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1High school math problem solving mode of teaching and practiceAbstract This paper analyzes the seven aspects, namely, “problem solving” the theoretical framework of classroom teaching mode, “problem solving” the function of classroom teaching objective, mathematical problem solving training objectives, “problem solving” classroom teaching operating procedures, mathematical problem solving classroom training evaluation criteria, mathematical problem solving and methods of evaluation criteria, the study results. Key Words high school classroom teaching mathematical problem solving This paper tries to teaching practice through research, looking for “problem solving” capacity-building and curriculum materials complementary knowledge system and balance between learning, teaching theory to form a stable framework and brief strong operational mode of mathematics teaching, promote student mathematical awareness, logical reasoning, information exchange, such as mathematical thinking quality improvement of the quality of independent 2learning for students, personality development and lay a good foundation. First, the “problem solving” theoretical framework for classroom teaching 1. In the context of a certain problem situation, students can take advantage of the necessary learning materials, with the help of teachers and peers, access to knowledge through the active construction of meaning. 2. Problem-solving abilities of students learning mathematics to power, and the system of mathematical knowledge to provide protection for the solution to the problem. Problem-solving ability and mathematical knowledge construction of the complementarity and balance between the help Improvement of cognitive structure. 3. Students and teachers are active role in teaching activities and elements, teacher-student relationship is inter-subjectivity, interdependence, co-ordinated, the subject of both teachers and students in the teaching process should be developed and play. 3Second, the “problem solving” the function of classroom teaching objectives Study found the problem, the potential of creative thinking necessary to develop and cultivate active participation, the spirit of unity and cooperation, enhance teachers and students, the emotional exchange between peers, the formation of conscious use of mathematics, basic skills and analyze the problem of mathematical thinking, problem-solving abilities and awareness. Third, the mathematical problem solving training objectives 1. Mixed question - can the problem situation analysis and synthesis. 2.ll Modeling - mathematical able practical problems, a mathematical model. 3. Will be transformed - to transform the mathematical problem of return. 4. Will be classified - the flexibility to use various mathematical ideas and mathematical methods to a given problem or a solution of problems, and can be summed up and finishing. Fourth, “problem solving” model classroom 4teaching procedures 1. The creation of the problem situation, to stimulate students interest in exploring The main method of creation of problem situations: (1) described by the language to guide students in the form of story-telling into the problem situation. (2) the use of audio, video, computer animation and other media to create a visual image of the problem situation. (3) Students rehearse sketch, reproduce the problem situation. (4) the use of photos, pictures, objects or models. (5) organize students to site visits. 2. Try to guide the teaching of mathematics activities as a carrier In the attempt to solve the problem of students in the process of problem solving is often difficult to grasp the direction of thinking, it is difficult to establish the link between the old and new knowledge, it is difficult to determine whether the application of correct knowledge, method selection is valid, accurate solution of the problem is, which requires inspire and guide teachers. Inspire and guide common ways: (1) review and 5problem-related knowledge. (2) reading materials, learning new concepts. (3) to guide students to think of questions, speculation, analogy, induction, reasoning and so on. (4) organize students panel discussions and class exchange. 3. Independently solve, the ability to develop long-term interests as a teaching Enable students to learn and develop problem-solving way of thinking need to give students experience repeated many times, “self-solving” process, which requires teachers to the cultivation of mathematical thinking as a long-term task, teaching in the classroom training to enhance awareness in this area . Common ways: (1) For relatively simple problems, allowing students to complete, so that students understand the use of mathematical thinking to solve the problem of happiness. (2) For a certain degree of difficulty of the problem, should allow sufficient time for students to think independently and then to try to resolve. (3) For the larger problem of the int
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