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本科论文ContentsAbstractI摘 要IIIntroduction11 Background of Mind Mapping31.1 Definition and Characteristics of Mind Mapping31.2 Functions and Types of Mind Mapping31.3 Studies on Mind Mapping52 Overview of English Reading Teaching72.1 Definition of Reading72.2 Principles and Models of Reading Teaching72.3 Present Situation of High School English Reading Teaching102.4 Importance of High School English Reading Teaching113 Application of Mind Mapping in High School English Reading Teaching133.1 Design Principles of Mind Mapping133.2 Use of Mind Mapping in the Procedure of Reading Teaching153.3 Use of Mind Mapping in the Genre of Reading Materials174 Significant Role of Mind Mapping in High School English Reading Teaching194.1 Influences on Teachers194.2 Influences on Students214.3 Limitations and Suggestions25Conclusion26Bibliography28Acknowledgments30本科论文AbstractWith the continuous advancement of the new curriculum reform, high school English teaching pays more attention to improving students interest in learning and stimulating their innovative spirit. As an important part of high school English teaching, the main purpose of reading teaching is to teach students the correct reading methods and skills, cultivate students reading ability, and increase their cultural knowledge reserve and so on. The traditional teaching method of reading tends to make the classroom dull and boring, which affects the students reading enthusiasm and reading effect. Therefore, how to effectively stimulate students interest in reading, improve students reading comprehension ability and enable students reading level to meet the requirements of the new English curriculum standard has become an important goal of high school English reading teaching.As a simple, efficient, divergent and visualized thinking tool, mind mapping can quickly build and expand the knowledge system in the form of combining pictures and words, so as to help students clarify and solve problems and maximize the development of brain potential. In recent years, mind mapping has gradually penetrated into education and been widely used in many countries, especially in English teaching, mind mapping has become a commonly used teaching aid and plays an important role in stimulating students learning motivation, improving classroom flexibility and interest. Therefore, this paper will focus on the design principles and practical application of mind mapping in high school English reading teaching, explore its positive role in the teaching process, and analyze possible problems in practice and propose solutions.Keywords: mind mapping; high school English; reading teaching摘 要随着新课程改革的不断推进,高中英语教学更加注重提高学生的学习兴趣和激发学生的创新精神。阅读教学作为高中英语教学的重要组成部分,其主要目的是教给学生正确的阅读方法及技巧,培养学生的阅读能力和增加文化知识储备等。传统的阅读教学方式容易致使课堂沉闷枯燥,影响学生的阅读积极性和阅读效果。因此,如何有效地激发学生的阅读兴趣,提高学生的阅读理解能力,使学生的阅读水平能够达到英语新课标的要求,已经成为高中英语阅读教学的重要目标。思维导图作为一种简单、高效、发散性、形象化的思维工具,可以以图文并重的形式对知识体系进行快速构建与扩展,从而帮助学生理清和解决问题,最大限度的使大脑潜能得到开发。近年来,思维导图已经逐渐渗透到教育方面并在许多国家得到了广泛的应用,尤其是在英语教学中,思维导图已经成为一种常用的教学辅助工具并发挥着激发学生学习动机和提高课堂灵活性、趣味性等重要作用。因此,本论文将重点讨论思维导图在高中英语阅读教学中的设计原则和实际应用,探究它在施教过程中发挥的积极作用,分析在实践中可能出现的问题并提出解决建议。关键词:思维导图;高中英语;阅读教学IntroductionEnglish is the main international common language in the world today. It is widely used in various occasions. In the process of English learning, reading is the main means to acquire language information, which helps learners broaden their vision, enrich their language knowledge and understand the cultural customs of English-speaking countries. The strength of reading ability can improve language learners ability to obtain information. Therefore, reading teaching has always been an important part of English teaching.The main purpose of high school English reading teaching is to develop students ability to acquire and process information, teach them reading skills and strategies. But because of the influence of the college entrance examination and the traditional teaching methods, teachers usually explain too much language knowledge and ignore the explanation of reading skills. As a result, students will only read the article word by word and pay too much attention to details but fail to grasp the center of the article and understand the article as a whole. This is not conducive to the cultivation of students study habits, reading interests, the ability to obtain information of articles and solve practical problems. So teachers should have the courage to change the teaching methods that do not adapt to the current situation of students, to learn new theoretical knowledge and apply it to the reading teaching, so as to make the English classroom show a vibrant scene.In recent years, mind mapping, as a visual and divergent thinking tool and mode, has been widely used in various fields of foreign language teaching and achieved remarkable results. Applying mind mapping to high sch
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