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中考英语高频考点、长难句型讲练人教版主题句 Millions of people die from traffic accidents every year in the world.全世界每年有数百万人 死于交通事故。考点 : million 的用法1. million 意为 百万,如果表示确切数字,前有数词修饰时,million用单数形式,后面不加介词of。 hundred(百), thousand(千), billion(十亿) 有类似用法。They spent 2 million dollars building a bridge across the river.他们花了2百万美元在河上建了一座桥。They had planted more than 3 million trees by the end of last year.截止到去年年底,他们已经种了超过3百万棵树了。There are about eight hundred students in our school.我们学校有大约800名学生。2. million 表示不确切数字,表示 数百万,用 复数形式millions加 of ,后接复数名词,millions 前不能加数词,但可以用many, some, several 等词修饰。Millions of people lost their homes in the earthquake.在地震中有数百万人失去了家园。That famous actor has spent millions of dollars on Project Hope.那名著名演员已经在希望工程上花了数百万美元。Early on the morning of October 1st many thousands of people in Tiananmen Square watched the flag-raising ceremony十月一日清早,在天安门广场有数千人观看了升旗仪式。小试牛刀:1. There arevisitors in our country every year .A. millions of B. million ofC. about three millions D. three million of2. It is reported that five _ people lost their homes in the earthquake.A. millionsB. millions ofC. millionD. million of3. In our cityyoung people want to work as volunteers.A. thousand B. thousands of C. thousand of D. two thousands of4. Thanks to Project Hope,children came back to school.A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of5. Its true that about two(million) people died of cancer last year.答案 ACBD million主题句 My parents dont allow me to play computer games.我父母不允许我玩电脑游戏。考点 : 动词allow 的用法1. allow 及物动词,意为允许,准许,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语,表示允许某人、某事,允许做某事,不能接动词不定式。Our school doesnt allow such a thing.我们学校不允许发生这种事。We dont allow smoking in public.我们不允许在公共场合吸烟。The teacher allows using mobile phones at school.老师允许在学校使用手机。2. allow sb. to do sth. 意为允许某人做某事。I cant allow you to copy others.我不能容许你抄袭别人。My parents allow me to make my own decisions.我父母允许我自己做决定。Does your school allow students to have long hair?你们学校允许学生留长发吗?3. sth. be allowed 被动语态,表示某事被允许;sb. be allowed to do sth. 表示某人被允许做某事。Cheating isnt allowed in the examination.在考试中作弊是不被允许的。Im not allowed to be back home too late at night.晚上我不被允许太晚回家。Students shouldnt be allowed to take mobile phones to school.学生不允许带手机来学校。小试牛刀:1. May I smoke here? No, smokinghere.A. doesnt allow B. doesnt allowed C. isnt allowed D. isnt allowing2. Sorry, sir. Youthis book out of the reading room.A. allow to take B. dont allow to takeC. are allowed to take D. arent allowed to take3. I think parents should allow their childrendecisions.A. making their own B. making themselvesC. to make their own D. to make themselves4. The teenagersto choose their own clothes. (2016广西来宾)A. allow B. allowed C. are allowing D. should be allowed5. Our parents wont allow usin the river alone. (2018云南)A. swim B.to swim C. swimming D. swam答案:CDCDB主题句 When did you begin to write poems?你什么时候开始写诗歌的?考点: 动词begin 的用法1. begin用作不及物动词意为开始,它的词形变化:beginning (名词,现在分词), began (过去式), begun(过去分词) ,反义词为 finish, 近义词为start。begin 是短暂性动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,不能用how long 提问。I was late and I didnt catch the beginning of the meeting.我迟到了,没有赶上会议的开始。When I arrived, the film had begun.当我到达时,电影已经开始了。2. begin 及物动词,后接名词、代词,表示开始某事。Now lets begin our class.现在开始我们的课程。Before you begin your new job, you have to know the rules.在你开始新工作之前,你必须要知道规则。3. begin to do sth. 意为开始做某事,和begin doing 同义,多数情况二者可互换。I began to smoke three years ago.我三年前开始吸烟。When I got home, it began to rain.我到家时,开始下雨了。Hes beginning to clean the room.他正打算开始打扫房间。4. begin with 意为从开始;to begin with 意为首先,起初,开始时。Must I begin with ABC? No, you neednt.我必须从基础学起吗? 不,不必。To begin with, we must buy some food for the party.首先,我们必须为聚会购买些食物。小试牛刀:1. Wethe meeting until the head teacher arrives. He is the host (主持人).A. will finish B. wont finish C. will begin D. wont begin2. -How long has the film? -About 10 minutes.A. begun B. been on C. finished D. started3. Hurry up! The filmin ten minutes.A. begin B. begins C. will begin D. has begun4. To learn English, youll _ ABC.A. help with B. begin with C. agree with D. play with5. A good(begin) is half done.答案:DBCB beinning主题句 Id like to learn another foreign language.我想再学习一门外语。考点:动词learn 的用法1. learn 用作及物动词,后直接接宾语,意为学习,学会。和study是近义词,但 learn 侧重通过学习获取知识或某种技能,study 侧重专业的学习和研究,强调学习的过程。learn 的过去式和过去分词learned; learned 或 learnt; learnt。Did you learn anything at school?在学校你学到东西了吗?How long have you learned English?你学习英语多久了?2. learn 用作及物动词,后接宾语或that 引导的宾语从句,意为得知,认识到。I learned the news this morning.我今天早上得到的消息。We learned that he had left for Japan.我们得知他已经动身去日本了。I have learned that I must try hard to get on well with others.我已经认识到我必须努力和别人友好相处。3. learn to do sth. 意为学习、学会做某事。You should learn to get on well with others.你应该学会和他人友好相处。Have you learned to operate the machine?你学会操
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