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六年级下册小升初英语专项训练-英汉互译(一) 通用版(含答案解析)一、单选题1.No. I am John. A.是的,我是约翰。B.不是的。我是约翰。2.Good afternoon, class. A.下午好,老师。B.下午好,同学们。3.将标志用语的中文和英语正确匹配。A.禁止游泳B.节约用水C.保持整洁D.禁止停车E.禁止钓鱼(1)SAVE WATER (2)NO SWIMMING (3)NO PARKING (4)KEEP CLEAN (5)No FISHING 4.I _ ill. A.isB.areC.am5.bread A.B.C.二、填空题6._our:_A. 你的 B.你 C.我 7.将下列短语与汉语翻译匹配。a book _A.一个包an apple _B.一只猫a box _C.一本书a bag _D.一个球a cat _E.一个盒子a ball _F.一个苹果 8.将下列中英文匹配。open the book_A. 球close the window_B. 坐下birthday_C. 打开书ball _D. 生日Sit down_E. 关窗 9.给下列句子选择恰当的汉语意思。A.我喜欢你的短裙。B.它们是新的吗?C.它是我的生日礼物。D.这是我最爱的裤子。(1)Its my birthday gift._ (2)Are they new?_ (3)I like your skirt._ (4)They are my favourite trousers._ 10.将下列中英文匹配in class_A. 午餐盒lunch box_B. 在上课behind the door_C. 在那里my pencil_D. 我的铅笔over there_E. 在门后 11.将下列中英文匹配Wednesday_A. 星期五Monday_B. 星期三Saturday_C. 星期一Sunday_D. 星期六Friday_F. 星期天 12.desk意思:_ 13.train意思:_ 14.table意思:_ 15.egg意思:_ 三、翻译16.Its warm in Beijing today._ 17.英汉互译。步行回家_10分钟_一个小时_have to_ 18. 单词互译。 (1)much _ (2)football _ (3)梨 _ (4)想要 _ (5)how much _ 19.computer games 20.How beautiful! (汉语)_ 21. 英汉互译 (1)有趣的一天_ (2)fly away_ (3)have a lovely time_ (4)放风筝_ (5)in the tree_ 22.翻译句子 (1)他是迈克。_ (2)This is Tom._ (3)She is Ann._ 23.Its a hot day. _24.Tom has a healthy diet.(翻译成汉语) _25. 英译汉 (1)in the park _ (2)in the water_ (3)on the train _ (4)look out of_ (5)at the supermarket_ 26.the bus stop _ 27.英汉互译。骑自行车_放学后_每天_walk to school_ 28.What about your mother?_ 29.Did she learn any foreign languages?_ 30.What does your father do?_ 31.You shouldnt eat too many sweets. _32.He hugged them warmly._ 33.词汇互译 (1)让我检查一下_ (2)感觉热_ (3)point at_ (4)outside_ (5)胃痛_ 34. 翻译成汉语。 (1)I am a pupil._ (2)Stand up._ 35.You mustnt play on the road because there are too many car. (翻译成汉语) 36.根据要求填空 (1)你多大?(英语) _ (2)我八岁(英语) _ (3)six apples (汉语)_ (4)Dont be late (汉语) _ (5)close the door (汉语) _ 37. 英汉互译 (1)看来好像_ (2)over there _ (3)多雨的_ (4)naughty ducks _ (5)早餐_ 38.The sun is high in the sky at noon. 39.No. It is a pen._ 40. 英汉互译。 (1)在河边_ (2)这么小_ (3)go to the party_ (4)你的爸爸的手套 _ (5)before eating fish_ 41.Your favourite . is . 42. 英汉互译。 (1)have breakfast_ (2)七点十分 _ (3)go to school _ (4)看电视 _ (5)eleven fifty-five _ 43.翻译下列短语 (1)a computer game_ (2)特别喜爱的_ (3)英语歌_
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