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新概念英语第一册Lesson1: Excuse me! Excuse me!打扰一下Yes?什么事?Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? Pardon?什么?Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? Yes, it is.是的,它是Thank you very much.非常感谢Lesson 3:Sorry sir.My coat and my umbrella please.请把我的外套和雨伞给我Here is my ticket. 这是我的票。Thank you sir.谢谢,先生Number five. 第五号Here is your umbrella and your coat.这是你的雨伞和外套This is not my umbrella. 这不是我的雨伞。 Sorry sir.对不起,先生。Is this your umbrella? 这是你的雨伞吗? No, it isnt.不,它不是。Is this it?这是吗?Yes, it is.是的,它是Thank you very much.非常感谢Lesson 5:Nice to meet you. Good morning.早上好Good morning, Mr. Blake. 早上好,布莱克先生。 This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 这是索菲杜邦小姐 Sophie is a new student.索菲是一名新学生She is a French. 她是法国人Sophie, this is Hans. 索菲,这是汉斯 He is German.他是德国人。 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你 And this is Naoko. 这是直子She s Japanese.她 是 日 本 人 Nice to meet you. 很高兴遇见你And this is Chang-woo.这是昌武He s Korean. 他 是 韩 国 人 Nice to meet you. 很高兴遇见你And this is Luming.这是鲁明He s Chinese. 他 是 中 国 人 Nice to meet you.很高兴遇见你。And this is Xiaohui. 这是小慧She s Chinese, too.她也是中国人Nice to meet you. 很高兴遇见你Lesson 7: Are you a teacher? I m a new student.我是一个新学生。My name s Robert. 我的名字叫罗伯特 Nice to meet you.很高兴认识你My name s Sophie.我的名字叫索菲Are you French? 你是法国人吗? Yes, I m. 是的,我是。Are you French, too? 你也是法国人? No, I m not.不,我不是。What nationality are you?你是哪国人? I m Italian. 我是意大利人。Are you a teacher? 你是老师吗? No, I m not. 不,我不是What s your job?你是做什么工作的?I m a keyboard operator. 我是一个键盘操作员。 What s your job?你是做什么工作的?I m an engineer.我是一名工程师Lesson 9: How are you today? Hello, Helen.你好,海伦Hi, Steven.你好,斯蒂文 How are you today? 你今天好吗?I m very well, Thank you.我非常好,谢谢。And you?你呢?I m fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。How is Tony?托尼怎么样?He s fine, Thanks. 他很好,谢谢。 How s Emma?埃玛好吗?She s very well, too, Helen. 她 也 非 常 好 , 海 伦 。 Goodbye, Helen.再 见 , 海 伦 Nice to see you. 很高兴再见到你Nice to see you, too, Steven. 也很高兴再见到你,斯蒂文Goodbye.再见。Lesson 11: Is this your shirt? Whose shirt is that?那是谁的衬衫?Is this your shirt, Dave? 这是你的衬衫吗?大为? No, sir.不,先生。It s not my shirt. 它不是我的衬衫。This is my shirt.这是我的衬衫。My shirts blue.我的衬衫是蓝色的。Is this shirt Tim s?这衬衫是汤姆的吗?Perhaps it is, sir.可能是吧,先生Tim s shirts white. 汤姆的衬衫是白色的。Tim!提姆Yes, sir.什么事?先生Is this your shirt? 这是你的衬衫吗? Yes, Sir.是的,先生。Here you are. 给你Catch.接住Thank you, sir.谢谢,先生Lesson 13: A new dressWhat color is your new dress? 你的新裙子是什么颜色的? It is green.它是绿色的?Come upstairs and see it.到楼上去看下。Thanks you.谢谢Look! 看Here it is!在这里That s a nice dress. 那是一件很好的裙子。It s very smart.它非常的时髦My hat s new, too. 我的帽子也是新的。What color is it?它什么颜色?It s the same color.同样的颜色It s green, too.也是绿色的。That s a lovely hat.那时一定可爱的帽子。Lesson 15: Your passport, please. Are you Swedish?你们是瑞典人吗?No, we are not. 不,我们不是。We are Danish. 我们是丹麦人。Are your friends Danish, too?你的朋友们也是丹麦人? No, they aren t. 不,他们不是。They are Norwegian. 他们是挪威人。 Your passport, please. 请出示你们的护照。Here they are.给你。Are there your cases?这是你们的箱子吗? No, they aren t. 不,它们不是。Our cases are brown.我们的箱子是棕色的。Here they are.给你Are you tourists? 你们是旅行者吗? Yes, we are.是的,我们是。Are your friends tourists too?你的朋友们也是吗?Yes, they are. 是的,他们也是That s fine. 好的Thank you very much.非常感谢Lesson 17: How do you doCome and meet our employees, Mr. Richards.过来认识下我们的员工,理查兹先生Thank you, Mr. Jackson.谢谢,杰克逊先生This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.这是尼克拉斯,这是克莱尔泰咯How do you do?你好Those women are very hard-working.哪些女人非常的勤奋。What are their jobs? 他们的工作是什么?They re keyboard operators.她们是键盘操作员。This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short.这是迈克尔贝克,这是杰里米肖特How do you do?你好They aren t very busy!他们不是很忙。 What are their jobs? 他们的工作是什么? They re sales reps.他们是销售员。They are very lazy. 他们非常的懒惰。Who is this young man? 这个年轻人是谁? This is Jim.这是吉姆He is our office assistant.他是我们办公室的助手Lesson 19: Tired and thirsty What s the matter, children? 怎么啦?孩子们。We are tired and thirsty, Mum.我们很来很渴。妈妈/ Sit down here.坐在这里吧Are you all right now?现在好了吗?No, we aren t. 不,我们没好, Look!看There s an ice cream man. 那里有一个卖冰淇凌的人。 Two ice creams please.两块冰淇凌,请。Here you are, children. 给你们,孩子们。Thanks, Mum.谢谢,妈妈。There ice creams are nice.这个冰淇凌很好Are you all right now?现在好些了吗?Yes, we are,thank you.是的,我们好了,谢谢Lesson 21: Which book?Give me a book please, Jane.请给我书,简Which book? 哪 一 本 ? This one?这本吗?No, not that one. The red one. 不,不是那本,红色的那本。This one?这 本 ? Yes, please. 是的,请。Here you are. 给 你 。 Thank you. 谢谢。Lesson 23: Which glasses?Give me some glasses please, Jane.请给我一些杯子,简Which glasses? 哪 些 杯 子 ? These glasses. 这些杯子。No, not those. The ones on the shelf.不,不是那些,是架子上那些。These?这 些 ? Yes, please. 是的,请。Here you are. 给你。Thanks.谢谢。Lesson25: Mrs. Smith s kitchen Mrs. Smith s kitc
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