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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。Unit 2 Colour Main task导学案 班级 姓名 自我评价【预习指导与检测】 A、同学们:预习后请翻译下列短语:1.做一个有关的报告 2. 颜色与情绪的关系 3.觉得有一点压力 4. 一个好的搭配 5.从杂志上选一副画 6. 在他的帮助下 7.做一些关于它们的笔记 8. 一个手机广告 9.使她自己看上去有活力 10. 感到平静 B用所给动词的适当形式填空:1.Hes busy _(explain)that to the teacher.2.He lay on the beach, listening to the music_(relax ).3.The bad news made him sad, we could see_(happy)on the face. 4.Could you please _(not forget) _ (close) the door before you leave5.Can you work out how much time you need _ (finish) it? 【当堂反馈】一、单词拼写1. He said to me, “Dont be nervous, just keep _ (relax).”2. Yesterday my father had the wall of my bedroom _ yellow. (paint)3. If water is _ (heat), it becomes steam.4. The students didnt _ (发现)that their teacher had come into the classroom.5. To remember what happened years ago ,youd better keep writing _(日记).6. Dont keep standing outside in the sun in summer, it is bad for your _(皮肤).7. I got high marks in the tests, my mother was _(satisfy)with my performance.8. When she was alone, she _ (prefer) to lie in bed。9. If this kind of oil is_ (rub) into your head, you can have a good sleep all night.10. He climbed to the top of the mountain with_(difficult).11. Please give me some_(建议,提议), Im under the great stress.12. Blue represents _ (sad) while black is the color of power and _(保护).二、单项选择3. Sam _ Chinese tea with nothing in it. He says he enjoys the taste very much.A. prefers toB. would ratherC. would like toD. prefers4.- Mum, may I have some cakes? - Sorry, theres _left in the box. Ill go and buy some for you tonight. A. nothingB. no oneC. noD. none5. -Its so kind of you to give me a ride to the station. Thank you very much-_.A. Its not kind B. Never mind C. Not at all D. It doesnt matter7. They each _ a good sense of humour.A. with B. has C. have D. are8 We thought _ unnecessary to do much homework every day.A. its B. it C. it isD. that is10. Lily wonders who _ outside the room at the moment.A. to playB. is playing withC. playing isD. is playing 12. - Who taught her French? - _ ! She learned it by herself.A. Nobody B. Anybody C. Somebody D. Everybody 13. Well do what we can _ you with your English study.A. to help B. help C. be helped D. be helping14. The old photos _ them _ the old days when they were young .A. let, to B. make, for C. takes, of D. remind, of15. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _.A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something16. -Which colour do you _ , red or black ? -Red, I think. Because it looks good _ me.A. prefer, to B. prefer, on C. favourite, to D. favourite, on三、完成句子1她可能感到有压力,所以穿白色使得自己看起来平和。Maybe she is _, so she is wearing white _.2这条紧身裤穿在她身上很好看。The tight trousers _.3黄色代表着温暖和智慧,人们喜欢用黄色的文具。Yellow_and people like to use yellow stationery.4红色和白色是相宜的搭配,因为热烈的红可以平衡平静的白。Red and white are _, because the powerful red can_二、书面表达:根据所给的描述和你所学的知识写一篇有关颜色的文章,可以适当发挥词数100个左右.假设你看到了一则广告,广告中有一男一女,男的穿了一件红外套和一条黑色的裤子.女的穿了一条蓝色的裙子和一双白色的皮鞋.你觉得他们的颜色搭配得很好,因为红色代表, 黑色代表,蓝色和白色_
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