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九年级上册期末复习组合提分特训6词汇运用:1. Many of the shops were run by American-born_. (Asia)来源:Z,xx,k.Com2. The famous host will show us an _ (最新的) invention later. 3. The students in my class have the same TV _ habits every week. (view)4.A strong wind warned us of the _ (come) storm.5. It was a competition to see who could make the other one laugh more or _.(傻)6. Standing at the top of the building, you can enjoy the _of the city. (景色,风景)7. Do you know how many _there are in our city TV station?(录影棚)8.Tom thinks he feels_(bore) with watching TV than playing games.9. .He _ (可能) get there in time, but Im not sure.10. Chow used to be famous for his _(comedy), such as Fight Back To School and The God of Cookery. 11. Tan Dun doesnt use any musical _ (乐器)in his work12. _(尽管) he has read the book three times, he hopes to read it.13. Ability and effort are conditions of_(成功) 314. My music is to dream without _ (国界,边界).15.Pumpkin pie is a _ (tradition) American dish on Thanksgiving Day.16. Helen will buy three _(音乐会) tickets. One for herself, the other two for her parents.17. Tan Dun is one of the most famous _(音乐家) in China.18. He was proud that the president of the USA _(颁发) him with a medal19. The coat is a _(普通的) style, but it looks on me.20. The modern city lies in _(中央) Jiangsu.选择训练:1. China, _ one of the greatest four countries with ancient civilizations, is best-known _ its great development in all the fields over the years.A. as; asB. as; forC. for; asD. for; for2. Your spoken English is all very good. How do you improve it?Thanks. Mrs. Wang always ask us to _ conversations in our English classes.A. take upB. turn upC. make upD. end up3. _ heavy snow! How can we go to work today?_ it is snowing heavily, lets walk instead of driving.A. What; BecauseB. What a; SinceC. How; AsD. How a; Though4. Did you have a _ trip to Hangzhou? Yes, I was very _ it.A. pleased; pleasedB. pleasant; pleasantC. pleased; pleasantD. pleasant; pleased5. Must I attend tomorrows meeting?Yes. The meeting is _. Besides, I have something _ to discuss with you.A. of great value; great valuableB. very valuable; of great valueC. great valuable; of great valuableD. very value; very valuable6. Youll _ to join the party if your homework _.A. ask, doB. be asked, is doneC. asked, didD. be asked, did7. Do you know who the gold medal _ in yesterdays match?A. presented withB. was presented withC. presented toD. was presented to8. Do you think the weather will _ till the weekend?Yes, I learned it from the CCTV news.A. lastB. not keep rainingC. not lastD. become colder9. What did your son say to you? He asked me _.A. when would we go to Taiwan for a holidayB. who was America discovered byC. how the life will be like in 500 yearsD. if he could play computer games after finishing his work10. What do you think of the digital camera? It is nice, _ a little expensive.A. sinceB. thoughC. becauseD. unless11. _, when Marx was already _, he found it was important to study the situation in Russia, so he began to learn Russian.A. In 1870s, in his fiftiesB. In 1870s, in fiftiesC. In the 1870s, in fiftiesD. In the 1870s, in his fifties12. As soon as the teacher _ into the classroom, all the students stopped _.A. entered; talkingB. walked; to walkC. walked; talkingD. entered; to talk13. Now many Chinese _ buy things made in Japan, they _ things made in China.A. would rather, preferB. prefer to, would ratherC. prefer not to, preferD. prefer not to, prefer to14. I hear the weather will _ cold for another week.A. turnB. stayC. lastD. get15. How are you getting on with your classmates? _, Ive got to know them all.A. Much pleasedB. Very goodC. Far betterD. Very comfortable16. The documentary A Bite of China II is quite popular around China recently. How do you like it? -_.A. I think soB. Pretty goodC. Its my pleasureD. All right17. The number of people present at the concert was _ than expected.A. much fewerB. much smallerC. much moreD. many more18. Lets watch the popular TV program “China Idol”, shall we?_. It has been over for some time.A. Sounds greatB. Yes, we shallC. Im afraid notD. No, we shall not19. Is Sandy feeling better today? I dont know. But I also want to know _ today.A. that she will come to schoolB. whether will she come to schoolC. how will she come to schoolD. if
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