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高中英语作文人们度假方式的变化(How People SpentTheir Holiday)人们度假方式的变化 (How People Spent Their Holiday)As can be seen from the table, great changes took place in the ways that people spent their holidays over the periodfromtheyear1990 to1999.The proportionoftravelingabroadand camping was increasing steadily, from 12% to 24% and from 10%to36%separately,whilethatofstayingathomeand going to the seaside was decreasing year by year, from 38% to 31%and from40%to9%separately.Whywere therechanges? Ithink people can nowadays afford traveling.Also, people prefer topursue a high-quality and colorful life. So we can see thatpeople s living standard has been rising greatly.人们度假方式的变化正如从表中所看到的, 从 1990 年到 1999 年期间人们度假的方式发生了很大的变化。选择出国旅游和露营的比例分别从12增长到 24、从 10增长到 36,稳步增长,而选择呆在家里和去海滨的比例分别从 38减少到 31%、从 40减少到 9,逐年减少。 为什么会有这些变化呢 ?我认为人们目前能够支付得起旅游的费用,而且人们更加喜欢追求高质量、 丰富多彩的生活。 我们可以看到人们的生活水平一直在大幅度地提高。
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