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20152016学年度第二学期期中教学质量检测三年级英语学校_班级_ 姓名_评价_Part Listening(听力部分,共60分)一. Listen and choose(根据录音内容选择正确的图,在图下打“”(10分)|m 1. A( ) B ( ) 2. A( ) B( ) 3. A ( ) B ( ) 4. A ( ) B ( ) 5. A ( ) B ( ) 二. Listen and number。(根据录音内容给图标上正确的序号) (共10分)b1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三.Listen and choose the right words(根据录音内容选择听到的单词)(10分)( ) 1. A. cat B. bag C. dad ( ) 2. A. big B. pig C. it( ) 3. A. he B. she C. me( ) 4. A. long B. tall C. small( ) 5. A. grandma B. grandmother C. grandpa 四. Listen and circle the right letters.(根据你所听到的内容,用圆圈圈出单词发音的字母。)(共10分)1. A.-e B.-a 2. A.-i B.-e 3.A .e B.-a 4. A.-i B.-a5.A. a B.-e五Listen and choose the right answers.(根据录音内容选择相应的答句。)( )1.A.Im tall. B. Im from the UK. ( ) 2.A.Yes, he is. B. No, she isnt. ( ) 3.A.Its big. B. She is my sister. ( ) 4.A.Hes my father. B. Shes my mother. ( ) 5.A.No,he isnt. B. Yes, she is.3六.Listen and write down the words.(听录音选择单词,并把单词正确抄写在四线格里。)(共10分)pig cat milk ten big1. Look at the Its fat. 2.I have books.3.Have some . 4.My is so cute.5.Look at the elephant. Its so .MPart Writing (笔试部分,共40分)一.Read and match.(将下列句子和对应的图片连接起来。)(10分)1. It is small. A. 2. It is fat. B. 3. It is big. C. 4. It is tall. D.5.It is thin. E.二. Read and choose. (给下列句子选择正确的中文意思。)(10分)( ) 1. Is she your mother? 新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网 A. 她是你的妈妈吗? B. 她是你的姐姐吗?( ) 2.She is from the UK.A. 她来自美国。 B. 她来自英国。( ) 3. My father is tall.A. 我的爸爸很高。 B. 我的爸爸很瘦。( ) 4. It has a long tail.A. 它有一条长尾巴。 B. 它有一条长腿。( ) 5. My brother is a student. X A. 我的哥哥是一名教师。 B. 我的哥哥是一名学生。三Complete the sentences。(根据图片的提示,选择符合句子意思的单词,并把单词正确抄写在四线格里。)(10分) six, student, grandma, USA, leg1.Im Amy. Im m 2.Hello! Im from the 3.My is long.4.-Whos that woman ? -Shes my . 5.-Is she a ? -Yes,she is.四.Look and choose. (根据图片及所给句子选择合适的一项填空。)(10分)A. Is she your mother? B. He is my father.C. Nice to see you, too! D. Im from China.E. Look at the giraffe.4.( )3.( )2.( )Where are you from?Nice to see you again, children!1.( ) Its so tall.Whos that man?5.( )Yes, she is. 三年级英语试卷参考答案Part Listening(听力部分,共60分)一.BABAA 二.13452 三.CABCA 四.BAAAA 五.BAABA 六1.pig 2.ten 3.milk 4.cat 5.bigPart Writing (笔试部分,共40分)1. A2. B3. C4. D5. E二. ABAAB 三.1.six 2.USA 3.leg 4.grandma 5.student四CDEBA听力材料一. 1.Whos that woman, shes my mother. 2.Im from China. 3. This is my grandpa 4. The giraffe is so tall. 5. This is Mr. Jones, hes a teacher 二. 1. Where are you from? Im from Canada.2. Whos that woman? Shes my grandma.3. Be fat. Be fat. Be fat fat fat.4. He is a teacher.5. Look at the pig. Its fat.三. 1. dad 2. big 3. she 4. small 5. grandma.四1.bag 2. pig 3.pen 4.milk 5.cat五1.Where are you from? 2.Is he your father? 3.Look at the elephant.4.Whos that woman? 5.Is he your brother?六. 1.pig 2.ten 3.milk 4.cat 5.big新课 标第 一 网
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