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第五课时课时内容 B Read and write课时分析本课时是人教版六年级下册第三单元第五课时。围绕“生活充满好消息和坏消息”这一话题展开,主要通过阅读文本学习词汇basket, part, licked, laughed, dress up以及能够从阅读中获取有用的句型口头描述自己的一天。能够通过活动训练捕捉重要的信息,提升学生的思维能力,激发学习英语的兴趣,并引导学生建立事物都有两面的概念,好事坏事没有绝对,可以互相转换,要保持乐观的心态。前几课时词汇、对话的学习为本课时的学习奠定了基础,本课时是第三单元知识的拓展和延伸。本课时的重点是单词basket, part, licked, laughed的听、说、认读以及能够从阅读中获取有用的句型口头描述自己的一天,并能写出一个语段。 本课时Read and write的板块,分为两个部分。第一部分是读前活动,呈现了吴一凡外出捡了一只叫Max的小狗,并带回家的场景。通过看图,阅读人物对话,讨论故事的开端和预测故事的进一步发展。接下来呈现的是吴一凡写的日记,日记上讲述了这一天发生在吴一凡一家的三件好事和两件坏事。第二部分是书写活动,写出发生在自己身上的一件好事、一件坏事和相应的对策。本课时内容的设计贴近我们的生活,非常吸引人,大大的提高了学生的阅读兴趣。 本课时篇幅较长,信息量大,知识点较多,对于学生的理解和运用有一定的难度。教师要结合图示、语境帮助学生理解生词。基于语篇的整体性原则,把握主体脉络,引导学生在自主学习,小组讨论交流中获取信息,锻炼学生的思维能力,培养学生良好的阅读习惯和方法。课时目标 (1)能够听、说、认读单词和短语:basket, part, licked, laughed, dress up。 (2)能够通过看图讨论预测故事的开端和进一步发展来激活相关的背景知识和储备词汇。(3)能够通过完成读后活动训练在语篇中捕捉不同类型信息和思考能力。(4)能够从阅读中获取有用的句型口头描述自己的一天活动,并能写出一个语段。.(5)培养学生的思维能力,学习英语的兴趣和树立学好英语的信心。 (6) 能够明白凡事都有好坏两面,在我们的努力下坏事也能转化成好事。课时重难点1.重点(1)能够听、说、认读单词和短语:basket, part, licked, laughed, dress up。(2)能够通过看图讨论预测故事的开端和进一步发展来激活相关的背景知识和储备词汇。(3)能够通过完成读后活动训练在语篇中捕捉不同类型信息和思考能力。(4)能够从阅读中获取有用的句型口头描述自己的一天活动,并能写出一个语段。.2.难点(1)单词basket, part, licked, laughed的读音和理解。(2)能够从阅读中获取有用的句型口头描述自己的一天活动,并能写出一个语段。.教学准备 多媒体课件、卡片、照片、录音机、磁带、课外阅读材料。Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT: Good morning, everyone.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. T: Boys and girls, here are some holiday pictures. Whos she? Yeah, its me. What do you want to know about my holiday? S1: Where did you go on your holiday?S2: How did you go there? S3: What did you do there?S4: When did you go there?S: Who did you go there with?教学资源:教师照片设计意图:利用教师假期的照片,引导学生发问,巩固了上节课所学的知识,锻炼学生的思维,拉近师生之间的距离。Step 2 Lead in1. Lets chant T: Ok, everyone. Lets chant together.(播放自制儿歌,师生拍手说唱儿歌。)Where did you go on your holiday? We went to Xinjiang on our holiday.How did you go on your holiday? We went by plane on our holiday.What did you do on your holiday? We rode a horse, took pictures, bought gifts, and ate delicious food on our holiday.教学资源:课件设计意图:说唱儿歌,活跃了课堂气氛,激起了学生学习的兴趣,儿歌的内容也为学习正文做好了铺垫。2. Guess.T: Great. Look, this is a picture of my friend. Shes Lily. What happened? Guess.(教师展示丽丽摔倒的照片,照片被盖住一部分,学生猜测发生的事情。)S1: Hurt her leg?S2: Hurt her foot?T: Yes, she fell off her bike and hurt her arm.(展示完整的照片。)Look at the picture. Whos he?Ss: Hes Wu yifan.T: What happened to Wu yifan?教学资源:课件设计意图:猜一猜预测发生的事情,引起全体学生的注意力,吸引学生的兴趣,为学生阅读做好准备。Step3 Presentation1. 阅读前(1)看一看,说一说。a. T:Now boys and girls, look at the pictures.(课件呈现教学插图。) How did Wu yifan meet Max? What will happen next? b. 两人一组讨论问题,然后全班交流。(2)学生分类,哪些是好的事情?哪些是坏的事情?(3)指名描述吴一凡发生的事情。教学资源:教学插图设计意图:借助插图,展开联想,讨论故事,激活相关的背景,培养学生丰富的想象能力,和语言组织能力。2.阅读中(1)第一次阅读a.快速阅读文本,用括号标出与图片相符的句子。 b. 小组讨论,展示结果。 Picture 1: In the afternoon, Mum ate some bad fruit and didnt feel well. We stayed in the hotel.Picture 2: Robin played the part of a dog. Max liked him very much. He jumped on him and licked him.Picture 3: In the morning, they rode a bike for three people. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. c. 结合插图,教师的动作,帮助学生理解单词part, licked, on the front of 和句子。 d. 根据文本,给图片排序。(2)第二次阅读 a. 再次阅读文本,找出这一天发生在吴一凡一家的三件好事和坏事,用线画出。 b. 小组讨论,整理结果。 Good News_- Bad News_ c. 小组汇报结果。 在学生汇报的结果中理解dressed up, make a funny play。 (3)第三次阅读 a. 阅读文本,小组讨论问题。What was the date? How was the weather?How was that day? What did they do in the morning?Where did Max sit? Why did they stay in the hotel in the afternoon.Who did Max like? What did Max do to Robin? b. 指名回答问题,理解文本的细节。(4)播放录音,跟读录音,模仿正确的语音、语调。(5)写一写。a. 结合实际,写出发生在自己身上的一件好事、一件坏事和自己的对策。 b. 小组交流。c. 请几名学生说一说。教师向学生渗透观念:事情都有两面,好事坏事没有绝对,可以互相转换,因此要保持乐观的心态,努力把坏事变好事。教学资源:录音机、磁带、课件设计意图:文本教学先整体感知, 然后局部处理,理解细节,最后回到整体。培养学生整体感知、捕捉关键信息的能力。3. 阅读后(1) 阅读中国传统故事“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。 A Good Things or Bad Thing In the old times, there was an old man. His name was Saiweng. He always thought differently from other people. One day, his horse came out and didnt come back. His neighbours felt sorry for him. However, he said, “Losing a horse is a bad thing, but maybe it will become a good thing.? Several months later, his horse came back with another fine horse. His neighbours felt happy for him, but he said, “ Maybe it will become a bad thing. ”Just as he worried, one day, his son rode the fine horse. He fell off and hurt his leg. His son became a disabled man. His neighbours were sorry for him again, but he didnt think so: “Maybe it will become a goo thing again.” One year later, there was a war. Many young men became soldiers and died. His son did not have to serve in the army because of his leg. His leg injury saved his life. (2) 自读材料,完成读后活动。 Good News
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