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Deep Discovery and The Custom Defense| Customer Presentation,Agenda,Why you should offer customers a solution/service for to combat APTs and targeted attacks Why partner with Trend The Custom Defense Solution limited real-time insight or global correlation Applying experience to operations Building ecosystem of tools across the network based on our real-world customer assistance “Custom Defense” completes the customer lifecycle Current industry stops at analysis Programmatically provides remediation Only solution delivering custom security “back into” endpoints and gateways,12,Deep Discovery Presentation,1/1/2021,13,Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.,APTs &Targeted Attacks,EmpoweredEmployees,Elastic Perimeter,Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.,APTs & Targeted Attacks“The New Norm” IDC,Traditional Security Protection is Insufficient,Trend Micro Custom DefenseA complete lifecycle to combat the attacks that matter to you,Deep Discovery,Deep Discovery Inspector,1/1/2021,16,Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.,Advanced Threat Protection Across the Attack Sequence,Malicious Content Suspect Communication Attacker Behavior,Deep Discovery: Key Technologies,Specialized Threat Detection Across the Attack Sequence,1/1/2021,17,Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.,Big Data Analytics-driven Global Threat Intelligence Added protection: Whitelisting Network traffic rules Mobile app reputation Vulnerability shielding,BIG DATA ANALYTICS-DRIVEN GLOBAL THREAT INTELLIGENCE2012,Whitelisting Network traffic rules Mobile app reputation Vulnerabilities/Exploits Threat Actor Research Enhanced File Reputation Enhanced Web Reputation,DAILY: Collects 1.15B threat samples Correlates 7.2 TB data Protects against 200M threats,Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.,Threat Analyzer Custom Sandbox Simulation & Analysis,Tracking of malicious actions & events Detection of malicious destinations and connections to C&C servers Specific detection rules for Office,PDF and Flash docs General detection rules for all executables Exportable reports & PCAP files,Fully Customizable Attack Surface using standard VMware tools,Operating system, Office version, Service Packs Browsers and standard applications Custom applications,Deep Discovery How It Works,1/1/2021,20,Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.,Visibility, Analysis & Action,Threat ConnectInformation Portal,Threat profile: What are the characteristics, origins and variants of this malware. Related IPs/Domains: What are the known C&C comms for this attack. Attack Group/Campaign: Who and what is behind this threat. Containment and remediation: What to look for, how to remediate and eradicate.,Deep Discovery,Network traffic inspection Advanced threat detection Real-time analysis & reporting,Custom scalable threat simulation Deep investigation & analysis Actionable intelligence & results,DeepDiscovery Inspector,Deep Discovery provides the visibility, insight & control you need to protect your company against APTs and targeted attacks,Deep Discovery Advisor,Threat Analyzer In-depth threat simulation & analysis Custom sandbox execution environments Scalable to 50,000 samples/day Integration with Deep Discovery Inspector Open, automated and manual submission,Security Update Server IP/URL blacklist export Custom security signature updates (future),Threat Intelligence Center In-depth analysis of incidents & events Risk-focused monitoring & investigation Trend Micro & open security event collection Context-relevant actionable intelligence Deep Discovery Inspector central reporting,Custom scalable threat simulation Deep investigation & analysis Actionable intelligence & results,1/1/2021,24,Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.,Deep Discovery Advisor,DeepDiscovery Inspector,Deep Discovery Advisor,Detect,Analyze,Adapt,Respond,AdvancedProtectionSolutions,SecurityUpdates,Forensics, Containment,Remediation,Deep Discovery Advisor Completing the Custom Defense Lifecyle,The Custom Defense In Action Advanced Email Protection,Blocking of targeted spear phishing emails and document exploits via custom sandboxing Central analysis of detections Automated updates of malicious IP/Domains Signature file updates,InterScan Messaging Securityor ScanMail,Anti-spam,Web Reputation,Anti-phishing,Advanced Threat Detection,Anti-malware,“Suspicious”,quarantine,feedback,1/1/2021,26,Confidential | Copyright 2012 Trend Micro Inc.,Deep Discovery AdvisorThreat Intelligence Center,Why Deep Discovery,Detection Beyond MSFT & sandboxing Mobile, Mac, Custom sandboxing Beyond malware Attacker behavior, lateral movement, ,Intelligence Smart Protection Network & Researchers Threat Connect Portal,TCO Single appliance Flexible form factors Competitive pricing,1/1/2021,The Bigger Picture Custom Defense Solution Services & strategic value Trend commitment to customer success,Deep Discovery,Visibility Insight Control,Live Demonstration ofDeep DiscoveryQ & A,29,Tools At Your Disposal,30,Addi
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