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高邮市初中牛津译林版七年级英语下册导学案(7B Unit 4 Finding your way)Grammar (2)班级: 姓名: 自我评价: 【学习目标】1. 知识目标:学会使用will,shall和be going to 以及它们的疑问句和肯定、否定回答形式。2. 技能目标:学会用will,shall和be going to进行对话,谈论将来。3. 情感目标:学会使用将来时谈论将来计划。 学习过程【预习指导与检测】 一、 预习导航 (背景知识介绍)一般将来时的构成:肯定式:主语shall/will动词原形。 否定式:主语shall/will not动词原形 疑问式:Shall/Will主语动词原形 缩写式:will notwont, shall notshante.g. Well only stay for two weeks.我们只会停留两周。2.“be going to动词原形” 即(“am/is/are) going to动词原形”。e.g. Therere many clouds in the sky. I think its going to rain.二、预习成果(一)、分别用will, shall, be going to 造句。 思考并小结:1.will 与shall 的区别 2.will,shall与be going to 的区别 (二)、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. we (have) an English test next week .2. The policeman told us (not play) on the street.3. When the teacher walk into the classroom , they all stop (talk).4. They (meet) at the school gate at 8:00 tomorrow morning.5. Its so cloudy. I think it (rain) . Youd better not go hiking today.6. My parents (take) me to the zoo this week.7. The teachers (plan) a sightseeing trip, arent they ?-Yes , they (go) for a trip to Guilin .8. Jack, as a student, (not be) late for school again. A.far B.far away C.away D.far away from 【课堂导学与互动】活动一:Lead-in T: What after-school activities do you often do? S:(go to the Reading Club/Music Club, play the piano, play football/ basketball/ tennis/ badminton, watch TV/matches/games , chat with friends)活动二:Presentation 1. Tell the students that we will do the activities after school, now we can say in this Way: We willor we shall.and explain the differences between will and shall.2. Work in pairs and talk about your plan after school, you can use the phrases on the blackboard.I will/ shallHe/She will3. Please look at the sentences on the blackboard and try to guess their meanings.The bus will come soon. (将要发生的事)I will play football after school. (计划要做的事)Explain to the students that in the two situations ,we should use the Simple Future Tense 5. Work in pairsTalk about what they will do this weekend.活动三:Presentation1. Write down three sentences (the students plan) on the blackboard e.g. I will buy a book this weekend and ask the student: Will you buy a book this weekend? and help to answer:Yes, I will / No, I wont2. Work in pairs to practise how to ask and how to answer( according to the students plan)3. Ask the students to put sentences into the negative ones.4. Look at table on page 50. We make positive and negative sentences using the simple future tense like this. Then complete Part B活动四:Practise1. Look at the table on page 51 part C 2. Finish the exercises on page 51 part C.活动五:DiscussionCompare the difference between “will/ shall /be going to ”【总结提升】本课学习了将来时的表达方式,你能概括出来并造句吗?_ _【当堂反馈】 一、选择1. There a sports meeting next week. If it , well have to put if off. A. is going to be; will rain B.is going to have; will rain C. is going to be; rains D. have; rains2. -You dont look well. Youd better see the doctor. -Oh, I . He said nothing was wrong with me. A. will B. have C. do D. wont3. He doesnt tell me when he . Ill call you up as soon as he .A. will come; arrivesB. comes; arrives C. will come; will arrive4. -How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? - .A. In three days B. After three days C. In three days time D. After three days time5. - . -Walk along this street. Its about ten minutes walk from here.A. Wheres the post office B. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office C. Excuse me. I dont know the way D. Sorry. Please tell me the post office6. - Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow? - No, _ (不去).A. they willnt.B. they wont.C. they arent. D. they dont.7. They _ an English evening next Sunday.A. are havingB. are going to haveC. will havingD. is going to have8. _ you _ free next Sunday?A. Will; are
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