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河南省郑州市106中学2019-2020学年高二英语9月月考试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分 阅读理解第一节(共15小题,每题2分,总分30分)A Find the perfect way to keep fit with these websiteswww.activelife.co.ukThis site is perfect for those who like to combine living a healthy lifestyle with enjoying the countryside. You can get a list of locations that offer routes for cycling. There is also information on cycling competitions in Britain.www.swavedon.comSwavedon is a national park with a lake, which offers many different ways of keeping fit in the great outdoors. There are three cycle routes around the lake and several woodland walks.www.fitnet.co.ukSteve Amos started this site for busy people wanting to keep fit. Fill in a questionnaire (调查表) and Steve will create a fitness programme for you. Although Steves fee is high, you can email him for advice whenever you want. Besides, Steve has designed many fitness clothes, which anyone can order.www.fitnessonline.co.ukThis is a free government website that encourages people to keep fit. It gives diet advice, and allows you to work through a fitness programme without leaving your house. It also offers advice on equipment to buy and has a chat room, where you can compare experiences with others. 注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3. 考试结束后,将本试卷保存好,答题卡收回。www.sportsarena.co.ukThis website tells you how you can keep fit at this group of London sports centres. You dont have to be a member these centres run a pay-as-you-go system. They all have a pool and gym. The website includes information about locations, opening times and prices.www.NAG.co.ukThe National Athletics Group is a site for people interested in athletics. It allows you to find out where your nearest athletics club is and provides information about races and other athletics events around the country. There is a popular chat room where athletes exchange (交流) suggestions and ideas.21. Which of the following websites has information on cycling competitions?A.www.sportsarena.co.uk. B. www.activelife.co.uk.C.www.swavedon.com. D.www.fitnet.co.uk.22. What can we learn about Steve Amos?A. He always helps people for free.B. He started the site to sell fitness clothes.C. He is unwilling to answer peoples emails.D. He offers personalized and convenient services.23. What can people do onwww.NAG.co.uk?A. Search for the best gym.B. Buy sports equipment they need.C. Find information about indoor sports.D. Communicate with other athletes.BA few years ago, Adina Lichtman was handing out sandwiches on the streets of New York City to help people experiencing homelessness. One man, grateful for the sandwich, approached her and offered a surprising idea.“Its great that youre giving out sandwiches,” he said, “but one thing we really need is socks, especially as winter approaches.”“Here I was, sandwiches in hand, thinking I knew the best way to help people,” Lichtman said. “It was a powerful lesson, and I wanted to put it into action.”She began that night, with a simple step: going door-to-door on the floor of her dormitory at New York University, asking her classmates if they could each just donate (捐赠) just one pair of their own socks to someone experiencing homelessness. She got 40 pairs of socks in a single night, from a single floor. The next morning she opened her door to find a lot of socks that other people had donated.That morning officially kicked off Knock Knock, Give a Sock (KKGS), a new nonprofit (非营利的) organization that has now provided over 350,000 pairs of socks to the homeless across America. To date, over 50 colleges and high schools across the US have joined KKGS over the years.“While many people donate clothing, 9 out of every 10 clothing donors have never donated socks. On top of that, people who are trying to donate socks often find it difficult to donate used socks,” she says. “KKGS is one of the only organizations that collects used socks. We have volunteers knocking on doors of their classmates in school, of their workmates at work, and even of their neighbors.”But, whether youre 26 or 62, you dont need to wait to organize your own sock drive, collect socks, or even wash and clean some of your own to donate to your local shelter, or someone in need who you meet on the street.24. How did the homeless mans words affect Lichtman?A. They caused her to start KKGS.B. They pushed her to go to college.C. They encouraged her to house the homeless.D. They made her continue to give out sandwiches.25. How did Lichtmans classmates react to her requestfor donation?A. Some refused it politely.B. They strongly supported it.C. Some felt quite surprised by it.D. They considered it unreasonable.26. In what way is KKGS special?A. It has earned a lot of money from students.B. It employs college students as volunteers.C. It provides socks for those i
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