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中考题型特训之完型填空专练 完型填空(一) A few years ago, my husband and I were on an island for a long weekend with our two daughters. As we wondered about what to do _ _our girls jumped in and told us exactly what they wanted to do. “_ want to go to the butterfly museum,”said Ariela and Eliana. As soon as we _ into the main area of the museum, we saw thousands of _ butterflies, all flapping( 拍 打) their colourful wings. My girls were _ up and down, and I knew we had made the right _ to come to the museum. They were having so much fun. I _to our museum tour guide because I was curious( 好奇 的), and asked, “_do butterflies live?” She said, “About ten days.” “What can butterflies do _ ten days?” I asked. The guide stopped, looked at me, and said, “They make the world _more beautiful place.” After we said goodbye, I _stop thinking about what the guide had said. She was right. We all have _ to offer the world with the time we have. _ we focus our gifts on taking care of each other every day, we can make a _ How thankful it is that you can have the influence on your family, friends and neighbors! Like a butterfly , you have your own way of making the world a little _ for everyone. 1A.now Bnext Conce Dagain 2A.We BYou CI DThey 3A.drove Bwalked Clooked Dbrought 4A.free Blonely Cbeautiful Dordinary 5A.coming Bmoving Cshowing Djumping 6A.way Btime Cdecision Dadvice 7A.got Bwent Cturned Dworried 8A.How soon BHow long CHow often DHow much 9A. on Bfor Cto Din 10A.a Ban Cthe D(不填) 11A.can Bcant Ccould Dcouldnt 12A.nothing Banything Csomething Deverything 13A.When BSince CUnless DWhether 14A.note Bchance Clesson Ddifference 15A.better Bfaster Clarger Dslower 完型填空(二) Dear Mrs Smith, I was a student of yours in Grade Six. Im _ this letter to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me. I know I used to be quiet in your class, and you _ said much to me. But you did something that made a big _to my life. You see, all through my first year in school, I _ reading. Books were just words that had very little to do with me. Ill never_ the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to us. Your voice seemed to change _ the people in the story, and you drew _ in my mind as you read aloud.From then on, I fell in love with your reading. You _all kinds of interesting books to us. During the summer after my year in your class, I _ hearing the stories you would read. So one day I picked up a book and read it on my own. I found out that I could make the words interesting, too. Now,I love to read! Thank you for _ the world of books for me. Yours, Linda 1A.write Bwrote Cwriting Dwrites 2A.always Boften Csometimes Dseldom 3A.difference Bmistake Cdecision Dprogress 4A.liked Bdisliked Cagreed Dloved 5A.forget Bforgot Cremember Dremembered 6A.to Bat Cwith Don 7A.its Bher Chim Dit 8A.read Bwatched Csaw Dlooked 9A.wanted Bloved Cmissed Dmade 10A.open Bopening Cclose Dclosing 完型填空(三) As a child,I was shy.My parents thought that the way to _ this problem was to shove(推)me into public situations.I was told to sing and _ a speech in front of many people. I did not do well.I would be nervous _ I was placed in new situations.I would feel nervous to speak in front of a crowd.My parents were worried about that.Maybe it was because everyone in my _ was outgoing except me. When I grow up,I have known much about shyness.The shy people cant show their _ perhaps because theyre worried about saying the wrong thing or acting the wrong way.Often they feel _ that strangers are judging their words or actions. I stay at home.I shop online.I hate _ though I really have a car.I _ making phone calls,so I dont call anyone often.If I do have to go somewhere in public,I need to have my husband with me.I dont want to be _ Now I am no longer told to sing or make speeches in public.I have chosen a career( 职业)in _,so people can read what I couldnt say out loud. 1A.deal with Bthink up Cgive up Dtalk about 2A.get Bgive Ctell Dsee 3A.although Bso Cwhen Dbut 4A.team Bgroup Cschool Dfamily 5A.thoughts Bplans Cphotos Dreasons 6A.happy Brelaxed Cangry Dafraid 7A.walking Bswimming Cdriving Dcooking 8A.enjoy Bdislike Ctry Dpractice 9A.alone Bbusy Ctired Dfree 10A.listening Bspeaking Creading Dwriting 完型填空(四) Afternoon tea is very important in the UK.As with everything, afternoon tea _ has particular etiquette.Here are a few tips for you to enjoy it. Afternoon tea is a dainty(精致的 )_So, when you drink your tea,take_sips instead of drinking it up.Theres an order to drink tea,_actually drinking tea can take place throughout the meal. The food should be served in a right order.Sandwiches are eaten first, _by the swe
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