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教材梳理话题写作,话题十四 语言学习,目录导航,01,02,03,九全Unit 1Section A 3a How I Learned to Learn English Last year, I did not like my English class.Every class was like a bad dream.The teacher spoke 1. quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor 2. .I just hid behind my textbook and never said anything. Then one day I 3. an English movie called Toy Story.I 4. (爱上) this exciting and funny movie!So I began to watch other English movies, too.Although I could not 5. everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.I also realized I could get the 6. by listening for just the key words.My pronunciation improved 7. (也) by listening to the conversations in English movies.I discovered that listening to something interesting is the 8. to language learning.I also learned useful 9. like “Its a piece of cake” or “It serves you right”.I did not understand these sentences at first.But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them 10. in a dictionary. Now I really enjoy my English class.I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better understanding of English movies.,教材经典语段再现,参考答案 重点单词:1.so(如此)2.pronunciation(发音)3.watched(观看)5.understand(理解)6.meaning(意思) 9.sentences(句子) 重点短语:4.fell in love with7.as well8.(the) secret (to)(的秘密)10.(look) up(查找,翻阅),【重点句型梳理】 But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them up in a dictionary. 句型结构:because引导的原因状语从句。because意为“因为”。 翻译:我看不到海伦的表情,因为她转过头去了。,I couldnt see Helens expression, because her head was turned.,课标话题词汇 1.languagen.语言 2.knowledgen.知识,学问 3.grammarn.语法 4.conversationn.谈话,交谈,写作基础拓展,5.lettern.信;字母 6.sentencen.句子 7.wordn.词,单词;话 8.thingn.东西,(复)物品;用品;事情,事件 9.coursen.过程;经过;课程,10.difficultyn.困难 11.questionvt.询问,讯问;怀疑n.问题 12.problemn.问题,难题 13.troublev.使苦恼,使忧虑,使麻烦n.问题;疾病;烦恼,麻烦 14.mistakev.弄错n.错误 15.discussionn.讨论,辩论 16.methodn.方法,办法 17.progressn.进步,上进v.进展,进行,18.idean.主意,意见,打算,想法 19.skilln.技能,技巧 20.formv.形成,构成n.表格;形式;结构 21.objectn.物,物体;宾语 22.leveln.水平线;水平,层次,级别,程度 23.reasonv.评理,劝说n.理由,原因 24.replyv.回答,答复 25.penn.钢笔,笔 26.penciln.铅笔,27.dialoguen.对话 28.homeworkn.家庭作业 29.practicen.练习;行为,做法 30.handwritingn.书法 31.meaningn.意思,含意 32.pointv.指,指向n.点,分数 33.noten.便条;笔记;注释 vt.记录,34.articlen.文章;东西,物品;冠词 35.pagen.页,页码 36.pronunciationn.发音,37.magazinen.杂志 38.newspapern.报纸 39.songn.歌唱;歌曲 40.effectn.影响;效果;作用 41.askv.问,询问;请求,要求;邀请 42.answern.答案v.回答,答复;回信 43.knowv.知道,了解;认识;懂得,44.discussv.讨论,议论 45.checkn.检查;批改vt.校对,核对 46.correctv.改正;纠正a.正确的,对的;恰当的 47.solvevt.解决;解答vi.作解答 48.understandv.懂得,明白,理解 49.trainn.火车v.培训,训练 50.tryv.试,试图,努力 51.eacha.暗示 57.examinevt.检查;诊察;仔细观察 58.explainv.解释,说明 59.improvev.改进,更新 60.mixv.混合;混淆,弄混,61.needn.需要,需求 aux.意欲;打算a.刻薄的 71.pointv.指,指向n.点,分数 72.markn.分数;标记vt.标明,作记号于 73.writev.写,书写,写作,著述 74.translatev.翻译 75.mattern.要紧事;问题 v.要紧,73.Japanesea.日本的;日本人的;日语的n.日本人;日语 77.louda.大声的 78.severalpron.几个,数个 a.若干 79.onlinea.联机的;在线的 ad.在线地 80.carefula.小心的,仔细的,谨慎的 81.carelessa.粗心的,漫不经心的 82.patientn.病人a.耐心的 83.clevera.聪明的,伶俐的,84.gooda.好的;良好的 85.maina.主要的,重要的 86.necessarya.必需的,必要的 87.simplea.简单的,简易的 88.easya.容易的,不费力的 89.difficulta.难的;艰难的;不易相处的 90.rightn.权利a.对,正确的,右,右边的ad.正确地,恰恰,完全地,91.wronga.错误的,不正常的,有毛病的 92.surea.确信,肯定ad.一定,当然 93.certaina.确定的,无疑的;一定会的 94.importanta.重要的 95.basica.基本的 96.ablea.能够,有能力的 97.generala.大体的,笼统的,总的 98.zeron.零点,99.twentynum.二十 100.thirtynum.三十 101.fortynum.四十 102.fiftynum.五十 103.sixtynum.六十 104.seventynum.七十 105.eightynum.八十 106.ninetynum.九十,107.elevennum.十一 108.twelvenum.十二 109.thirteennum.十三 110.fifteennum.十五 111.sixteennum.十六 112.seventeennum.十七 113.eighteennum.十八 114.nineteennum.十九 115.hundrednum.百,116.thousandnum.千 117.firstnum.第一a.开端 118.secondn.秒,片刻num.第二 a.第二的 119.thirdnum.第三 120.fifthnum.第五 121.sixthnum.第六 122.seventhnum.第七,123.eighthnum.第八 124.ninthnum.第九 125.tenthnum.第十 126.twelfthnum.第十二 127.twentiethnum.第二十 128.onepron.一(个,只),129.sixnum.六 130.sevennum.七 131.eightnum.八 132.ninenum.九 133.tennum.十,话题词组 1.查找 2.反复,多次重复 3.指出 4.参加英语俱乐部 5.小组学习 6.做笔记 7.向老师求助 8.听磁带,look up over and over again point out join the English club study in groups take notes ask the teacher for help listen to tapes,9.制作词汇卡 10.写日记 11.向某人学习 12.拼写单词 13.提高阅读速度 14.犯错误,make word cards keep a diary learn from sb. spell the words increase the reading speed make mistakes,常用句子 1.学习一门外语很重要。 2.他的英语口语取得很大进步。 3.我希望能出国和外国人用英语交谈。,It is important to learn a second language. He made great progress in spoken English. I hope to go abroad and talk to foreigners in English.,4.当你说英语时,不要怕犯错。 5.我们必须尽可能地多练习说英语。 6.她对学习英语很感兴趣。,Dont be afraid of making mistakes when you speak English. We must try our best to practice speaking English as much as possible. She is very interested in learning English.,A.回答问题 请阅读下面的文章,根据所提供的信息,回答后面的问题。,读写综合训练,1.What can you do to practice your writing? 2.What can you start with when you practice your writing? 3.Why do you find some books of your favorite writers and read them all?,We can practice writing by keeping a diary every
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