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看奥运会英语日记 看奥运会英语日记 今年暑假,我和爸爸最大的快乐就是呆在家里看奥运会了。在众多比赛项目中,我最喜欢看乒乓球比赛了。这项比赛可是我们祖国的“国球”哦! This summer vacation, my father and I are very happy to stay at home and watch the Olympic Games. Among all the events, I like watching table tennis best. This game is our motherlands national ball Oh! 在整个比赛中,我和爸爸最关注的就只有他王浩。同学们,你们知道王浩获得几次奥运会亚军吗?不错,三次。也许,你会很纳闷,心想:他又不是奥运会冠军,你为什么会喜欢他呢?现在就让我告诉你我支持他的理由吧! In the whole petition, my father and I are most concerned about him - Wang Hao. Students, do you know how many times Wang Hao won the second place in the Olympic Games? Yes, three times. Perhaps, you will be very puzzled, thinking: he is not the Olympic champion, why do you like him? Now let me _ you my reasons for supporting him! 我觉得王浩是一个铁铮铮的真男子,是一个名副其实的真英雄。王浩不知道付出了多少努力,不知道为了准备奥运会留下了多少汗水,他一直坚持不懈地追逐自己的乒乓梦想,他从来就没有放弃过,他愿意一次又一次地挑战自己! I think Wang Hao is a real man, a real hero. Wang Hao doesnt know how much effort he has made, how much sweat he has left in preparation for the Olympic Games. He has been persistently pursuing his ping-pong dream. He has never given up. He is willing to challenge himself again and again! 古话说:虽败犹荣,意思是虽然失败了,但是比胜利了还光荣的意思。我想把这句话送给王浩,也想对自己说:只要自己在坚持着,在加倍努力着,就是一种成功! As the old saying goes: Although defeat is glorious, it means that although defeat, it is more glorious than victory. I want to give this sentence to Wang Hao, and also want to say to myself: as long as I am insisting and redoubling my efforts, it is a suess! 我希望自己在以后的学习和生活,就像王浩一样,做一个不轻易说放弃地好男儿! I hope that in the future study and life, just like Wang Hao, to be a good man who doesnt give up easily! 【看奥运会英语日记】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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