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Unit 1 This is me!,课时 4Grammar,译林版初中英语七年级上册,你知道一般现在时吗?,docerID:327037375,over there 在那儿,eg:Look, Lily is over there. 看,莉莉在那儿。,考向,over there 在那边(指较远处),与here相对应。 eg:There are many children over there. 那边有许多孩子。,(1)over作副词,可意为“结束”。 eg:School is over. Lets go home. 放学了,咱们回家吧。 (2)over作介词,意为“在之上,在正上方”。 eg:There is a bridge over the river. 在河面上有一座桥。 (3)over作介词,还可意为“超过,多于”。 eg:There are over 20 boys in the classroom. 教室里有20多个男孩。,拓展,classroom n教室,eg:Our classroom is big and clean. 我们的教室又大又干净。,classroom是由classroom构成的合成词。 类似的词还有:classmate同班同学 football足球 bedroom卧室 blackboard黑板等。,拓展,考点,be动词用于一般现在时的句子中,考向一,我们常使用含be动词的一般现在时的句子谈论事实和状态。主语可以是人称代词,也可以是名词,be动词要与主语保持一致。 eg: I am from Nanjing. 我来自南京。 We are very happy. 我们非常高兴。 The little cat is very cute. 这只小猫非常可爱。,考向二 重点,be动词在一般现在时的句子中有三种形式:am, is, are。第一人称单数用am,第三人称单数用is,其他人称用are。be动词的否定形式是在be后加not,即在am, is, are后直接加not。be动词的一般疑问句式是将be动词提到句首,即将am, is, are提到句首。,一般疑问句的肯定回答用:Yes, 主语be. 否定回答用:No, 主语 be not.,魔法记忆,“我(I)” 用am , “你(you)” 用are, is用于 “他(he)”、 “她(she)”、 “它(it)”, 复数人称都用 “are”。 否定be动词后加not。,The reading room _ very quiet. I enjoy reading books there. A. am B. is C. are D. be,典例,B,【点拨】本题用语法判定法。主语The reading room为第三人称单数。,一、选词或短语填空 1. My bag is . 2. am in a new school in Beijing. Amy is my new friend. 3. We are in Class 3, Grade 7. Our is in that building. 4. Is Mr Wu our ? 5. Daniel your new classmate?,over there,I,classroom,Chinese teacher,Is,二、按要求完成句子 6. This is my pencil. (改为一般疑问句) your pencil? 7. Her dog is 2 years old. (改为否定句) Her dog 2 years old.,Is this,【点拨】This is. . . 改为一般疑问句用Is this. . . ?,is not,【点拨】含有be动词的句子改为否定句, 在be动词后加not, 故填is not。,8. We are in Grade 7. (改为否定句) We Grade 7. 9. Im a student. (改为一般疑问句) a student? 10. My name is Millie. (改为同义句) Millie.,【点拨】are not可缩写成arent。,【点拨】Im. . . 改为一般疑问句用Are you. . . ?,arent in,Are you,I am,三、根据句意和汉语提示完成单词 11. She is a (苗条的) girl, and she loves dancing very much. 12. Daniel is my new (同班同学). 13. Simon is now in Class Four, (年级) Seven. 14. I think Simon is a good (学生). 15. My mother likes (阅读) very much.,slim,classmate,Grade,student,reading,四、语法专练 (一) 根据句意用be动词的适当形式填空 16. He a teacher. His name Wang Gang. 17. I an English boy. I thirteen years old. 18. Who that woman? She Miss Wang. 19. How old your teacher? She 28. 20. you a new student? No, I not.,is is,am am,is is,is is,Are am,(二) 单项选择 21. Hello! Are you his father? . Im his uncle. A. Yes, I amB. No, Im not C. Yes, Im not D. No, I am,【点拨】Are you. . . ? 肯定回答用 “Yes, I am.”, 否定回答用 “No, Im not.”。由后面的 “Im his uncle.”可知应选B。,B,22. Look! This is our class photo. There 45 students in my class. A. has B. have C. is D. are,【点拨】句意:看!这是我们的班级照片。我们班有45位学生。本句含有there be句型, 排除A、B;there be 中be 要与后面的名词单复数一致, 45 students 是复数, 用are。,D,23. Are you in Class Two? . We in Class Three. A. Yes, we are; are B. Yes, we are not; are C. No, we are; arent D. No, we arent; are,【点拨】Are you. . . ? 肯定回答用 “Yes, we are.”, 否定回答用 “No, we are not/arent.”。,D,24. your new books in your classroom? Yes, . A. Are; it is B. Is; it is C. Are; they are D. Is; it isnt,【点拨】由问句中的books知, be动词用are;由答句中的Yes知, 用肯定回答。,C,25. What class you in? We in Class 1, Grade 7. A. are; is B. are; are C. is; is D. is; are,【点拨】we和you都是复数人称, be动词均用are。,B,本节课主要学习了以下知识点,请同学们及时巩固练习: be动词在一般现在时的句中的用法,课堂小结,感谢您的聆听,课时 4Grammar,译林版初中英语七年级上册,
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