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关于停电的英语作文(通用3篇) 关于停电的英语作文(通用3篇) 在现实生活或工作学习中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是帮大家的关于停电的英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 今天晚上,我正在写作业,突然停电了,四周一下变得黑漆漆的,我慌了神。妈妈一边摸索着找来蜡烛点燃,一边打开手电筒。但习惯了平时亮堂堂的照明,总觉得光线还是很模糊,妈妈安慰我说:“这总比凿壁偷光舒服多了吧!”我想想也是,便坚持写作业。作业完成后,我来到阳台上一看, 呀!平时灯火通明的街道现在也是一片黑暗,少数人家点起了蜡烛,烛光忽明忽暗,就像夜空中点缀着闪闪发亮的星星。看见远处的小区有电,我非常羡慕,觉得住在那边的人们好幸福哟!哎!平时自己怎么就不觉得了?这难道就叫“身在福中不知福”?8时左右,电终于来了,从死气沉沉的黑暗中瞬间重见光明真好,我开心得又蹦又跳。 如果没有爱迪生,我不敢想象,这个世界会是什么样,也许都得摸黑过着原始的生活。所以,我们要感谢爱迪生给人类创造了幸福。 Tonight, I was working on my homework, and suddenly there was a power outage. The surroundings became dark, and I panicked. Mother fumbled for a candle and lit the flashlight. However, I am used to the bright lighting, and I always feel that the light is still very fuzzy. My mother forted me and said, This is more fortable than stealing light from the wall! I thought about it and insisted on writing my homework. After the homework was pleted, I went to the balcony to take a look, Yeah! The normally brightly lit streets are now dark. A few people lit candles, and the candlelight flickered, like the night sky dotted with shiny stars. Seeing that there is electricity in the munity in the distance, I am very envious and feel that the people living there are so happy! Hey! Why dont you feel it? Is this called being in blessing without knowing blessing? At about 8 oclock, the electricity finally came, and it was nice to see the light instantly from the dead darkness, and I jumped and jumped happily. Without Edison, I dare not imagine what the world will be like, maybe I have to live a primitive life in the dark. Therefore, we would like to thank Edison for creating happiness for mankind. 昨天晚上8点半左右,我与妈妈正在看电视剧迷失洛杉矶,突然,只听“啪”的一声,所有的灯,还有电视、电脑全都关掉了。我与妈妈愣了几秒钟,一起反映过来停电了! 我跌跌撞撞地走到电视柜旁,拿出手电筒,用颤抖着的手把它打开。相比之下,妈妈倒是镇静得多,她不慌不忙地拿出烛台和蜡烛,点着第一根蜡烛,屋里顿时明亮了许多。 接着,妈妈又点亮了第二根、第三根、第四根、第五根几乎就可以看到整个客厅了。然后,我打着手电筒看书,妈妈照着烛光织毛衣。就这样,我们度过了半个小时。忽然,灯陆陆续续地开了!来电了!我憋足了气,吹灭了几支蜡烛。我们开开心心地干别的事去了。 通过这件事,我知道了遇事千万不要慌,只要动脑筋,就一定有解决的方法! At about 8:30 last night, my mother and I were watching the TV series Lost Los Angeles. Suddenly, I only listened to a slap and all the lights, as well as the TV and the puter were turned off. My mother and I froze for a few seconds, and reflected it together-power outage! I stumbled to the TV cabi, took out the flashlight, and opened it with a trembling hand. In contrast, my mother was much calmer. She took out the candlestick and candle without any haste, lit the first candle, and the room suddenly became brighter. Then, my mother lit up the second, third, fourth, fifth . almost you can see the entire living room. Then, I read a book with a flashlight, and my mother knits a sweater with candlelight. In this way, we spent half an hour. Suddenly, the lights turned on one after another! There is a call! I suffocated and blew out several candles. We went happily to do other things. Through this matter, I know that you should never panic when something happens, as long as you use your brain, there must be a solution! “哎,倒霉,太倒霉了!”从那伸手不见五指的客厅里,传来一阵又一阵的叹气声。这到底是怎么了?还是让我来告诉你吧。 从早晨太阳公公打着哈欠去上班,到下午茶时间,一切都很完美。我懒洋洋地躺在外婆家的空调房里,正打着盹儿,简直无比的惬意。可好景不长,突然间,我被热醒了,发现空调半开着,但插座却是好好的,毫无疑问,现在停电了!我郁闷地坐了起来,这可是三伏天呢,没电的滋味太难受了。 为了让自己好过一点,我只好找了把扇子扇了起来。可随着我有气无力地挥动,扇子就像脆弱的军团要去战胜世界霸主一样,那刚产生的一丝丝凉风瞬间就被热浪吞噬了。这不禁让我想起了一句诗“清风无力屠得热,落日着翅飞上山”,看来今天我手中的扇子也注定与古人一样,只能战败收场了。 吃过晚饭,外婆建议我们出去走走,因为外面时不时会吹来一阵凉风,总比呆在家里强。于是我们去运动场溜达了几圈,到了九点多,我和爸爸准备先回去看看来电了没有。可回家后一看,四周还是一片漆黑。我看着远处楼房里的灯光,无比羡慕。这时妈妈和外婆还在外面纳凉,爸爸却已经睡了。满头大汗的我一个人躺在沙发上,觉得自己像是盘过了夜的菜,正在微波炉里加热呢!我时不时地给外婆打电话催她快点回来,好像这样就能缓解我的闷热。 又过了一会儿,我快要睡着了,这时“叮叮叮”我的手表突然响了,把我吓了一大跳,哦,原来是外婆告诉我她马上回家。我高兴得一骨碌翻身起来,也不怕热水器没电打不起热水,咬牙冲进浴室里洗了个冷水澡。刚洗完躺到床上,外婆回来了。她轻轻地给我打着扇子,为我带来一丝凉风。迷迷糊糊中,我终于进入了梦乡,一觉睡到了大天亮。 唉,夏天停电真可怕呀! Hey, bad luck, too bad! From the living room where you couldnt see your fingers, there were sighs after another. What exactly happened here? Let me _ you. From Father Sun yawning to work in the morning to tea time, everything was perfect. I was lying lazily in the air-conditioned room of my grandmothers house, dozing off, and it was so cozy. But it didnt last long. Suddenly, I was awakened by the heat and found that the air conditioner was half on, but the outlet was good. There is no doubt that the power is off now! I sat up depressively, but it was three days, the taste of no electricity was too unfortable. In order to make myself feel better, I had to find a fan. But as I waved feebly, the fan was like a fragile legion to defeat the world overlord, and the fresh breeze that was just created was instantly swallowed by the heat wave. This reminded me of a poem, The breeze is unable to slaughter, the sun sets and the wings fly up the mountain. It seems that the fan in my hand today is destined to be the same as the ancients and can only be defeated. After dinner, my grandmother suggested that we go out for a walk, because a cool breeze would blow from time to time, b
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