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1,Unit 8,Globalization Shakes the World,2,词汇:马兰、吴怡 从句:马兰、白雪 段落大意:范琳琳、孙小霭 难点:胡文丽 课后题:谭梦园、韩秀 手稿:朱琳,3,dramatic adj.激动人心的;突然的;巨大的 例句:This policy has led to adramaticincrease in our prison populations. 这项政策已经让我们监狱的囚犯人数激增。 boom vi.发出隆隆声;快速发展;暴涨; vt. 使繁荣;使迅速发展; n.隆隆声;繁荣;激增; 例句:An economicboomfollowed, especially in housing and construction. 经济快速发展,尤其是在房地产业和建筑业。,4,transform vt.改变;改观;变换 例句:Delegates also discussedtransforming them from a guerrilla force into a regular army. 代表们还讨论了把他们从游击队武装改造为正规军的问题。 prospect n.前景;期望;眺望处;景象; 例句:Theprospects for peace in the countrys eight-year civil war are becoming brighter. 该国经历8年内战之后重归和平的前景正逐渐变得光明。,5,12/24/2020,A:The huge effects of globalization in Bangalore,在世界上很少有地方可以看到全球化的巨大影响超过印度的硅谷班加罗尔,它正在经历前所未有的热潮,也是印度经济的前景所在。,Few places in the world have seen the dramatic effects of globalization more than Bangalore , the Silicon Valley of India , which is experiencing an extraordinary IT boom that is transforming the prospects of the Indian economy .,非限制性定语从句,定语从句,7,As a result of 证明是;结果是例句:He was made kingasaresultofvarious intrigues. 由于搞了各种各样的阴谋,他当上了国王。getaway n.(指犯罪后的)逃跑;(比赛的)开始例句:They made theirgetawayalong a pavement on a stolen motorcycle. 他们骑上偷来的摩托车沿着人行道逃走了。stressed-out adj.紧张的,感到有压力的例句:I am stressed-out for the exam.对于这次考试我很紧张。,8,lay off 解雇 例句:They did not sell a single car for a month and had tolay offworkers. 一个月来一辆汽车都卖不出去,他们只好裁员。 be blamed for 为负责 例句:We should be blamed for no fault of their own. 我们应该为自己的过错负责任。 Prosperity n. 兴旺,繁荣,成功,昌盛 例句:The new agreement raised hopes for conditions ofprosperityand harmony. 新的协议唤起了人们对繁荣与和谐前景的期望。Shape n.形状,外形 v.塑造,摆好姿势,使成为形状例句:Ultimately, we can change theshapeof peoples lives. 最终,我们可以改变人们的生活状况。,9,12/24/2020,B:Many peoples life has changed because globalization.,对于一个班加罗尔的导游Santosh来说生活是美好的。由于IT行业的迅速发展,他在网上建立了一个属于自己的旅游公司,开发了周末假日的旅游路线来缓解it工作人员的压力。Dean Braid,一个在密歇根州弗林特市的汽车工程师生活不是太好。在1999年Buick市的GM关闭了工厂以后,他和另外28000名工人被解雇,并且到现在都没有工作。全球化被指责给现代世界带来很多弊病,但他也被称赞带来空前的繁荣。但是究竟什么是全球化?是什么力量塑造了它?,As a result of the IT boom , he haslaunched his own web - based travel firm , , and is doing a booming business selling weekend getaway holidays to stressed - out IT workers .,结果状语从句,定语从句,时间状语从句,He and 28,000 other worker -were laid off from Buick City when GM closed the factory in 1999 , and hasnt worked since . But what is globalization , and what are the forces that are shaping it ?,12,a,accelerate v. 加速,加快 例句:The government is toaccelerate its privatisation programme. 政府将加快其私有化计划的进程。 have a profound effect on 深刻影响 例句:My fathers words have profound effect on me . 父亲的话对我有着深刻的影响。 alike adj.两者都,同样的 adv.十分相像地,同样地 例句:The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small firmsalike. 无论在大公司还是小公司,这些技术的应用几乎 无处不在。,13,economist n.经济学家,经济专家 例句: Perfect competition is defined by theeconomistas a technical term. 经济学者把完全竞争当作一个专用的名词。 migrant n.移民,移居者 例句:The government divides asylum-seekers into economicmigrants and genuine refugees. 政府把寻求避难者划分为经济移民与真正的难民。 inflation n.充气,通货膨胀,通胀率 例句:Gold prices are often seen as an indicator ofinflation. 黃金价格常常被看作是通货膨胀的指标。,14,12/24/2020,C:Globalization has advantages and disadvantages.,全球化好还是不好? 全球化步伐的加快对无论是穷国还是富国的生活都有着深远的影响,很多地区正从繁荣转化为萧条,如底特律或者班加罗尔,或者反之亦然。许多经济学家认为,全球化可以为世界主要的经济趋势做解释,比如: 在西方经济体中,高利润但是工资低的工人。 在贫穷国家大量的人移民到城市。 低通货和低利率强进增长。,15,formerly adv.从前,原来,以前 例句:Formerlymost of our household utensils were made of brass. 以前我们家庭用的器皿多数是用黄铜做的。,interest rate n.利率 例句:Economists are predicting a fall in interest rate. 经济专家预言利率会下降。,16,12/24/2020,D:The effect of Globalization in Asia.,在过去的五十年前所未有的繁荣增长中,全球化发挥了关键的作用,它现在正在从美国和欧洲扩大到许多以前贫穷的亚洲国家,包括中国和印度。,And globalization has played a key role in the extraordinary increase in prosperity in the last 50 years , which is now spreading from the United States and Europe to include many formerly poor countries in Asia , including China and India .,非限制性定语从句,18,refer to 1.参考 You can refer to a dictionary if necessary 如果有必要,你可以参考字典。 2.指的是。 What inflation refer to it is a theory? 理论指的是什么样的膨胀?,19,Integration 整合,融合,一体化,He thinks we are living in a fully integrated, supportive society. 他认为我们生活在一个完全和谐、相互扶持的社会里。,20,12/24/2020,E:Definition of Globalization.,定义全球化 在经济方面,全球化是指在贸易、投资越来越跨国际的(可能有也可能没有政治或文化含义)在世界上日益增长的经济一体化。,In economic terms , globalization refers to the growing economic integration of the world , as trade , investment and money increasingly cross international borders (which may or may not have political or cultural effect ) .,定语从句,22,revolution n.革命;彻底改变;旋转;运行,公转 例句:Did the industrial revolution change womens work? 工业革命是否改变了妇女的工作? superpower n.超级大国;超级强权;超等的巨大力量;超国家政治实体(指管强国的国际组织) 例句:But china is a nascent superpower. 中国则是一个新兴超级大国。,23,scale n.规模;比例(尺);鱼鳞;级别vt.测量;攀登;刮去的鳞片 vi.衡量;攀登;(鳞屑)脱落;生水垢 例句:The answer to evolutions time scale was the nuclear physics of starlight. 进化论时间规模的答案就在关于星光的核物理学。 dramatically adv.戏剧性地,引人注目地 例句:Last summerthe drummer became an amateur dramatist dramatically. 去年夏天,鼓手戏剧性地变成了业余剧作家。 doubling n.加倍,成双v.把对折,折叠; 是的两倍;(使)加倍;兼任 例句: In the
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