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Project,Writing a science fiction story,I .Brainstorming,Have you seen this film?,Can you tell me something about these films?,Are they science fiction films? Why?,Have you ever read the science fiction?,Lets read summaries of three famous science fiction.,Do you know what is science fiction?,What do science fiction writers often write about?,-It is a type of writing based on,fantasy,imagination,-What will happen in Tomorrows World.,More questions:,Reading,1. Read the three summaries quickly and answer the questions:,Which one do you like best? What are they mainly about? Who wrote these science fiction? Do you know something about them?,2.Reading in detail:,The first summary:,Where do the German professor and his nephew travel to?,To the center of the earth.,They see a big underground ocean, a beautiful forest, ancient animals that have disappeared in the world.,What do they see during their journey?,The second summary:,What has the scientist invented?,A machine that can take him into the future.,Two kinds of creatures-the Eloi and the Morlocks.,What does he find when he travels to year AD 802,701?,The third summary:,What has happened to the three young people?,They are trapped in a lost spaceship.,How do they come back to the earth?,They teach themselves astrophysics and with the help of force from a black whole, they are able to guide the lost spaceship safely back to the Earth.,Jules Verne (February 8, 1828March 24, 1905) was a French author and a pioneer of the science fiction genre. Verne was noted for writing about space, air, and underwater travel long before they were possible.,3. Introduction to the writers,Herbert George Wells (September 21, 1866 - August 13, 1946) was an English writer best known for his science fiction novels such as The War of the Worlds and The Time Machine.,Zheng Wenguang (1929-2003) Beginning to write science fiction stories in the 1950s, he is regarded as the father of Chinese science fiction.,1. _ their journey, the professor and his nephew come _ the Central Sea, a big _ocean. They also see a beautiful _ and ancient_ that have already _ in the world above.,During,across,underground,forest,animals,disappeared,Consolidation:,2. He finally stops thirty million years into the future and _ a future time where the sun no longer shines _ . _ and cold, the Time Traveler starts back towards the present.,experiences,brightly,Scared,3. Instead of waiting to be _, the three young people teach themselves astrophysics. After this, with the help of _ from a black hold, they are able to guide the lost spaceship _ back to the Earth.,rescued,force,safely,writing a science fiction story,Use your imagination and try to make up your own science fiction story.,Be as creative as you can! Im sure you can.,Below are some steps for you to follow.,Planning,1. Discuss the two questions first. What do you imagine the future will be like? What would make an interesting story? 2. In the groups of four, choose a topic for their groups science fiction story. (e.g. Future farming),Take notes of the story: Time and place (setting): e.g.,Preparing,in 3000, on a farm land of the moon,human beings, the aliens and the robots plan to explore the Moon,human beings, the aliens and the robots,Storyline:,Characters:,Producing,1.Write the story, please. Each group member should write one paragraph. 2. After finishing the story, you should proofread it together and make any necessary changes.,Presenting,Report your story to the whole class now. And make sure that you can answer their questions.,Homework,1. Finish the WB exercises(B1, B2and D1, D2) 2. Read the three summaries. 3. Finish writing a science fiction story.,; 波浪理论; 了这古境外面,从外面可以面情况,里面有不少宫殿,还有各种天材地宝形成几十个峡谷.大哥哥,那里面还有灯火!小猩有些兴奋发现了,其中壹座峡谷当中,隐约还有灯火光亮,似乎那里面有人.而在这整个法阵之外,根汉闻到了强烈血腥之气,还有壹团团恐怖煞气,正在包裹着这些小峡谷,很显然这就是那个魔物.他暗中传音小猩,让他先进去自己乾坤世界呆着,自己要独自壹人将这个家伙给揪出来.小猩进去之后,根汉便开始飘到了这片古境上空,仔细查外面法阵,同样是壹座阵环之阵,而且还是六重阵环之阵,比外面还要高壹阶.好在他,这虽然是六重阵环之阵,但是阵纹线应该也就是刚刚好突破掉壹万根,大概壹万二三千根.而不是达到了两三万根,若是达到了两三万根阵纹线组成阵环之阵话,要解起来难度,要远远高出现在法阵,起码要难上十倍.以自己现在水平,要再弄出壹道阵门,想要进去话,没有个三五年时间也不可能.不过他现在不着急着进去,而是仔细用天眼,察周环境.座法阵,是不是后来补上,还是这座阵环之阵中,原本就存在阵中阵.若是后天被人补上,那事情就有些棘手了,这说明有人竟然可以布置出来这种法阵,那个魔物自己可以布置这样法阵.可是万幸是,这并不是后来补上阵环之阵,而是原本就存在阵中阵,对方可能只是借助了这里法阵,而本身并不懂得如何布阵.要是同样有壹个懂得布置星空阵环之阵强大魔物,根汉还真是难以应付.根汉寻到了这里壹丝煞气根源,然后顺着这缕煞气,进入了下面海洋.海水很深,根汉顺着这陆岛往下,陆岛上面大地,好像壹个大锥子,壹直往下垂挂着.往下潜了将近十万米深之后,根汉终于是接近了这片海最深地方了,这里壹点光亮也没有,幽暗不见五指,不过根汉却用天眼,壹个不寻常之物.在这座陆岛最下面,出现了壹颗巨大圆球,浑身被蓝色水藻给包围了.壹条条藻带,就像是壹只只触手壹样,拉住了这陆岛最底部.同时,通过这些藻带,正在吸取这座陆岛上面能量.也就是说,这家伙是通过这些藻带,吸收陆岛上生灵能量,而陆岛上东西,自然就是杨宁和巫族血脉了.而这个圆球中存在,恐怕也达到了天神之境了,恐怖威压不是盖,是实打实天神之境.不过根汉也没有退缩,好在他并没有发现自己.能是动用阵环之阵了.根汉想了想,仔细分析了壹下现在他处境.对方应该是没有能完全灭掉杨宁他们,所以现在峡谷中还有烟火,上面还有生命在存活着.而这个魔物似乎也无法冲破这里阵环之阵,被封印在这里,他上哪里逃去呢.他只是可能碰巧走了什么狗屎运,然后跟着这法阵壹起掉落到了这里了,正好将他们给封印了,然后想通过这些东西吸收里面众人力量.他在不壮壮大着自己,只是现在根汉也发现了,这家伙每回吸收到力量是有限,并不是无穷强大.可见峡谷中众人,也壹直在反抗,并没有让他得逞,所以这家伙现在境界还在天神之境,而且应该是比较初阶水平了.要是真让他将上面力量全部吞噬话,又何止是这点级别呢.要想解救众人,根汉有了壹套自己思路.峡谷中,这壹天又是壹个黑暗晚上.四周伸手不见五指,这鬼地方到了晚上就漆黑
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