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Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Topic 1 You should see a dentist.,Section A,询问别人身体或精神状况,Whats wrong/the matter with you? 你怎么啦? 答语: I have+ 疾病/身体问题。 我得了 建议:You should/shouldnt 你应该/不该,adj 形容词 n 名词,1c,Whats wrong with you? 你怎么啦? I have a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 You should go to see a doctor. 你应该去看医生。,have a cold感冒,类似短语还有:have a cough 咳嗽,have a fever 发烧,have a stomachache 胃痛,have a headache 头痛,这些短语中have作“得(病),患(痛)”讲,have的词义广泛。 e.g. I have a headache. = I have an ache in my head. 我头痛。 have the flu 患了流感 e.g. He has a sore throat from a cold. 他因感冒而引起喉咙痛。,Whats wrong with you?,I have a backache.,Whats wrong with him?,He has a backache.,Whats wrong with her ?,She has a cold.,Whats wrong with her ?,She has a fever.,Whats wrong with her ?,She has a headache.,Whats wrong with him?,He has a headache.,1c,Whats wrong with her?,She has a toothache.,Whats wrong with him?,He has a fever.,Whats wrong with him?,He has a stomachache.,1c,illnesses,感冒,发烧,咳嗽,头痛,牙痛,背痛,胃痛,have a cold,have a fever,have a cough,have a headache,have a toothache,have a backache,have a stomachache,Read together,look (系动词) 看起来 后跟形容词作表语。 look happy/well/tired 看上去开心/很好/疲惫 类似的系动词有smell闻起来,sound听起来,feel摸起来,taste尝起来,turn/get/become变成,keep保持,feel感到等。后都可以加形容词构成系表结构等。 e.g. The flowers look very beautiful. 这些花看起来很漂亮。,e.g. The dish smelled good(sweet). 那道菜闻起来很香。 I feel terrible. 我感到难受。,be sorry +动词不定式(to do sth) + that从句, 表示“为而感到抱歉/难过”。 e.g. Im sorry to be late. 对不起,我迟到了。 Im sorry (that) you are ill. 你生病了,我很难过。,should是情态动词,后面加动词原形,表示有责任和义务,意为“应该”,常用于向别人提建议或告诫别人。否定句型为You shouldnt+动词原形。 e.g. You should get up early every day. 你应该每天早起。 You shouldnt watch TV too much. 你不应该看太多电视。,转好,恢复健康,1.Whats wrong with you? =whats the matter with you? 你怎么了?,Key points,2.You should see a dentist.,should/shouldnt 应该/不应该,Eg: 我们应该吃多点水果。 你不应该在这里吸烟。,We should eat more fruits. You shouldnt smoke here.,2,Pair work,I have a headache.,You should _.,stay in bed and have a good sleep,Pair work,I have a fever.,You should _.,drink enough boiled water,Pair work,I cant sleep well at night.,You shouldnt _.,drink coffee or tea in the evening,Pair work,I have a backache.,You shouldnt _.,lift heavy things,3,lift 含义广泛。 a. v. 举起,抬起。e.g. lift the box 举起那个箱子 b. v. 消散。e.g. The clouds will lift soon. 云很快就会散去。 c. n. 电梯。e.g. get out of the lift 从电梯里出来,B. Listen again and then write down the advice, using should/shouldnt.,1._ 2._ 3._,You shouldnt read in the sun.,He should see a doctor.,You shouldnt eat too much.,3,录音3-B-P28,英汉互译,have a stomachache _ 2. have a fever _ 3. take a rest _ 4. have a toothache_ 5. have a cold _ 6. see a doctor _ 7. 你应当早点上床睡觉。 _ 8. 你妈妈看起来气色不太好。_ 9. 你应该多喝水。 _ 10. 你怎么啦? _,胃痛,发烧,休息一下,牙痛,患感冒,看医生,You should go to bed early.,Your mother doesnt look well.,You should drink more water.,Whats wrong/the matter with you?,Exercises,( )1. Jim is ill in hospital. Now he is _ in bed and talking to his doctor. A. lie B. liesC. lying D. lay ( )2. I feel terrible. I dont feel like _. A. eating anythingB. anything to eat C. eat anythingD. to eat anything ( )3. If you have a headache, you _ lie down for a good rest. A. shouldntB. had better notC. had betterD. mustnt,C,A,C,Unit 2 Keeping Healthy,Topic 1 You should see a dentist.,Section B,Whats wrong with him?,Ask and answer,He has a cold.,He should drink more water.,Whats wrong with her?,Ask and answer,She has a toothache.,She shouldnt eat too much chocolate.,Whats wrong with him?,Ask and answer,He has a fever.,He had better see a doctor.,最好做某事,Whats the matter with him?,Ask and answer,He has a stomachache.,He _ drink cold water.,最好不要做某事,had better not,Whats the matter with her?,Ask and answer,She has a backache.,She _ lift heavy things.,had better not,3,I have a toothache.,Pair work,Make conversations after the example.,Example:,Whats wrong/the matter with you?,3,You shouldnt eat too much candy. / You should brush your teeth twice a day.,How long have you been like this? 你像这样多久啦? 一般用于询问某人处于某种状况之下的时间长短,尤指医生询问患者。意为“你这样多久了?” How long? .多久?(问持续的时间长度),e.g. How long did you stay at home? 你在家里待了多长时间? How often? 多经常?(问频率) e.g. How often do you go to see your grandpa? 你多久去看望你的祖父一次? Twice a week. 一个星期两次。,Shall I? 要不要我?/我应该.吗? (表示征求意见),Number the sentences to make up a conversation similar to 1a.,How are you feeling, Nick? I have a terrible cold. I cough day and night. Not so well. I dont feel like eating. OK. Thank you. Im so sorry to hear that. Why dont you have a good rest? Youd better not go to school today. Whats wrong?,1,4,2,6,5,3,Practice,2,4a,Read the pairs of words and pay attention to th
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