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Unit 5,1. _ vt. 毒害; vt.毒害; 投毒,breathe,medical,symptom,poison,1. _生病 2. _ 保持健康 3. _吃药 4. _感冒 5. _注意,fall ill,keep healthy,take medicine,catch a cold,pay attention to,6. _动手术 7. _保护免于 8. _经常锻炼 9. _ 轻微地红肿 10. _医疗护理,have an operation,protect.from,do regular exercise,mildly swollen,medical care,11. _止血 12. _ 患上;遭遇 13. _苏醒 14. _急救 15. _平衡的饮食,stop the bleeding,suffer from,come to oneself,first aid,balanced diet,16. _住 院 17. _ 人工呼吸 18. _ 注意;当心 19. _ 身心健康 20. _ 受伤,in hospital,a mouth-to-mouth way,take care,mental and physical health,get injured,1.多巴胺对我们的身心健康发挥着至关重要的作用。 Dopamine plays a very important role in our mental and physical health. 2.预定今天下午为他施行手术。 He is scheduled to have an operation this afternoon.,3.为西藏等地区的妇女提供免费医疗。 Free medical care for women is provided in Tibet and other regions. 4.人工呼吸无疑是使氧气进入她的肺部并挽救她性命的最快速的办法。 Mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing is surely the quickest way to get oxygen into her lungs and save her life.,5.她建议每四小时服一回药。 She was advised to take the medicine every four hours. 6.护士在伤口上搽了些药膏来止血。 The nurse applied some ointment to the cut to stop the bleeding.,7.禽流感还会导致突然死亡。 Bird flu can also cause sudden death. 8.平衡的饮食将使你充满能量! A balanced diet will give you lots of energy!,9.如果你不穿上外套, 你会感冒的。 Youll catch a cold if you dont put on your coat. 10.为什么她突然生病,这是个谜。 Why she felt ill suddenly is a mystery.,汉语大意:上周六的下午,我和我的朋友正在中山公园的湖边写生,突然我们听到有个女孩在湖中呼救。我们毫不犹豫地跳入湖中把她拉出了湖面。我们用人工呼吸使她苏醒了过来。然后她被送到了医院,我们打电话给了她父母亲,他们很感激。医生们高度赞扬了我们的急救方法,这使我们意识到,急救对每个人都很重要。,On the afternoon of last Saturday, my friend and I were practising drawing by the lake in Zhongshan Park when suddenly we heard a girl calling for help in the lake. We hurried to jump into the lake without any hesitation and pulled her out of the lake.,We made her breathe by using mouth-to-mouth way before she came to herself. Then she was sent to hospital and we telephoned the girls parents. Her parents were very thankful to us and the doctors thought highly of our first aid, which made us realize that knowing first aid is very important for everyone.,谢,谢,观,看,致自己的励志语录: 读万卷书,行万里路! 把握现在、就是创造未来。不问收获,但问耕耘! 所谓的成功,就是把别人喝咖啡的功夫都用在工作上了。 浪花,从不伴随躲在避风港的小表演,而始终追赶着拼搏向前的巨轮。,天道酬勤,加油,加油,再加油!,
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