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四年级英语科期终复习训练卷 评分: 一、把每组词中划线部分发音与其它三个不同的单词序号写在括号里。(10分)1.( ) A. fold B . window C. holiday D. cola2.( ) A. they B. friend C. today D. play3.( ) A. peach B. school C. teach D. touch4.( ) A. listen B. guitar C. week D. music5.( ) A. candle B. face C. mice D. ice二、把各组词中与其它三个不同类的单词序号写在括号里。(10分)1.( ) A. lunch B. breakfast C. dinner D. noodles2.( ) A. P.E. B. teacher C. math D. science3.( ) A. ball B. guitar C. violin D. piano4.( ) A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Sunday D. Thursday5.( ) A. eye B. mouth C. body D. ears三、在下列迷宫中找出至少十个单词,并将其抄写在横线上(注意大小写)。(10分) flistenFshiwantrthlikewiuarminoddnoseonaydrumwey四、从右栏中找出左栏问句相应的答语,将序号写在括号里。(20分)1.( ) Can you spell Friday ? A. Yes,I am .2.( ) Are you dancing ? B. Yes , I do .3.( ) Do you like science ? C. Yes, F.r.i.d.a.y .4.( ) What day is it today ? D. At 7:05 .5.( ) What do you do on Saturday ? E. Its Monday .6.( ) What time do you get up ? F. I like music .7.( ) What are they doing ? G. Its on the desk .8.( ) Wheres the book ? H. I play the violin on Saturday.9.( ) What do they want ? I. Theyre painting .10.( ) What subject do you like ? J. They want a computer game .五、根据图画内容补充对话,每空一词。(20分)1. Is Tony helping at home ? Yes. Look, hes _ the _ .2. What does Peter do on _ ? He plays _ .3. What _ he doing ? Hes _ .4. Do you want a _ ? Yes , I _ .5. What subjects do you like ? I like _ and _ .六、排列句子,使其成为完整、通顺的对话,在括号里用字母标出句子顺序。(10分)( ) Great ! What do you want to do there ?( ) Hi , Danny . Im fine , thanks .( E ) Christmas holiday is coming . Im going to visit London with my family .( ) I want to look at the Big Ben . I want to go on the London Eye , too !( ) Hello . May I speak to Janice , please ?( B ) Speaking .( ) Hi , Janice . This is Danny . How are you ?1. ( ) Lisa goes to school on Saturday. 2.( ) Lisa has a brother .3.( ) Lisa has music, art and P.E.on Tuesday .4.( ) Lisa plays the piano on Saturday .5.( ) Lisa doesnt like music.七、阅读理解。判断右边句子是否与短文内容相符,用T表示正,F表示误。(10分) Hi, I am Lisa. I am a student .Today is Tuesday .It 8:00 now. I am going to school. I am happy. Because(因为)I have music ,art and P.E today. I like them all.We go to school from Monday to Friday. On Saturday, I play soccer with my brother, Ben .I like playing the piano on Sunday. What about you ?八、周末的公园好热闹啊,根据方框里的提示词,发挥想象,写一篇小短文。不少于五句话。(10分) In the Parkrunningdancingexercisingtalkinghappy 四年级英语科期终复习训练卷评分标准与参考答案一、每题2分。C B B C A二、每题2分。D B A C C三、每词1分。答案有多种,正确即可。四、每题2分。C A B E H D I G J F五、每空2分。1. sweeping floor 2. Wednesday basketball3. is sleeping 4. doll do5. English Chinese六、每空2分,依次给分至错误项止。F D(E)G A(B)C七、每题2分。FTTFF八、习作(10分)。8-10分:能准确表达出题目要求内容,有一定的想象空间,句子通顺合理,无错误。6-7分:能准确表达出题目要求内容,句子通顺合理,有少许错误。4-5分:能基本表达出题目要求内容,句子比较通顺,错误较多。0-3分:能就题目要求内容写出部分句子,句子不通顺,错误多。
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