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宾语从句类型一:引导词的运用( 1) I dont know _or notA whether he is at homeB if he is at homeC that he is at homeD whether is he at home( 2) This depends on _ the weather is fineA whichB whetherC ifD that( 3) The teacher asked the new student _ class he was inA whichB whereC ifD that( 4) I don knowt_ Mr Green will come to see us He helplluswith our English A whyB whenC howD where( 5) Be careful ! Don t break the bottles Do you hear _ I said?David? Yes, MumA whatB thatC whyD if( 6) Do you know _ Mr Blacks address is? He may live at NO18 or No 19 of Bridge Street I mnot sure of_ A where , whichB where , whatC what , whichD what , where( 7 ) There is not much differencebetween the two I really don knowt_ A what should I chooseB which I should chooseC which should I chooseD what I should choose类型二:宾语从句的语序陈述句语序( 1)Did you find out _?A she was looking for whose childB whose child was she looking forC whose child she is looking forD whose child she was looking for(2)Are you interested in _?A how did he do itB he did it howC how he did itD he how did it(3)I dont know _ Can you tell me?A how the two players are oldB how old are the two playersC the two players are how oldD how old the two players are(4) What did the scientist say? He said he wondered if _ into space by spaceship one dayA he had to flyB he could flyC can he flyD could he fly(5)Excuse me , sir Could you tell me _?A Where the bank nearestB where is the nearest bankC where the nearest bank isD the nearest bank is where(6) She asked Tom _ with his car? A what the matter wasB what the matter isC what was the matterD what is the matter类型三时态问题( 1) It :s 730. I cant believe you_ cooking dinner ,yetSally.A. havent startedB. didn C.t don t startD. hadn t started( 2) The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 _ Christmas Day.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. will be( 3) The teacher said that the earth _round the sun.A. goesB. go C. went D. will go( 4) We d like to tell you that you _the exam.A. have passedB. had passedC. passD. will pass( 5) “Could you tell me_ ?”“Yes. They _ to the library.”A. where are the twins, have beenB. where were the twins, have beenC. where the twins are, have goneD , where the twins were, have gone( 6) Our father said that he _ a new computer next week.A. will buy B. have boughtC. would buy D. buys( 7) I hear that he _ to Beijing yesterday.A. goesB. will goC. wentD. have gone四:其他 - 反意疑问句, it 做形式宾语( 1)I dont think he is right, _ ?A. isn t heB. is heC. do ID.don t I( 2) He believes she is right , _ ?A. doesn hetB. does heC. is sheD.isn t she( 3)I thought that he disliked playing football,_ ?A. didn t heB. did heC. did ID.didn t I( 4) I find _ important that we practice English every day.A. itB. thisC. thatD. what( 5) You cant imagine _when they received the nice gift.A. how they were excitedB. how excited they wereC. how excited were theyD. they were how excited高考题1.What did you parents think about your decision?They always let me do _ I think I should.( 06 全国 )A. whenB. thatC. howD. what2. Please remind me _ he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off.A. whereB. whenC. howD. what( 06 全国)3. Mary wrote an article onthe team had failed to win the game.(05 全国卷)A. whyB. whatC. whoD. that4.Someone is ringing the doorbell Go and see_.(2000 上海)A .who is heB. who he isC. who is itD. who it is5. We haven t heard from Jane for a long time.What do you consider _to her?( NMET 1990 )A. was happeningB. to happen C .
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