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浙江省湖州市七年级英语 unit4Wheres my schoolbag作业设计(无答案)定标: 1)The cup is the table.2) The ball is the chair3) The pencils are the pencil box.2. Look at the picture and write sentences(知识目标2)1) Wheres the sofa? . 2) Where are the books? .3) ? Its on the table. 4) ? Yes,its under the table. 5) Is the schoolbag on the sofa? .3. Think about your room and write where your things in the box are after the model. watch eraser pens schoolbag notebooks 想想你自己的房间,仿照例子写写这些东西你放在哪里。 (能力目标1,) Model:My watch is on my desk. 1) . 2) . 3) .4) .4. Please make a survey “Where is/are your(s)in your bedroom?”in your group and see whose bedroom is the cleanest.调查三位学生,以下物品他们都放在哪里。看看谁的房间最干净。(能力目标2,情感目标) schoolbagpencil box notebooks pencils I think bedroom is the cleanest. Period 2 Section A 2d-3c定标:知识目标1:通过第二课时学习让学生熟练掌握用where提问物品的位置及Yes/No问题。知识目标2; 通过第二课时学习熟练掌握Grammar focus中的句型及be动词的用法。能力目标1:生活中学生会运用所学的句型与人交流。能力目标2:通过“信息差”的活动,激发学生的探求动机。情感目标: 促使学生利用已知信息探求未知信息,加强学生学习英语的兴趣。1.Look at the pictures and complete the conversations:看图完成对话。(知识目标1)Ben: Mom,wheres my schoolbag?Mom:I dont know. It under the table?Ben: ,it isnt. Oh,its the table. 1).Ben: Wheres the ?Mom: Is it the table?Ben: Ah,yes it is. It is the box the table. 2).3).Ben:Are in the box?Mom: No, . . Theyre under the table.Ben: Are under the table,too?Mom: No,theyre the table the pencil box.2.Fill in the blanks with “is,are”. 用is,are 填空:(知识目标2)1)Where the map? It in your grandparents room. 2)Where my books? They on the sofa. 3) Where his pencil box? It in his schoolbag. 4) Where the keys? They on the table.3. Dale will go for a trip,but he cant find his map,bag and cap. Please make a conversation between Dale and his mum. Dale要离家出去郊游,但是他找不到他的地图,包和太阳帽,请编一段Dale和妈妈之间的对话。(能力目标1) Useful expressions: 1)Wheres/re? 2) Is it/Are they? 3) Come on ! 1. Find the differences between these two pictures and write down the differences after the model.找出下面两张图片的不同,并根据范例把不同之处写下来。(能力目标2,情感目标) A BUseful words: 植物plant 梳妆台 dresser 电脑桌 computer desk1) In Picture A, the telephone is on the bookshelf(书架),but in Picture B it is on the sofa.2) 3) 4) Period 3 Section B 1a-1e 定标: 知识目标1:通过第3课时的学习掌握重点词汇。能力目标1:能在平时生活中运用所学的对话告诉别人你需要的物品在哪儿。能力目标2:能在交流中记录下来别人所需物品的位置情感目标:在交流中渗透作为学生要整理好自己的物品,要有良好的生活习惯。1.Complete the sentences with the right words.用所给单词的适当形式填空(知识目标1) 1)These are not our (收音机). 2) My (时钟)is on the wall of my bedroom. 3)With my t player ,I can listen to English. 4)-Wheres Jims model p ? -Its on his desk. 2. Careless(粗心的) John left his school things(English notebook, ruler, tape, modei plane) at home.He is asking his mother to bring his things to school. Please make a conversation between Johns mom and John.丢三落四的John又一次把他的学习用品落在家里了,他给妈妈打电话要求妈妈把东西送到学校来。假如你是John,请编一段约翰的妈妈和约翰之间的对话。(能力目标1) Useful expressions:1)Hi,Mom. Could you please bring some things to school for me? 2) I need my 3)Wheresre? 4)uh,hmm,oh,OK
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