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四年级英语科期中检测卷2 评分: 一、 按划线部分的发音将单词进行归类。(10 分)A. mice B. those C. hot D. home E. read F. today G. dance H. on I. weekday J. sleep1.cola 2.week 3.play 4. ice 5.holiday 2、 看图写单词。(12分) 三、从括号中圈出正确的单词来补全句子。(16分)1Its 6:30 a.m. Its time ( to ,for ) get up .2What( is ,are ) you doing ? I m ( running, runing ) . 3What time ( do, does )Tony go to school? He ( going, goes )to school at seven thirty.4The 1st(第一) day of a week is ( Sunday, Monday ) .5I ( like ,likes ) art. I often paint ( on, in ) Sunday .四、把句子补充完整,并用直线将相对应的图片连起来。(20分)1.What do you like? I like and science. 2.What she doing ? She is in the art class . 3. you play the on Thursday? , I do .4.Its 12:00a.m. Its time to have . 五、 问答搭配。(10分)( ) 1. What time is it ? A. Happy birthday.( ) 2. Can you dance? B. She is my art teacher.(老师) ( ) 3. Whats that ? C. Yes , I can .( ) 4. Today is my birthday! D. Its 7:00 .( ) 5. Who is she? E. Its a ping-pong ball.六、 把下列句子排列成一篇对话。(12分) ( 1 )Good morning, Ben. What time is it ? ( )Really?(真的吗) What day is it today ?( )Good morning, Peter. Its 7:30. What are you doing ?( )I am havig breakfast. Oh, I am late.(迟到) Its time for school.( )Its Sunday today.( )We dont go to school today.七、判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。(10分) Lucy is a happy girl. She goes to school from Monday to Friday.She plays basketball on Monday.She can paint in art class on Tuesday.She sings and dances on Friday. She likes singing and dancing.On Saturday and Sunday,she doesnt go to school.She plays the violin and goes swimming.Look,she is swimming now.( ) 1. Lucy likes art and music.( ) 2. Lucy can swim.( ) 3. Its Monday today.( ) 4. Lucy doesnt go to school on Saturday.( ) 5. Lucy plays baseball on Monday.八、 根据左边图片写一篇小短文,可适当发挥想象,不少于6个句子(10分) Today is Sunday.Tonys family are in the park. 四年级英语科期中检测卷2参考答案与评分标准1、 每小题2分,共10分。 1 B D 2E J 3 F I 4 A G 5 C H二、每词2分,共12分。 略三、每词2分,共16分。1 to 2 are running 3 does goes 4 Sunday 5 like on 四、每空2分,连线1分,共20分。1 subjects Chinese2 is painting3 Do piano Yes4 lunch五、每小题2分,共10分。D C E A E B6、 按顺序给分,每空2分。从出现错误处开始后面均不得分。42356 七、每小题2分,共10分。T T F T F 八、作文。共10分9-10分 能围绕图画内容来写,层次清晰,语句通顺,没有语法错误。 7-8 分能围绕图画内容来写,层次清晰,语句通顺,有少量语法错误。 5-6分 基本能按要求来写,少量句子不通顺,个别单词拼写错误。 1-4分 能正确写出个别句子,但整篇作文错误较多。
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