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Period 2 Section A 2a3c.教学准备1教师:录音机、磁带、多媒体课件。2学生:复习学过的学习用品的名词,携带自己房间的图片或者画出自己房间的摆设。.教学目标1调动学生开口讲英语的积极性,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2教给学生练习英语听力的方法和技巧。3学习本课的知识点:(1)词汇:come,come on,desk,think,room,their,hat,head,yeah,know (2)句型:Are the keys on the sofa?No,they arent.Theyre on the table.Wheres his pencil box?Its in his schoolbag.Wheres your ruler?Its under the chair.Where are their keys?Theyre on the table.4培养学生通过看图(如展示物体的位置)或看实物的位置,以口头形式进行情景表达的能力。.教学重点(1)词汇:come,come on,desk,think,room,their,hat,head,yeah,know (2)句型:Are the keys on the sofa?No,they arent.Theyre on the table.Wheres his pencil box?Its in his schoolbag.Wheres your ruler?Its under the chair.Where are their keys?Theyre on the table.教学难点1正确运用所学的介词描述物品的位置。2看图(如展示物体的位置)并熟练进行口头情景表达。.教学步骤Step 1:Greetings and talking建议1:值日生向全班同学展示、汇报自己的家庭作业,描绘自己房间东西的摆放。For example:T:Class!Who is on duty today?Then let the student who is on duty have a duty report.The report includes his/her homework and describing the positions of the objects in his room.建议2:运用多媒体开展 “头脑风暴”:复习上节课学的单词table,bed,bookcase,sofa,chair,on,under等。For example:T:Class!Now,lets have a brainstorm!Read and recite the words that we learned as quickly as possible.建议3:唱方位歌,目的是复习上节课的名词以及方位介词,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中开始新的学习。For example:T:Class!Lets have a chant about the words that we have learned.schoolbag,schoolbag,in the schoolbag;table,table,on the table;bed,bed,under the bed;bookcase,bookcase,in the bookcase;sofa,sofa,on the sofa;chair,chair,under the chair.Step 2:Game建议:开展接龙游戏此项活动既可以在小组内进行,也可以按学生的座次开展,目的在于让学生兴趣盎然地说英语。教师首先向学生介绍游戏规则。For example:T:Hello,everyone.Well play a game.Work in groups.The first student in your group asks a question,the second answers the question and asks the third student another question and so on.If you cant answer or ask a question about where things are,please sing an English song or read an English text.T:Where is my book,S1?S1:Its on your desk.Where is your backpack,S2?S2:Its under the desk.Where is your pencil,S3?S3:Its in my pencil box.Where are.?Write “on” “under” and “in” on the blackboard.Try to encourage more students to join in the game.Step 3:Listening(2a,2b)建议:2a 教师告诉学生不一定每一个单词都听清楚,在听之前,仔细看图,弄明白所听的物品是什么,注意把握关键词。目的是指导学生逐步学习听力技巧。For example:T:Class!Lets listen to a conversation.Listen and number the things.For the first time,just listen.For the second time,number the things.2b 因为上一环节已经听了两遍,学生这次听一遍即可。然后核对答案。For example:T:Class!Look at the picture,listen to the tape,and number the things from 2a in the picture 16,OK?Now listen.Step 4:Practice建议:教师安排学生两人一组就2b图中的物品位置进行问答,并且找几组同学进行表演。目的是训练学生的口语表达能力及纠正其发音。A:Are the keys on the sofa?B:No,they arent.Theyre on the table.A:Is the ruler on the table?B:Yes,it is.Where is the schoolbag?A:Its.Step 5:Roleplay建议1:利用多媒体展示2d的图片,学习单词come,come on,desk,think,room,their,hat,head,yeah。教师告诉学生杰克即将去上学,可是有些东西还没有找到。他问他妈妈东西在什么地方。然后让学生读几遍对话。For example:T:Jack is going to school,but he cant find his things.He asks his mother where his things are.Now,please read the conversation by yourselves.建议2:学生可以同桌之间分角色表演对话,也可以自由组合,但是在学生表演后要选出最佳演员以此来鼓励学生用心去表演。For example:T:Class!Please practice the conversation in pairs.Then Ill call some pairs to act out.After practicing,we will choose some students who perform the best.Then ask some pairs to act out their conversations for the class.Step 6:Grammar建议:教师让学生先读,接着分组对话练习,然后让学生试着总结“where”引导的特殊疑问句的结构。最后教师根据学生的总结情况给予完善。目的是让学生学会动脑筋,总结在学习中遇到的语法现象。For example:T:Class!Please read the sentences in Grammar Focus and learn to use the prepositions “in,on,under”When you talk about where things are,you should use“in,on,under”Now please read the sentences in Grammar Focus and then make conversations in pairs.总结如下:Where is the/your/my.单数名词? Itsin/on/under.(介词短语) Where are the/your/my.复数名词?Theyrein/on/under.(介词短语)Step 7:Drill1这部分内容与原教材相比难度降低了很多。建议1:教师让学生看课本3a,然后在课本上补全对话。For example:T:Class!Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.建议2:利用多媒体展示其他物品与方位,并写下答案。For example:T:Class!Look at the objects and their positionsplete the conversations according to the picture.Conversation 1.A:_ _the keys?B:Theyre _the _.Conversation 2.A:_ the baseball on the table?B:No.Its _.Step 8:Practice建议:教师让学生两人一组仿照3a编写对话,并选几组到前面表演并且及时给予评价。选出最佳表演者。目的是检查学生对句型的掌握情况,同时也培养他们的创新应用能力。For example:T:Class!We have practiced the conversations in 3a.Can you make a new conversation like that?Now work in pairs to make a new one.Then Ill call some pairs to have a performance.Step 9:Summary本课我们学习了come,come on,desk,think,room,their,hat,head,yeah等单词,重点学习和操练了句型“Where is the/my/his单数名词?Itsin/on/under.(介词短语)Where are the/your/my.复数名词?Theyrein/on/under.(介词短语)”。【巩固练习】1请从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。Tom:Mom!1_ I cant find them.Mo
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