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学校 班级 姓名 座号 小学五年级英语第二单元检测卷评分: 听力部分(33%):一、Listen and number.(听句子,给下列图片编号。 6%) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、Listen and choose.(根据问句或答句选出相应的答句或问句。6%)( ) 1. A. Swim. B. Summer.( ) 2. A. At 4:25. B. In the afternoon.( ) 3. A. I can make a snowman. B. I often go swimming.( ) 4. A: I usually do sports. B. I have an English class.( ) 5. A:Which season do you like best? B: Which colour do you like best? ( ) 6. A: What do you do on the weekend? B: When do you play football?三、Listen, tick or cross.(用“ ”或“ ”判断下列说法是否与录音内容相符。5%)( ) 1.Its too cold.( ) 2.I can play in the snow. ( ) 3.I dont like summer.( ) 4. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful!( ) 5. Lets make a snowman.四、Listen and write.(听一听,填入所缺单词。12%)1. _ _ do you like best? _.2. I like _ best. I can _ a _.3. When do you usually _ _ in Spain?4. I often _ _ _ _ with my family.五、Listen, tick or cross.(用“ ”或“ ”判断下列说法是否正确。4%)1. ( ) Chen Jie is from Spain.2. ( ) She likes spring best.3. ( ) Chen Jie doesnt like winter.4. ( ) Its very cold in winter in the city.笔试部分(67%):一、Read,tick or cross.(用“ ”或“ ”判断单词划线部分是否含有相同的音素。6%)1. brown brother( ) 2. library grapes( ) 3. great umbrella( )4. purple please( ) 5. clever clean( ) 6. read beef( )二、Finish the sentence.(根据首字母填空,使句子通顺合理。8%)1. -W _ your favourite season? -W_.I like snow. 2. I like s_.I can go swimming every day.3. I often go on a p_with my friends.4. -W_do you like spring best? -Because the weather is nice.5. -W_do you often do on the weekend? -I often go shopping.6. -Can you do any kung fu? - No, I c_.7. We can p_ apples in autumn.三、Look and choose.(选择合适的疑问词,补全对话。5%)A.What B.Where C.Which D.When E.Why 1. ( ) -_is my book? -Its on the desk.2. ( ) -_season do you like best? - I like summer best.3. ( ) -_do you usually do on Saturdays? - I usually clean my room.4. ( ) -_do you like winter? -Because I can make a snow man.5. ( ) -_do you often do sports? -I often do sports at 4:30 p.m.四、Look and choose. (单项选择。13%)( ) 1. -_do you like winter best? -Because I can_in the snow.A.What;play B.Why;play C.Why;playing( ) 2. Mike_ winter, because its too cold. A.dont like B.isnt like C.doesnt like( ) 3. -_you like summer? -No,I_.Its too hot for me. A.Do;do B.Does;dont C.Do;dont.( ) 4. -_ do you go to school in the morning? -_7:30 A.How;In B.What;On C.When;At( ) 5. I often play _ the snow. A. in B. on C. at( ) 6.My family always eat_at 6 p.m. A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner( ) 7. -Whats the weather like today? -Its _. A. sunny B. wind C. snow( ) 8. -Do you like spring? -_. A.Yes, I can. B.No,I dont. C.Its warm.( ) 9. - Whats the weather like_Shantou_autumn? A.under;in B.in;in C.on;on( ) 10. _is green with flowers and songs. A.Spring B.Summer C.Autumn( ) 11. I like summer _ Childrens Day. A. because of B. because C. because its( ) 12.Were going to the mountains for summer_. A.winter B.vacation C.swimming( ) 13.-_ colour do you like best? -I like blue best. A. Why B. What C. Which五、Rearrange the sentence.(连词成句。8%)1. Mike, best, season, which, like, does (?)_2. do, what, often , do , you, in winter (?)_3. flowers, my friends, I, with, plant, can, because(.)_4. beautiful, everywhere, are, trees, and, there, flowers, green, and (.)_六、Write the sentence. (根据实际情况回答问题。8%)1. Which season do you like best? _2. Do you like winter? _
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