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教 学 指 导 案 姓名学科初一英语授课日期 课题Module 7 Computers Unit3 Language in use学习目标1. 复习关于电脑的词汇,用电脑写作业的步骤,用电脑做事情;2. 简单描述和介绍使用电脑的操作步骤,并表述计算机的用途;3. 掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句。教学目标通过使用词汇地图,复习巩固本模块关于电脑的词汇,用电脑写作业的步骤,用电脑做事情等,并且总结一般现在时的特殊疑问句,能与他人交流发表观点,并能简单描述电脑的用途。教学流程师生互动二次备课1. Finish the word map:How many parts does a computer have? What are they?Parts of the computer2. Revision1)What do you do before you use a computer?First, connect the _ to the computer.Next, connect _ to the computer.Then, _ the computer.Finally, _ the computer.2)How do you do your homework on the computer?3. UseHow do you download music on the Internet? First, go on the _. Click the _on “IE”.Next, _ of the music in the _. Use the _.Finally, download the music. Click “_” and “OK”.4. Finish the word mapWhat do you usually do on the computer?I usually _ because its _.I dont/never _, because I think_ .(always, usually, often, sometimes, never)5. RevisionThere is a computer in Jacks home. Jack shares it with his father. Jack _ or _ on the computer every Friday night. His father often _ his customers and he also goes on the Internet to _ of trains, _ and _.There is no computer in Alices home. She can only use a computer at school. She _ information, _ and _ her email on the Internet. She also _ and _ her friend in Australia on the Internet.There is a computer in Mikes home. Mike can use it _, but his parents _ it. Mike _ his friends and _. But sometimes he plays _ games and his mother _ it.6. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words. (P46#3)7. Reading1)Read and fill in blanksThere is only one computer in Bettys home and it is new. Her family share it. Bettys parents _( not use) the computer often because they are busy. Sometimes they _ (listen) to music and _(watch) movies on it at the weekend. Bettys brother and Betty _(use) the computer often but they like doing different things. Bettys brother _(like) playing computer games but Betty usually_ (talk) to friends on the Internet and _(send) emails to them. Betty _(have) many friends all over the world now and she _(learn) a lot from them.2)Answer questions in pairs1. How many computers are there in Bettys home?2. Who uses the computer?3. When do her parents use it?4. What do her parents sometimes do on the computer?5. What does Bettys brother do on it?6. What does Betty do on it?7. Whats your opinion on using the computer?8. Module task: 1)Make an interview about computers. Ask questions like this:Do you have a computer at home?Who uses the computer?When do you use a computer?What do you usually do on your computer?Do you send emails? If so, how many emails do you send every week?Do you make travel plans on the Internet?How do you download music on the Internet?What do you think of using a computer?(good/ important/interesting/exciting/useful/tiring/boring/bad)2)Write a passage to introduce itMy friend, Lucy has a computer at home. He/ She shares it with . He/She usually_当堂后测(5分钟)1. - _ save my document? - Click “save” and “OK”.2. - _ with his computer? - He sends emails.3. - _ her computer? - She uses her computer every Sunday.4. - _ emails to? - I write emails to my friends.5. - _ every day? - They send ten emails every day.作业布置必做Finish the composition选作Reading and writing预习作业Module 8 Unit1课后反思
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