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1High school physics teaching method selection and optimization strategiesSecondary school physics teaching methods under various names, but no one is “universal”, “universal” high school physics teaching process is a complex process that contains a variety of factors interact to complete the task is multifaceted. single instruction is difficult to fully and effectively to complete the purpose and tasks of physics teaching in secondary schools. saying: “工欲善其事必先利其器”, in order to have a multiplier effect it is necessary to solve the problem of the methods and strategies teachers to seize the central link of the classroom teaching, combined with the spiritual essence of the quality of education, and actively promote the reform of the new curriculum standards, the use of teacher-student interaction, teaching process, to take appropriate teaching strategies to be optimized combination of a variety of teaching methods, flexible application , full of vitality, to get the best teaching physics teaching. First, the three common courses types of teaching methods , According to the physical features of the 2subject in physics teaching, teaching methods reflect the following three experimental teaching, the teaching of knowledge and exercises teaching. (1) the experimental way of teaching physics experiment teaching four, demonstration, student experiments, class experiments and extracurricular experiments. Demonstration experiment is to enable students to acquire perceptual knowledge, cultivate observation and thinking ability, causing interest in learning in order to to obtain good experimental demonstration experiments to be prepared in advance, and strive to clear the phenomenon, and with the necessary instructions and explain student experiment is an important form of teaching physics experiments. each experiment in the operating capacity-building to the concrete implementation, teachers experiment for inspection tours, and timely detection of problems, problem-solving class experiments and extracurricular experiments complement the experimental teaching junior high school physics book has many interesting little experiment very close to life, such as: soil-phone production. 3(2) knowledge of pedagogy in the physical basics of always the most basic physical concepts and laws of physics. Physical concepts and laws of physics teaching is a more systematic process of using students prior life experiences or knowledge base to create the physical environment, the introduction of physical concepts and laws on the basis of perceptual knowledge, ask questions, and guide students to analyze, comprehensive, generally, to enable students to correct formation of the concept, grasp the law. reuse of typical problems, the teachers and students to discuss and deepen on the knowledge, understanding, and gradually learn ideas and methods to solve physical problems. 3 is an important form of exercises teaching exercises teaching is also a physics teaching. After about a number of important concepts and laws, the general to arrange for the recitation of problem-solving guidance for timely and focused review and problem-solving training. Second, select the objective basis of the physical 4classroom teaching methods Physics teaching is not a fixed pattern, nor is it the subjective intention of the teacher, the adaptation of teaching methods have an objective basis. Teaching purposes the choice of teaching methods in the final analysis the overall goal of the teachers for teaching purposes. To this end we must first clear the classroom teaching, followed by thoughtful analysis must be made in order to have targeted the selected teachings. The choice of classroom teaching methods of teaching materials characteristics will be subject to the constraints of teaching materials. In general, the content features of the specific teachings are different core knowledge in the content of high school physics concepts and laws from observation of life, the production instance summary summed up the knowledge and physical experiments. Such as the concept of force, power principles. By known physical knowledge, using knowledge of mathematical methods derived. Such as momentum, kinetic energy theorem using observation, experimentation, reasoning according to the 5characteristics of the process of teaching activities and students, to the corresponding analytical methods. (3) student characteristics of students to learn the process is the starting point and destination of the teachers in the teaching process. Teachers to analyze students age characteristics, physiological and psychological characteristics, level of intelligence and potential of the knowledge base, the factors of the physical learning difficulties, classroom learning performance it is necessary to prepare teaching materials but also to prepare students. 4. Teachers expertise and teaching style of teachers teaching the process designer, director and implementa
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