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9A Unit 3 Teenage problems,Revision,What problems do you have?,Who will you ask for help?,be of great _(价值) to=,value,be valuable to,Many students of _ _ have the same problem.,our,age,Perhaps you can ask for help.,get replies from a youth worker,help young people solve their problems,Sigmund Friend,I have tried my best, but I dont understand _ I still get low marks in exams. I feel stressed. My parents often come home very late. They dont have time for me. Sometimes I dont know _ I can see them. I need silence when Im studying. I dont know _ I can find a quiet place. I need someone to share my worries with. I wonder _ I should ask for help. Sometimes Im careless. I wonder_ I can be more careful. the TV is always on at my home. The noise almost drives me mad. Who can tell me_ _ _ do(该怎么做)?,Amy,Sandy,why,when,Kitty,Peter,Paul,Suzy,where,I,should,who/whom,how,what,Different problems,Millie and Simon are Grade 9 students.They have problems and they dont know how _ Them. Millie has a lot of homework, and she _ but to do it. She has to_ late. That makes her not _ in class. She hardly has any spare time for her hobbies. She cant imagine the life without hobbies. She often doubts whether it is worth _ much time _homework, She hopes to have more free time.,to deal with,has no choice,stay up,stay awake,spending,on,What should I do?,Simon _ football. His love of football has become the cause of the problem. He always plays football for hours after school and forgets When to stop. His parents dont _ him _stay out too late. This makes him _. He doesnt understand why his parents _ him. He hopes to achieve a balance _his schoolwork _ his hobbies. Both of them ask Mr. Friend for some suggestions.,is crazy about,allow,to,get into trouble,are strict with,between,and,What should I do?,Mr. Friend is replying to the letters.,How to give suggestions?,1. 把所有你要做的作业列个清单怎么样?,2. 让我们算出你需要完成所有作业要多少时间?,3. 也许你应该根据你有的时间来选择你的爱好。,4. 你最好不要花太多的时间在放学后踢球。,5. 为什么不回家早些呢?,What about making a list of all the homework you have?,Lets work out how much time you need to finish all the homework.,Perhaps you should choose your hobby according to the time you have.,Youd better not spend too much time playing football after school.,Why not go home earlier?,I hope you think my advice is worth taking. I hope you think my answer is valuable to you.,She is weak at Chengyu, Everyone _ her. She studies hard, but she _. Why not _ those people? Perhaps you should _ what you have learnt as often as possible.,go over,makes little progress,Problems:,pay no attention to,Advice:,laughs at,problems & advice,She likes reading books, just like a_. She hasnt found her father, so she feels sad and _.,bookworm,worried,Problems:,Advice:,Why dont you share your problem with your friends?,problems & advice,The foreigner can speak good Chinese, but he can not _ all the words correctly. He wants to improve his _.,pronounce,pronunciation,Problems:,Advice:,Maybe you should ask Xiao Yanzi for help.,problems & advice,Dear Thank you very much for telling me about your problems. You say Perhaps you should You also worry about Why not I hope you think my advice is worth taking. Best wishes, Sigmund Friend,Part1.Introduction,Part2.Main body,Part3.Conclusion,(thanks),(problems and suggestions),(your hope),3 parts,Main body,Conclusion,the structure of the reply,Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:,Introduction,(Thanks),(Problems & suggestions),(Your hope),Believe in yourself,and enjoy your life !,
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