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Unit8 Natural disasters Period 1教学目标:1. To learn the new words and phrases. 2. To meet the past continuous tense .3. To talk about different weather. , learn how to name and describe natural disasters .4. To teach the students to obey the traffic rules and protect environment .教学重点:1. To learn the new words about different weather and natural disasters.2. To describe natural disasters.教学难点:Describe the natural disasters and the past continuous tense .教具学具:A tape recorder and some pictures教学设计一 预习作业) 请学生初步了解并熟读本课时的词汇,再完成以下练习(英汉互译).1. disaster _ 2.earthquake _3. storm _ 4.accident _5. _大自然的;自然的 6. _冲掉;冲走 7. _村庄;乡村 8. _闪电 9. _暴雨 10. _雷;雷声 ) 自主探究,请带着下面的问题阅读 教材。1. What is wrong with Hobos house ?2. What does Hobo want Eddie to do ?3. Which is not a natural disaster , a rainstorm, a flood, a big storm or a traffic accident ? 二教学过程.预习交流Free talk and check the preparation out.A. 单词,个别读且纠正-集体教学朗读-提示重点单词B. 问题,小组核对-集体校对-质疑交流. 展示探究 Step One: Presentation1. T: What is the weather like today ?S: Its _ .(复习有关天气的单词)T: Hobo has some trouble .What happened to him ?Lets have a look . (Let the students read the Comic strip and answer some questions .)1.)Whats the weather like ?2.)What happened to Hobo?3.)What was Hobo doing when it started to rain ?4.)What happened to Hobos house ?5.)What does Hobo want Eddie to do ? 2. Listen to the tape and read after it .1.) Understand “was sleeping” 的用法。2.) Translate into Chinese .start to rain_ half an hour later_ .mop all the water up_ 3. Check the answer and ask “What words do we use to talk about bad weather?”(引出rainstorm, snowstorm, typhoon等新单词) 4. Complete the exercises in Part B and then use the past continuous tense to complete some sentences .1) David was cooking at 8 last night. (cook)2) Mr. and Mrs. Park _ at 8 last night.(watch TV)3) I _ at 8 last night. (wash my head)4) My mum and brother _ at 8 last night. (do homework)5) Mr. Black_ at 8 last night. (read newspapers)6) Larry _ at 8 last night. (do some cleaning) 5. Finish Part A on the book at P93 . 1) Translate into Chinese . (在书上划下来并翻译) . lose the game_ . kill thousands of people_ a car accident_ . wash the village away _ . start a big fire_ fall from a tree_ crash into a tree _ 2)Check the answer6. Show Feedback展示反馈1) T: According to the description, judge whether it is or not. 注:a natural disaster(一个自然灾害):客观自然环境造成。 an accident (一场事故):主观人为造成。2) Check the answer and read together . Step : Practice1. To show some pictures about natural disasters or accidents .2. To have a discussion in groups .3. To describe one of the natural disasters or accidents after the discussion . 检测反馈一单词填空。 1. A terrible_ (大自然的)disaster has taken place(发生)in poor areas last year. 2. What were the causes(原因) of the _ (事故)? 3. Time can _ away those unhappy memories.(冲掉) 4. The river runs through some_ .(村庄) 5.(闪电)_ never strikes(击中) the same place twice.二用 started to rain , lost the game, fell from a tree , started a big fie , mopping up all the water up , killed thousands of people 填空1. He _ and hurt his right leg. 2. Tom was_ when the earthquake happened.3. The typhoon_ in 1998. 4. Lighting _ yesterday. 5. They_ and went back to school unhappily.6.I was sleeping when it_ .三、 单项选择.( ) 1. There are_ students in my school.A. thousand of B. two thousand C. two thousands ( ) 2. The girl _ homework when the typhoon came. A. were doing B. does C. was doing( ) 3. A women and a man _ in the water when the flood came. A. were doing B. does C. was doing( ) 4. The boy _walking home when the thunder and lightning_ . A. is doing, comes B. was doing, come C. was doing, came( ) 5. People_ at home when the snowstorm
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