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第二部分 话题专项训练,话题十七 世界与环境,( C )1.A.believeB.believableC.unbelievableD.believably ( B )2.A.thoughB.ifC.whenD.unless ( B )3.A.becauseB.because ofC.instead ofD.as for ( D )4.A.makeB.makingC.madeD.to make ( C )5.A.whetherB.whatC.howD.that,( B )6.A.canB.mayC.shouldD.must ( A )7.A.will be thrown away B.will throw away C.threw awayD.was thrown away ( C )8.A.good B.wellC.betterD.best ( C )9.A.fewer and fewerB.less and less C.more and moreD.many and more ( A )10.A.whichB.whoC.whereD./,C B B D C B A C C A,二、完形填空 There is a low-carbon living project.Professor Jonathan Wong of the Department of Biology has made a 1 to tell us how we can lead a low-carbon life by paying attention to how we dress, 2 and live.Here are his words. “I prefer 3 clothing and buy new clothes only when I really need them.I dont mind using the same clothes for more than 10 years.My family members 4 throw their clothes in the trash.We donate them, instead.If the clothes are really 5, we cut them into pieces and use them as cleaning rags( 抹布 )for the floor.My family eat 6 vegetables and less meat.I often tell my children not to eat junk food.Our cooking style is mainly steaming( 蒸 )or boiling 7 this is a healthier way.It is also a way to save energy.I also pay attention to the use of 8.My family members are already in the habit of 9 lights when leaving a room.When we take a bath, we will set the water temperature to around 40.All these things are good for saving energy.We hope that everyone can do 10 to protect the environment and save the energy.In this way, the world will have a bright future for us to live in.”,C A B D B A D B C A,三、阅读理解 A,( C )1.The biggest function of recycling is to . A.save plasticsB.protect animals C.waste nothingD.reproduce materials ( D )2.The reasons why we need to recycle NOT include . A.we dont want to waste anything available B.some of the materials cannot be taken down by nature C.the more we use plastics, the more we pollute our environment D.we use natural materials too fast to reproduce them,C D,( C )3.The following actions are good for saving materials EXCEPT . A.learning how to sort trash in daily life B.making a machine to recognize non-degradable trash C.throwing a jacket into a trash bin D.donating the used things to others,C,( C )4.Which of the following matching pair is appropriate( 适当的 )? A.Plastic cuprecyclable B.Wooden chopsticksrecyclable C.Batterynon-recyclable D.Leftovers( 剩饭 )recyclable,C,( B )5.The main purpose of this passage is to . A.introduce recyclingB.call for recycling C.distinguish( 区分 ) recycling D.add technology to recycling,B,B The Amazon is the worlds largest tropical( 热带的 ) rainforest and is seen as vital( 至关重要的 ) to the fight against climate change because of the large amounts of carbon dioxide that it absorbs.However, there was a raging( 熊熊燃烧的 ) fire in the Amazon last month.Bolsonaro announced the army would be sent in on Friday after several days of criticism from the public and world leaders that Brazils government was not doing anything to fight the fires. Brazilian state experts reported nearly 77,000 wildfires across the country so far this year, up 85 percent over the same period in 2018.“This years fires fit with an established seasonal agricultural pattern”, said CNN meteorologist( 气象学家 ) Haley Brink.“Its the best time to burn because the vegetation is dry.” “Most of these fires are human-lit,” said Poirier, who explained that even during dry seasons, the rainforest cannot catch fire easily, unlike, the dry bush lands of California or Australia. Brazilian climate scientist Carlos Nobre said he worries if 2025 percent of the ecosystem( 生态系统 ) is destroyed that the Amazon could reach a tipping point, after which it would enter a self-sustaining( 自给自足 ) period of die back as the forest changes into savannah ( 无树大草原 ).Nobre warned that it is not far off with already 1517 percent of the rainforest having been destroyed. It is suggested that people should do many other things to reduce worry.They not only have to set up their home but also they should plant more trees.They also need to change their economical type.Rules are not complete enough to prevent people from cutting trees.Everyone must help to fight environmentally damaging actions.,( B )6.This passage may come from a( n ) . A.storyB.report C.advertisementD.diary ( D )7. made the Brazils government was criticized. A.No fight against climate change B.The raging fire C.Sending the army D.No actions to fight the fires,B D,( D )8.According to Paragraph 2, we can know that . A.Poirier said that the amount of wildfires in 2019 was much more than that in 2018 B.it is the best time to burn because the weather is dry and hot C.Haley thought it was not easy to catch fire in the rainforest even it was dry D.it is much possible that the raging fire was lit by human,D,( B )9.The underlined words “tipping point” mean in Chinese. A.转折点B.临界点 C.最高点D.关键点,B,( B )10.From the passage, we know that the author mainly . A.blames the gover
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