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中考复习总结自测试卷十 一、单项选择。 1. It is reported that a kind of new smartphones can test the air quality (质量) around you. _ fast the technology develops! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 2. Her father _ a taxi driver. Now he works for a charity. A. used to be B. is used to being C. is 3. Two bridges _ over the river five years ago in our city. A. build B. built C. were built D. are built 4. FIFA World Cup _ every four years. Guess which team will win in 2018 Russia FIFA World Cup? A. is held B. was held C. will be held 5. Lilys brother is the only little boy here. The toy car _ be his. A. cant B. must C. may D. might 6. I cant find the shoes _ I bought last week. So I have to buy another pair. A. who B. which C. what 7. Your gloves should be made _ leather, for they feel soft and smooth. A. in B. on C. for D. of 8.Mary _ a math problem with her classmates when the math teacher knocked at the classroom door. A. has discussed B. was discussed C. was discussing D. discusses 9. I _ an invitation to the concert. I cant wait to go. A. receive B. will receive C. was receiving D. have received 10. Kevin will be healthier than before as long as he _ less meat and more vegetables. A. eat B. eats C. will eat D. eaten 11. Did you see a girl with an English book in her hand pass by just now? No, sir. I _ a magazine. A. read B. am reading C. was reading D. would read 12.Xinhua Zidian, or the New Chinese Dictionary, was first published _1953. A. on B. in C. at D. for 13. He wrote his phone number_ a piece of paper. A. on B. for C. in D. from 14.In the world, more than 30% of the schools do not provide safe drinking water_about 570 million children. A. with B. for C. towards 15.Hi, Bob. You dont look well. Whats the matter _ you? I talked too much and didnt have any water last night.I have a sore throat now. A. in B. of C. with 16. How strange! You sit in your room _ for a long time, Li Ming. I just want to be quiet for a while. Im sorry, Dad. I failed the test again. A.in silence B. in person C. in public D. in fact 17.The rain is too heavy. We can hardly go out, can we? _, or well get wet and have a cold. A. No, we cant B. Yes, we cant C. Yes, we can D. No, we can 18.Wang Bin has never stopped smoking, _ he? _, he hasnt. Although his wife always advises him not to. A. has; Yes B. hasn t; Yes C. has; No D. hasn t; No 19. He didn t go to school, did he? _, though he had a stomachache. A. No, he didnt B. Yes, he didnt C. Yes, he did D. No, he did 20.People in the past could hardly eat fresh vegetables in winter, _? A. could they B. couldnt theyC. could people 二、按要求完成下面句子。 1. They sent those videos to the poor children.( 改为被动语态 ) Those videos _ _ to the poor children. 2. You can keep these books for two weeks.( 改为被动语态 ) These books _ _ _ for two weeks. 3. My sister likes the songs . The songs are gentle.( 改为含定语从句的复 合句) My sister likes the songs _ _ gentle. 4. My mother likes noodles better than rice.(改为同义句 ) My mother _ noodles _ rice. 5. My father doesnt know the boy under the tree.(改为含定语从句的复 合句) My father doesnt know the boy _ _ under the tree. 三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. That rich man _ (make) a wish before he _ (die) last month. 2. As the boys got to the airport, the plane _ (take) off. 3. I _ (be) at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came. 4. Tom _ (say) he _ (read) the book twice by 2016. 5. The Reads _ (have) lunch before I _ (get) to their house at 12:30. 6.A Chinese father made some nice dresses for his daughter with his _ (wife) old shirts. 7.Mobike is considered to be a new _(invent) in China. 8.Would you mind giving me some _ (advice) on how to plant trees? 9.We should take action to protect animals in _(dangerous). 10.The silk scarf is pretty and _(match) her blue coat very well. 四、根据汉语意思填写单词、短语或句子补全下面各题。 1. 当他们到达山顶的时候,太阳已经升起来了。 _ the _ they got to the top of the mountain, the sun _. 2. 李先生在餐馆吃完饭后错拿了别人的伞。 Mr. Li took somebody elses umbrella _ _ after eating in the restaurant. 3. 走路去上班不但减少空气污染, 而且有助于我们保持健康。 Walking to work _ _ cuts down air pollution, _ _ helps to keep us healthy. 4. 那个男孩子过去常常和妈妈顶嘴, 但现在不了。 The boy to his _ _ _ _ mom, but now he doesnt. 5. 她时不时地去乡下看望她的爷爷奶奶。 She goes to the countryside to visit her grandparents _ _ _ _ . 6.上周,杰克当选为班长后,他迫不及待地把这个消息告诉他妈妈。 Last week, after Jack _as a monitor, he _to tell the news to his mother. 7.昨天下午放学的时候天正下着大雪。(snow) _when school was over yesterday afternoon. 8.襄阳是一座如此古老而又美丽的城市,以至于我已经深深地爱上了 她。(fall) Xiangyang is such an ancient and beautiful city that_ _her deeply. 9.我们的老师总
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