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第六课时l 课时内容B. Start to read; Lets check; Lets sing. C. Story timel 课时分析 本课时是在基本掌握本单元重点词汇和句型的基础上,进行的练习测试与故事阅读课。Start to read中,呈现了四组植物图片,图片的左边是四篇观察日记。包括了日期、天气、自己的心情,重要的线索是,观察到植物开了多少朵花。学生需要数一数图片中的花朵数目,与左边的观察日记进行匹配、连线。这个活动检查了学生能否将阿拉伯数字与英文单词相匹配,同时是否真正理解数字单词代表的数量。Lets check中包括两个活动,第一个活动是听音判断正误。题目中呈现了苹果、汽车、帽子、彩笔四种物品,每个物品上方还对应着一个数字。学生会听到四组对话,需要根据对话中提到的数量是否与图片中给出的数量相符合,打或。接下来的Listen and number提供了六个数字单词,学生根据听到录音的顺序,而非这六个数字的大小顺序为它们标注序号。这个活动考查学生理解和认读重点单词的能力。Lets sing中学生要学习的是一首经典的歌曲,one, two, three, four, five。它具有故事性,又很押韵。可以通过表演或播放相关的歌曲视频使学生理解其表达的意思,再让学生学习演唱。在演唱的过程,学生可以熟悉110十个数字的表达。Story time中,Zoom和Zip进行了一场摘苹果比赛。Zoom摘得很快,却不知道用东西把苹果装起来,最后只剩下了3个苹果。而Zip却很聪明地用了篮子,而且她还跟着Zoom后面,轻轻松松地就超过了Zoom。这个故事简单明了,语句也不多,共有四幅图,主要用来复习120的表达和重点句子。学生学起来会非常容易。l 课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。2. 能够听懂故事,并表演。3. 能够会唱歌曲one, two, three, four, five。4. 能够完成阅读、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。l 课时重难点1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。能够完成阅读、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。2. 难点:能够在具体的情境中正确使用本单元的重点句式。l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 故事中两个主要人物的头饰、数字卡片l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm upChant: How many do you have? 先播放,再和学生齐唱。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets chant. Listen to the chant first. Then lets chant together.设计意图:以韵句进行热身,可以营造良好的英语学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。此韵句为上一课时学习到的内容,既可以复习已知知识,也可以为之后的学习环节做好知识上的准备。 Step 2 Lead in1. 随机展示数字120,学生快速读出数字。先出示阿拉伯数字,再出示英语单词。Teacher:Ill show you the numbers. Please read them one by one. 2. 口算比赛。Teacher:Lets have a race. I tell you the number. You say the answer. What is three and ten? What is eleven and five? What is two times five? What is four times four? 设计意图:先带领学生复习数字的读法,然后同学生进行加法及乘法比赛,这种活动与本课时所学的故事相关,同时也复习了上课时的重要内容。 Step 3 Presentation1. 播放故事视频,学生认真观察。Teacher: Zoom and Zip have a race, too. What do they do? Lets watch the story. They have a race about apples. Who won? Who is number one? Yes, Zip won. 设计意图:由比赛这一话题串接起上一环节与故事。让学生自然接受的同时,产生阅读的欲望。这个故事语句简单,学生理解起来非常容易。通过简单提问,让学生明白won的意思。2. 再次播放故事,认真跟读,感受发音。Teacher: Lets watch the story again. Follow it, please. 3. 再次播放故事,通过与学生交流,使其理解故事的内容。Teacher: What does Zoom see? Yes, he sees many apples. What does he want to do? He wants to have a race with Zip. Does Zip want to have a race, too? Yes. Zip thinks its a good idea. How many apples does Zoom have? He has only three. How many apples does Zip have? Zip has seventeen apples. Who won? Zip won. 设计意图:通过跟读,确保学生能够正确朗读故事。通过针对课文内容的交流,使学生一方面理解课文内容,另一方面理解了故事中陌生词汇的含义,并能够初步感受其用法。 Step 4 Practice1 分角色读课文,之后,再分角色表演课文。Teacher: Lets read the story. Boys will be Zoom. Girls can be Zip. Lets read it.Teacher: Now, lets try to act the story out. Who wants to be Zoom? Who can play Zip? 设计意图:通过分角色朗读,使学生能够朗读故事,再通过表演,使学生能够真正理解故事内容,并能够正确表演故事。2. 完成 Listen and number练习。Teacher: You know numbers well. Lets do something about the numbers. Lets listen and number. You will hear six numbers. Please put the six words in order according to the number you hear. 设计意图:完成听音排序活动,检验学生能否可以听懂并能认读数字单词。3. 完成Start to read部分活动。Teacher:You are better than Zoom. Zoom has a flower. He watches it everyday. What did he see? Look at the pictures and the sentences. OH, poor Zoom! They are in wrong order. Please match the picture and the sentence. Then read them loudly. 这一活动是对学生的数字知识的全面检查。学生先要数一数图片中花朵的数量,确切真正这个数量的英语表达方式,然后还要在左边的观察日记中,找到匹配的英语数字单词。最后,还需要把这些句子读出来。一个活动考查了他们能否听懂、会说、会认读重点词汇。4. 完成Lets check部分的听音判断练习。Teacher:How many flowers do you have? Thats Zooms question. Can you answer it? Now listen and tick. Look at the pictures. You can see the thing and the number. Listen, if the number is right, please tick. Teacher: Now, please show your answer. 设计意图:本活动检验学生能否听懂本单元的重点句式。5. 两人小组活动,询问同桌拥有的物品的数量。Teacher: Do you have any balls? How many balls do you have? How many cars do you have? How many caps do you have? How many crayons do you have? Teacher: Do a pair work. Ask and answer.Teacher: Now please show your dialogue. Lets find the best pair. 设计意图:通过两人小组问答活动,使学生能够较真实地运用所学知识表达自己的想法,真正提高他们的口语表达能力。 Step 5 Summary播放歌曲One, two, three, four, five. 讨论歌曲内容,学生跟唱。然后练唱,展示歌曲。Teacher:Lets listen to a song about numbers. Teacher: What did I catch? I caught a fish. The fish is alive. I catch a fish alive. I caught a fish alive. Then what did I do? I let it go. I put it in the water. It swims away. Why did I let it go? Because the fish bit my finger. (出示图片,或用肢体语言来展示)Which finger? This little finger on the right hand. Teacher: Read the song after me, please. Teacher: Listen to the song again. Sing with it this time. Teacher: Now who wants to show the song? You can do some actions when you sing the song. 设计意图:通过听、学、唱、表演几个层次的活动,保证学生能基本理解歌词的褒义,并能够会唱歌曲,并在演唱歌曲的同时总结本课时、本单元所学的重点内容。l 课堂作业一、选出下列各组中不同类的一项。( ) 1. A. sixteen B. cars C. seventeen( ) 2. A. fish B. car C. ball( ) 3. A. banana B. apple C. many( ) 4. A. fourteen B. have C. twenty( ) 5. A. kite B.crayon C. p
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