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New Zealand,Revision A is / lies in the north /south of B. ( A is north /south of B.) A is / lies to the north /southof B. A is /lies on the north /southof B. A is /lies off the eastern / southern coast of B.,Revision look at the map and try to describe the location clearly:,Tasman Sea,Auckland,North Island,Wellington,Pacific Ocean,Christchurch,South Island,Auckland is _ the north of North Island. /Auckland is _ the North Island. 2.The Tasman Sea lies _ the west . 3.Christchurch lies _the South Island./Christchurch is _the east of South Island.,in,on,to,on,in,New Zealand,South Island Map,New Zealand,Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4,geography,climate,natural beauty,history,Fast reading Read the passage as quickly as possible and match each paragraph with the best heading. history climate geography natural beauty,Queenstown,Auckland,Wellington,North Island,South Island,PACIFIC OCEAN,TASMAN SEA,Christchurch,Para.1: Geography,A,B,E,C,D,F,G,H,Para.2: Climate,Whats the weather like in New Zealand? What coat do you think New Zealanders wear most according to the climate?,hot springs,ocean and seas,beaches,hills and mountains,plants,Kiwi,Para.3: Natural Beauty,Para.4: History,The first people (the Maori) came to New Zealand.,Chinese sailors discovered the islands.,The Dutchman Abel Tasman named the islands New Zealand.,Captain James Cook took possession of the islands.,The Maori signed an agreement with the European settlers.,Language Points,1.It is made up of two large islands. be made up of :由组成 我们学校由27个班组成. 2.New Zealand is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north and east,and be surrounded by :被包围 这房子被许多树包围着。,Our school is made up of 27 classes.,The house is surrounded by a lot of trees.,3. Captain James Cook took possession of the islands in 1769. take possession of :占有,占领; 战士们占领了这个村子。 4. and the Maori signed an agreement with these settlers. sign an agreement with 与鉴定协议这两家公司上周鉴定了一份协议。,The two companies signed an agreement with each other last week.,The soldiers took possession of the village.,5. What do the words in bold refer to? It: which: this heat: these settlers: it:,New Zealand,hot springs,the heat near the earths surface,Europeans,England,Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks: New Zealand is an island made up of _ main lands in the _ Ocean. Its capital, _, lies on the North Island. _ are the earliest people to come to the New Zealand. They brought dogs,rats and _ such as the sweet potato and settled mainly on the _ Island. During the 19th century , _ , mainly _ had come to settle in New Zealand and the,Maori _ with these settlers. That day is still celebrated as a _ holiday. New Zealand is a country with a _ climate,many plants and _ that only live in New Zealand. The most famous animal is a little _ that cant fly.Its called _. The North Island is famous for an area of _and some of them are used to make electricity.,Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks: New Zealand is an island made up of _ main lands in the _ Ocean. Its capital, _, lies on the North Island. _ were the earliest people to come to the New Zealand. They brought dogs,rats and _ such as the sweet potato and settled mainly on the _Island. During the 19th century , _, mainly_had come to settle in New Zealand and the,two,Pacific,Wellington,The Maori,plants,North,Europeans,British,Maori _with these settlers. That day is still celebrated as a _ holiday. New Zealand is a country with a _ climate,many plants and _ that only live in New Zealand. The most famous animal is a little_ that cant fly.Its called _.The North Island is famous for an area of_ and some of them are used to make electricity.,signed an agreement,national,mild sea,bird,animals,Kiwi,hot springs,Compare the climate in China with that in New Zealand .Whats the same and whats different?,Discussion,New Zealand,geography,climate,natural beauty,history,Summary and Homework,www. New Zealand .com,Package tour You are on a tour. One of you is the tour guide. Ask your tour guide about the information you want to know. You can ask questions like this: Make good use of your imagination! Try to make your traveling great!,Where is the country/city? What is the climate /landscape like? What are the people like? How about the cities/cultural relics/places of interest/food/languages? , 刷票 是惹您生气/您怎么处罚都是为她好/都别为过/只是/那各/别管是因为啥啊/壹来/怎么说她也是当额娘人咯/又是壹各极要脸面人/而且那府里还没什么哪各主子受过那种处罚呢/破天荒头壹遭事情/别要说在其它姐妹们面前/就是在奴才面前/她总归还是各主子/终是需要给她留些颜面;二来呢/那事儿若是让她娘家晓得咯/表面上别说啥啊/暗地里定是会对您心存别满/怀有二心/爷为咯壹各诸人误咯大事可就别值当咯/排字琦壹口气儿将她意思表达咯出来/却是将他说得丈二和尚摸别清头脑:/您那是说哪各妹妹呢?/年妹妹啊?/她怎么咯?/她别是受咯您家法惩处/正躺在养伤呢吗?/壹听排字琦那番话/他当场被气得恨别能口吐鲜血/受咯他家法惩处?还躺在*上养伤?那到底是怎么壹回事儿?别错/他们刚才确实是话赶话地说到/啥啊时候侍寝也成为处罚措施/问题/但是她自己别是还气哼哼地埋怨/各位姐姐将来
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