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Unit 3 Is this your pencil?(Period 6),Learning Objectives,After learning this period, you will be able to: consolidate relevant vocabulary and expressions of ownership; briefly summarize the process of finding lost things and their owners; reflect on your experience.,Now, we have found the owners of all the lost items.,Lets have a class meeting to reflect (反思)!,First, the teacher asks the class to recall what they found or what they lost.,You remembered that the teacher asked you to collect the things and find the owners.,3 erasers,6 pencils,3 rulers,1 pencil box,3 books,1 blue pen,1 green pen,2 red pens,1 dictionary,1 school bag,Tom: Excuse me, Grace. Is this ? Grace: , thank you. And those are . Tom: And Jane, is this ? Jane: . Its hers. Tom: OK, and these are . This is , Jane.,You remembered that you asked Grace and Jane to see if they are the owners.,Tom: Excuse me, Grace. Is this ? Grace: , thank you. And those are . Tom: And Jane, is this ? Jane: . Its hers. Tom: OK, and these are . This is , Jane.,You remembered that you asked Grace and Jane to see if they are the owners.,Who is the owner?,Tom,Grace,Jane,Tom,Grace,Jane,The teacher invites you and the other two students to talk about what they lost and what they found.,Tom,Grace,Jane,Make up conversations and sum up the expressions of looking for the owner.,Is this your pencil? Whose pencil is it? Yes, it is. It is my pencil. No, it isnt. The pencil is hers.,Make up conversations and sum up the expressions of looking for the owner.,Tom: Whose yellow pencil is it? Grace: It is my yellow pencil. / The yellow pencil is mine.,Grace: Whose red books are they? Jane: They are his red books. / The red books are his.,Jane: Whose erasers are they? Tom: They are her erasers. / The erasers are hers.,Tom: Whose green pencilbox is this? Grace: It is her green pencilbox. / The green pencilbox is hers.,Review,This is my photo. This is your photo. This is his photo. This is her photo. This is its photo.,The photo is mine.,The photo is yours.,The photo is his.,The photo is hers.,The photo is its.,These are our photos. These are your photos. These are their photos.,Review,The photos are ours.,The photos are yours.,The photos are theirs.,This photo belongs to Bob.,This photo is Bobs.,Tom,I found a yellow pencil, two erasers, one ruler, some red books and a green pencilbox.,I lost some red books.,Tom,Grace,Jane,I lost a green pencilbox.,I lost a yellow pencil and two erasers.,You are going to talk about your experience of losing / finding school things.,Tom,Grace,Jane,How did you find the owner? /Who helped you find the lost item? And how do you feel about the experience?,Hello, everyone. My name is Tom. I found in the classroom. I asked, and found out. I feel. because.,Tom,Good morning, teacher and classmates. My name is Grace. I lost . Tom helped me find . I feel .,Grace,Hi, everyone. Im Jane. I lost in the classroom. helped me find I also helped find I feel because; I also feel because,Jane,Tom,I found a yellow pencil, two erasers, one ruler, some red books and a green pencilbox in the classroom.,Hello, everyone! My name is Tom.,Tom,I asked Grace and Jane, and found out that:,The yellow pencil and two erasers are Graces. The green pencilbox is Janes. I also found my red books in the classroom.,I feel so happy because I helped other people.,Tom,Good morning, teachers and classmates. My name is Grace. I lost a yellow pencil and two erasers in the classroom.,Grace,Tom helped me find my yellow pencil and erasers. I feel so grateful to him.,Grace,Hi, everyone. Im Jane. I lost a green pencilbox in the classroom.,Jane,Jane,Tom helped me find my green pencilbox. I feel so thankful to him.,Jane,I also helped Helen find her ruler. I feel very glad that I helped other people.,Have a discussion in your group.,What have you learnt during the whole process (过程)?,What are the procedures (流程) of finding the owner?,What are the procedures of finding your lost items?,How can we try to avoid (避免) losing things?,Tom,Grace,Jane,If you find some thing, you should: First, ask other people. Whose is this? / are they? Is this your ? / Are they your ?,Tom,Second, you can take the lost item(s) to the Lost and Found in your classroom. Third, you can write a found notice and post it on the notice board.,Tom,If you lost some thing, you should: First, wait to see if anyone finds your lost item.,Grace,Second, check the Lost and Found and see if your lost item is there. Third, write a lost notice on the notice board or a lost letter on the school website.,Grace,Jane,In order to avoid losing things all the time, we should: First, put everything in order (整齐的). Second, label (做标签) our school things.,What are the advantages of the Lost & Found?,easy,time-saving (节省时间的),organized (有组织的),Thanks for your attention!,
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