also my hobby. I feel very good to sleep in the warm sun. Huck is a tall and strong dog. He likes running in the park with Miss Brown every afternoon. I dont go with them. I usually watch TV at home.Miss Brown likes travelling with us. We are going to California this summer. It is great, right?(1) Who is Tom?_(2) What does Miss Brown hope?_(3) What is Huck good at?_(4) Where does Huck run every afternoon?_(5)将文中加下划线的句子翻译成中文。_【
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