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1Analysis of language teachers charismaRole model. “Throughout the ages, the Chinese and foreign educator stressed teacher personality known as the” Russian teachers of teachers “Ushinski said:” In education, all based on the teachers personality, because the power of education only from live Personality source of generated, only the personality to influence the formation and development of the personality, the only character to form character. “The charisma of teachers is an important educational resource, education is also a subtle forces her students is enormous, far-reaching, and sometimes affect a students life. Tradition of respecting teachers, although make The student to teacher awe and obedience, the but conquer the students spiritual teachers of non-power to influence, moral, sentimental, self-cultivation, knowledge, skills and feelings with the students. language teachers are no exception. sense, language teachers charisma of the impact of the students in mind, motivate and influence is more obvious and prominent this, it still makes sense to explore language teachers charisma. Language teachers charisma from the lofty style of 2high moral character Ushinski education personality as the “foundation”, it is “the cause of education all. Cai Yuanpei, also said: “What is Normal? Fan is a model example of lecture people.” Well, Mr. Tao Xingzhi “holding a heart, without a half of grass to” the idea is to “Shibiao the demeanor “best interpretation. Theory, language teachers on the traditional virtues of the Order of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, todays socialist spiritual civilization, under Yang which requires language teachers must have a mind open - minded, the fame, Rongrubujing, spared no efforts Shibiao demeanor. language teachers only have this charisma, can be used through the ages integrity of independent intellectuals personality, noble beliefs and the pursuit to nurturing students to shape their beautiful soul, but also to make our students understand Tao “Five Pecks handout “strength of character, can be respected as Lu Fangweng” Wang Shi scheduled for the North Central Plains Day, the Sacrificial been forgotten, “the long-cherished wish, can glorify Wen Tianxiang” Everyone must die to retain loyalty according to annals of arrogance can appreciate Zhazi Dong 3martyrs “is a seven-foot man born deny himself, and for Chiaki male ghost refuses home” clank oath. Admittedly, the ideal language classroom should be colorful, lively and interesting so classroom atmosphere is itself being a model from language teachers, wise and astute and erudite loving charisma. Moral education known to the world Confucius has long advocated “lead by example” and “three times daily”, stressed the exemplary role of the teacher force of personality and edification role because of his “education for all”, “individualized”, “unity of knowledge”, “the best that the world has to give , “indefatigable,” Xuesi combination, not anger Kai “, but can not speak hair”, “teaching and learning”, the “Houshengkewei education theory and teaching methods, future generations Yang Mi high drilling intact, Bringing the former, the sudden fall in heartfelt sigh. Second, the language teachers charisma from the vast knowledge Secondary discipline, language is the most comprehensive, the great knowledge covers the so-called 4“language and culture”, has a vast world, down five thousand years, the aspect nine miles in 2002 10 menstrual the school textbooks Review Committee of the Ministry of Education through the textbook example: the Book of Songs from the pre-Qin “Lisao the history pass prose to Han, poetry, prose, from the Tang, Song , Yuan qu, Ming and Qing novels, to Chinese and foreign are now contemporary poetry, fiction and drama, colorful, colorful. ambitious teaching materials, such as language teachers read much, do not “miscellaneous”, not thick culture on knowledge no unique insight, how can his right in the classroom, students like sitting in the spring? how can vehemently students quietly moved?, how can Serious and harmony, so that students acquired the fun they have principle and interest? Makarenko We have long warned: “Students can be forgiven for teachers severely stereotyped even picky, but he can not forgive the ignorant and incompetent.” Zhuangzi said, “The water will not thick, the negative large ships, is probably the reason it posted in the free papers Download Center http:/eng.com“in order to enable students to get a little knowledge 5of light”, language teachers do “should be sucked into the whole ocean of light” we allow students to right behind to comprehend the language and culture “aesthetic taste is also a great pleasure in life? I advocate that language teachers should strive to become” eclectic, “although neither possible nor necessary to have all the information, but at least should master “information about information”, to understand student lect
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